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nothing too complicated this week, i'm still busy doing checks and medical exams, but i managed to draw a couple pics nonetheless!

for Soupy

To the surprise of no one, having your mind ravaged by the Fire leaves a mark in your brain. In the father's trench the civilians of dusk acres try to cope with the lasting repercussions of what they experienced as they can. Some try to distract themselves and divert their attention from the pleasures they experienced, others dive headfirst into their impulses trying to snatch those lost feelings , and others yet, like damien potamus, seem to have turned this growing need into a business... 

for Cal

just your usual freelance police shenanigans. It's amazing what you can find in the places you least expect to find something, expecially if your pent up partner keeps you pinned on the ground for an hour.

and that's it for this week! hope you like the pics! as always , i 've attached a rar archive with the pics at full resolution to this post.


Robert Smith

Oh no these are both EXCELLENT


Holy fuck Damien!


We love to see more Damien!! 💚


Aaaaaa thank you BC Damien looks great!!! 😭💙




Wow you work fast, both of these look fantastic.

BearlyBoared (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 18:16:53 So good, you work so fast man ! take care of yourself ! <3
2022-10-28 08:26:44 So good, you work so fast man ! take care of yourself ! <3

So good, you work so fast man ! take care of yourself ! <3