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i'm kind of running out of things to draw for zap & andy (i animated some stuff but it's just small bits of animations that were needed for some revised moments in the  motel) , so i might have to look for something else to do on thursdays while the programming catches up with the graphics (suggestions are always welcome of course!)

since i wanted to draw at least something today i drew images for this patron's tiers.

They're incredibly tiny in the page proper because of patreon's image requirements, (can i really not exceed 400 pixels ??) so here's the pics in a bigger resolution

henchman tier:  

goon tier:

boss tier:

it's my usual shtick revolving around supernatural twenties mafia kind of stuff, but i had fun doing it! hope you peeps like it too-

apologies again for not having much for today, next week will be different-

till next time then!



Oh these are great damn! As for Thursdays, maybe make them just a free day where you draw something you want? OR possibly a sketch request day but I know those can be a lot to manage A final option could be a Patreon-Only commission day? I know there’s a lot of people who’d love the opportunity to commission you. Do it as a stream, or just a “I’m taking this today and finishing it by the end of day” sort of deal, that way they don’t leech into the rest of your working week.


You should sell these designs as physical stickers


I'm all for that commission idea 👀


Boss tier is doing things for me, ngl


You always say you don't have much to show and then shower us with amazing gifts BC <3


They're really cute!

Rodney Talon

Hmm post got eaten. Well more speculated some blasts from tge past. Resuming 3g Or revisiting old characters like redhead bear and his folks Tf style sequences Or, personal favorite, those space mecha that unify and sex up with the pilots. Alternatively just reacquaint us with other development projects. Werewolves, or your VN dating sim To keep thursday in theme Finally suggested maybe do something with jumpchain as basic or elaborate as wish with writing or sketches Builds, blurbs, or easily pound out a document for a setting, property, or genre/style not served. Themed around your art, favorite novels, games, or other media in 3 weeks max. I did, and nowhere as productive, practiced, and creative


They look really nice big guy ^w^! And no need to apologize. It is really good you guys are doing so much with that game too! Now if you want suggestions for what to do until coding is done, you can always keep doing just that, small ideas that you wanted to do for a while now, either being any small personal comic idea, or small random art pieces that you come up with. And if you are feeling that you want something else, you can always make small request event, and pic your fav requests and draw them.


I'll happily be that boss, hehe!


These look amazing! Great job, dude!

Neth Rusiki Azhti

I second the sketch/commission But you could also just take the day to draw stuff you want! Take the say to stretch your artistic muscles, maybe experiment with things you don't normally draw, new styles and stuff x3

Neth Rusiki Azhti

God, now with these icons I'm glad I've been a boss for so long 👀💦