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sorry for being two hours late! tbh this thing of posting always at midnight (in my time zone) is causing more stress than anything. Expect a more flexible approach with my posts in the future (except for hero's heart, that's gonna still be posted at the same time each tuesday) Anyways , reaching the climax in this story , hope you like it!

p.s. as always, i attached the original files in a rar archive to the post.



Rodney Talon

Oh no the true champion had arrived. A DEMAYO',S crotch Guaranteed diamond slayer It's awake and pissed


pink diamond is horny.

Robert Smith

Oh it is Diamond Time


For a moment, I thought Ruby was about to fist the fusion


Glad to see you showcase his diamond powers, cant wait to see how you use'em


First of all, loving the update, looking forward to see what comes next ^3^! Secondly, dude, why you apologize? Look at all the work you are doing. You are doing so much, please dont worry if it take a little more to make the posts. Blaze please take your time and enjoy the works you share with us. We are looking forward for what you make, when you make them. If you need to re-schedule your posting, do it, but please do it with no rush or worries. Above all we want you to be well and healthy. Thank you once more for all your hard work, and make sure you are well rested!


Amazing! Thanks for all of your hard work. I love reading this comic so much... It makes me so happy when there is some new pages ^^