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it's time to choose your star's realm of influence! in addition to their commanding voice and their ability to hear the thoughts of the bearer of the ring, the stars of fate are capable of shaping the world around the bearer in a limited way, manipulating the elements that compose it. There are some rules to it:

1- the realm you choose will influence what kind of name we'll pick for you and the appearance of your star. We already chose some on this update based on the descriptions on the relative comment. For those who appeared in this update, let me know what realm your star controls.  maybe the windchime star controls wind? or perhaps sound? you're free to pick whatever you find more appropriate. This is true for all the other stars of course. Write in your next comment the realm of your star aside from your usual comment - (i.e. star of the realm of lust, i'm going to give cherry a boner ) 

2- the realm of time is forbidden.   

3- the have an easy time manipulating the elements of their realm,but creating said things from thin air is a higher form of magic, and all magic has a price...

4-the strength of their powers depend on the consensus they have between them. The unified will of the stars of fate is powerful, but having an unified front in their ranks is rare. This means that the more likes a command to use a star's power gets the more powerful the manipulation will be. 

(i.e. if a star of fire says in their comment they want to enlarge the flame of a candle , 5 likes will probably be enough for it to have the desired effect. but if they wat to extinguish a house fire, they'll probably need around 20 or so.   The likes are also what is used to determined if something gets past the stats of a character. We know now wolf has 20 strength. So to debilitate him or restrain him, that's how many likes a comment from a star that has the realm of weakness, body, or something like that will need) 

5-more than one star can share a single realm. A star can also choose not to select a realm until it feels like it's time to do so. (This is for fun, there’s no rush or pressure to pick one.)

as an additional rule, please refrain to use the powers of the stars to create ad-hoc images and oc inserts, loopholes around these rules aren't appreciated.

apologies if this is a lot to read, but i thought laying down some rules would make this a bit more fun. On that topic, meek has written down some FAQS that i encourage you to read:




Lee Evergreen

Sweet Star: My dear, sweet child. We have brought many stories to an end. Some sweet, some bitter, some sour. Our role is simply to guide in the best case scenario. In the worst, we control and destroy. But we have faith in yours and your masters strength. You have such interesting... conditions.~

Robert Smith

Windchime Star (realm-Sound - trying to use that to carry the noise of Wolf's going ons to Cherry) - Ah, yes, proving ourselves... Hmmmm... is there a piece of gossip you want to learn? I could carry it straight to your ear, cutie! Perhaps even the noise of what your master is getting up to right now... though be careful, you might find it a little... scandalous. OOC - AHHH this is extremely interesting! I think I am definitely gonna have to read the rules a few more times, and think long and hard about this update, but this is so cool! Also... that scene with the good doctor >///< When does Cherry get that treatment?


Star of Wisdom-of the Realm of Creativity : We are many here to inspire, distract, guide, etc. Each of us holding power of many realms. *Grants Cherry inspiration of the stars*


Star of Gluttony, when Cherry is making dinner: A hearty meal may soothe your Master's anger. Make a fitting plate for him and see if his temper cools once he has been stuffed full. (I hope I'm doing this right)

Crimson Claw

Star of Promises; Remember if your words are your bond, then others will be bound to their promises to you. Always remember this.

Lee Evergreen

I'm hoping to set up The Realm of Sweetness to mean more than just candy. I'm trying to make it have dominion over intimate emotions. Feelings of trust with an old friend, love in a longstanding relationship, the love one feels for a parent or mentor. Those feelings that make your heart flutter. Hopefully to manipulate negotiations in our favor.


Star of Adventure:I like your friend, he'd make a great party member to have. So don't give up Cherry, I've helped plenty of future adventures start off and they've gone to experience things from seeing new lands to killing gods. I'll make sure you'll get to do the same as your master.


Hungry Star: "Proof! Here." A cherry materializes. "A treat for you, young lad. A fruit I bear. One by your name, a cherry rather sweet. For it shall soothe your worries and your fears. Lad, by my side, they'll soon bow at your feet." HAHA! "I jest, as we the Stars are wont to do. Embellish, joke! But know you're bound to grow. O young Cherry, I see a leader true. To you my gift, Harvest is what I know." If Cherry eats the fruit, XP gain and temp stat buff.


Earthhearth Star (Realm of Nature/Harvest): Oh sweet thou child of fate, thine path are both blessed and cursed by it thus. Verily verily, believe in us and our power will continue to grow, trust in us and our powers will come to you, heed us and the world is yours. Perhaps this may be a small and pleasant sign that we are here. -In the cracks of the Stone around him, grass and a single white Daisy grow, beating the odds of their environment and growing supernaturally fast.- OOC: going for a star of nature and perhaps eventually being able to grant Cherry some healing spells or debuffs feels like such fun. Especially giving healing to the one who is himself afflicted by illness aahhhhh! The drama, the story telling. Makes me so so excited. I imagine the start of the Earthshearth to be a kind and loving God, able to give reassurance like a loving parent and able to give blessings of the earth and nature around him in both tangible and subtle or interesting ways.


My hope is to kind of be a guiding force for creative thinking, maybe granting divine inspiration. Kinda gives them knowledge or ideas that they typically wouldn’t know


The Compass Star -- Domain of Exploration: Life is but a path that's tread, harken to what your doctor said. Stout of heart and strong of mind, Ye never know which road ye'll find. A time for patience, a time to run, prepare it wisely 'fore ye adventure's begun. The Compass Star shall impress a need to learn and prepare for an upcoming event, despite not knowing what will occur. It wishes to enrich the need to grow. Perhaps it will lead him to a purpose to his quest, permissible or no.


Star of Matter - The Gemini Star-: "We can spy on things for you! While part of me is here, another part of me can find things out and tell you! "Look my child, we can help you in ways nobody else could ever! i am not only talking about getting opinions but skills, magic, adventure, and more! want to learn a very cool trick? see that paper on the floor? touch it while thinking of the word "Gemini" and then touch something else with the same finger. (by doing that, the touched objects will swap properties, the wall is now soft and weak like paper, while the paper is thin but strong as a brick wall) "We can help you, hear us, desire Us, because we hear you and desire you as well"




Star Long Forgotten: ''Hello, little one. It seems you're in quite a dire situation. Fate is up to its cruel shenanigans once more, and is trying to etch itself unto your life and that of those around you. Not only do you have to deal with your paticular situation, but now you have us, me and my brethren, constantly whispering into your head. Trying to pull you every which way. Listen, dear, from now on things are only gonna get harder for you and your master, many challenges will present themselves, and in the end, your destiny shall be waiting. Our voices might offer you things, tempt you with gifts of glory, riches, or even pleasure. But remember one thing, only you have the power to alter your fate. Whatever that fate might be, I'll be impatiently waiting to see what you chose. I'm rooting for you~'' *As the voice fades away, one star shines particularly bright in the sky* OOC: I'm so excited to see where sweet Cherry goes from here, I love him so Also the Doc won my heart over instantly, he's a very sweet kind of dom

ZooFan 123

Might as well give it a shot, Star of muscle - Domain of War, here’s but a taste of the power we can give, grants temporary strength buff with more pronounced muscle characteristics with slight decrease of intellect


(I love the classic fight RPG style that show up in combat that was great 🤣. ) For the realm of my star I was thinking Realm of Dreams could work like illusions and sleep magic. Wanting to help dreams come true but is also very close with the other side of the coin nightmares. Star of Dreams: I don't have any references sweet Cherry, but just hoping to help you achieve your dreams as the owner of our ring. What are your dreams Cherry?

Lee Evergreen

I realized this wasn't entirely clear. I'm hoping my realm has charm abilities and debuffs. Making people more suggestible by making them think they have intimate feelings for our duo.


Gateway Star (Realm of Pathways): Our sweet plump child, have a calm heart when we say we are here to aid you in your future endeavors, many of us wish to see you blossom and thrive. OOC: The Gateway Star guides, and helps the protagonists to go down the safer path down his quest. Or if they desire maybe an even more challenging path filled with tougher enemies but even more rewarding treasures. The Star can also see down the other possible pathways the hero could have taken but has no power over changing the course once the hero has chosen their desired path, locking the remaining paths.


"Star of the Firepit: Can you smell the smoke? The ashes of fires long-since burnt out, laid by hundreds of other hands over the years. There is work to be done, but can you already feel the soft warmth of the kindling? Can you feel it grow as you tend it, stoke it, that it may protect you through the night? Can you already taste the smoky flavor of meat cooked over an open flame?"


I hoping that the Compass star would help provide direction to new experiences, or to flesh out wants and desires that the wielder may hesitate. It could reveal secrets, maps, unseen pathways. It may manifest coins for a toll or a way to book passage on the ship. It's subtle, but fate usually is.


Seeing Glass Star, Realm of Deduction: My dear child, with our help, you will be without peer when it comes to logic and deducing the truth. You will be able to pick up on the subtlest tells a person might have, and figure out the threads of logic in order to see how events will play out. Who knows? Perhaps you may use these threads to set up those events in the future... The seeing glass will provide a heightened sense of perception and logical deduction, which could perhaps linger in its absence, as well as knowledge of people's behavior and how to read them, knowing how to react, and using both to your advantage.


Should probably give some context as to why I'm going for that name for my star The idea is that basically it's star whose ways got it shunned by Fate itself, eventually having its realm be, not quite destroyed, but made near inaccessible Even while talking through the ring, its power is still vastly restricted more than any other star Voice coming through gentle and soothing, probably easily ignored if Cherry tried

Robert Smith

Extra OOC - Hmmmm... did Dominic get weird colour veins pop up after he used magic? *very* interesting...


Star of Peace- "Oh well... We are just voice to you, we can't really call on anyone for references, but we have helped others before! Let us prove ourselves to you! We want to help you after all, only if you let us!" I was thinking of being able to pacify others, maybe through spells like the doctor used. Being able to help defensively, dispelling attacks and such, or just genuinely being able to help in negotiations.


“References? I am of the Realm of Fathers. I am reason and authority, but also comfort and protection. I wish to see you grow into whatever you will be. I shall hope you do the same for others - as the growing boy who would one day be a father.” “...To clarify, it’s metaphorical. You don’t need to have kids - it’s more a mentorship in the form of the ideal fatherhood-- I’m getting off track. I just wanna make it easier on ya’, bud.” OOC: Realm of The Fathers: I think of the influence this realm would have as a sort of paladin mentor. One that empowers, secures, and that teaches to give empowerment and security to others.


Loving these shifts in the style and format! The game elements are a lot more closely tied to this story than I expected at first

Star Ringer

Star of Winter - A breath of wind, with the barest feeling of powder snow that makes skin pebble. There are no leaves to rustle, and for a moment, all is quiet in audible silence, when snow blankets all around.


Polar Star: Star from the Frozen/Ice domain "We are the stars of Fate. Those who bare the Ring you now wear can here us Young Cherry. Many of us will bring you blessings, Many want to see you have sex. You deserve more. Talk to your Friend Dom and your Master. about your condition as we have overheard. Wishing you luck." ((OOC)) This is lovely and love the satyr/goat doc taking over with magic/mind control. and the fact wolf willingly submits is so hot. Wishing could have a ice mage penguin appear but I just love the whole thing.


Fisherman's Star - The Realm of Trinkets and Possibilities. To Cherry: "Oh dear sweet Cherry, your intentions were good! Don't let this set back get you down. You wanted to surprise your master with a gift, which sadly backfired. However, you can't give up! Show him that you can make it right! Perhaps a new gift for him is in order? Show you truly care for him, you'll never know until you try."


Star of the Advisor (Realm of Knowledge): Hmm! Well, I suppose if you need a test of our (my) power, I can share that I know about your condition! Supposedly terminal? Your guild's doctor trying his hardest to find a cure despite being declared incurable? I'm afraid your lupine guardian knows about this himself, now, if you were hoping not to worry him. A hard rap, to be sure! I can see why you are in such a hurry. We can assist you in reaching your destination! ... Though, if you would allow me to act on my purview... If this was an intentional secret, I recommend you try to clear up the matter as soon as possible! These sorts of things degrade trust. And the more quickly your lupine guardian knows the full story, the more quickly the two of you can figure something out! Two strands woven together are stronger than a single one, after all! (Was that RPG screen inspired by Octopath? Because just mmph, that was perfect!)


Milden Miles Star: "Your so called Master didn't sounded content with your opportunity for growth. Can you share with the starry why is that?" I'll pick the Milden Miles Star - Of the Realm of the Traveler. It influences on tracking, path finding and sense of direction. Might help Cherry, or whoever has the ring on a easy trip throught a treacherous path, or find themselves easier when lost.


(I noticed my comment appeared in this update as "Hungry Star", I was thinking of a realm that has broader applications. Realm of Harvest, governs cultivation. Food, power, growth, etc. Whatever one might cultivate. Once again in iambic pentameter!)


Also goes without saying how cool it was the fight screen between Dominic and Cherry!


The Binding Star - Realm of Unity. For any forms of a similar value, they may be combined into one for a time, in which their shared attributes are greatly enhanced. Weapons, spells, monsters, potions. Perhaps even more. "Oh you will find us capable of many fun tricks. Now let's see...there is little here for me to work with. Perhaps if I combined some of your books into one mighty tome of knowledge."


Star of Lost Causes: "Does it seem too good to be true? Do we ask for too much? You want proof of my domain, look at this opportunity as it. When everything seemed lost, you got another chance. You owe us nothing. Our offer brims with risk, but also of golden rewards. It is your choice, in the end. Will you choose despair?" The realm of lost causes, of the last hope, of longing for a miracle. My realm governs the unlikely. The supplicant who have nothing left to loose. It pushes the boundaries of what it means to face "impossible" odds. It is the respite of the faithful.

Blade G Shepherd

Star of Desires: “Oh dear……my precious strawberry otter! Is that your stomach growling?! You must be starving you poor thing! How’s about you indulge yourself with some of your delicious delicacies? It’s perfectly normal to let yourself go a little, just means you will be well fed to protect your master. A bit of belly won’t hurt right? Afterall, the pure euphoria you will feel stuffing your gut senseless will make you feel so much better. Hehe…..The thought of your belly growing out of your clothes is giving you a boner isn’t it mortal? Feels good, doesn’t it? OOC: The Star of Desires resides in the Realm of Indulgence. A voice with the ability to encourage someone’s deepest desires to come to the surface. It can be very sleazy, silver tongued and teasing, but it is also is very flirty and coy. Whatever those desires maybe, it will see to it that those desires are fulfilled and allowing the recipient to fully enjoy those desires.


Already deeply in love with the Medieval Modern aesthetic we got goin on

Nex Canis

Prismatic Star: "Our power is still developing but find a reflective surface. Gaze into your reflection. Gaze into yourself and see your potential and the possibilities. Do you wish to be a dashing rogue? To be a mighty warrior? A powerful sorcerer? All this I can show you." *Each reflection changes to the described possibility* Prismatic Star - Realm of Perception. Governs the domain of light/darkness/color. Might help to highlight certain aspects of the environment or even hide Cherry or the wielder by shrouding them in darkness or bending light so their are invisible or changing their appearances entirely.


Star of the realm of blood: We hold very little power at present, however I think there is something I can do to prove our words carry some weight in your realm – focus now on the beating of your heart, apprentice. Do you feel it quickening? That rush? The adrenaline? It’s not much, but it might give you an edge in battle. We can help you, if you’ll allow us. (OOC: I love the presentation of the battle, and the scene with Wolf and Dr. Cleric was unexpected, but very much welcome 👀)


Star of change: we know you are dissatisfied child, this life of yours could be better and you know that, your love of your master is not entirely reciprocated why don't you figure out what he wants from you and them we can figure out what you're potential shall be.


Star of Lightning: controls electrical currents, whether it’s in the air or in a living being. “My dear Cherry, I want you to focus on your hand. Feel the sparks flow between your fingers. This is but a small sample of what I can offer you. Do you not want power?”


Star of Lustful Desires: to understand and manipulate the lust of others. What do you lust for child, what do you desire the most? And would you like to know what your master desires? What others desire? If given the opportunity to control that lust, that desire would you take it? Falls into the realm of indulgence. In summary the ability to understand the desires and lusts of others (see fetishes if possible) and at the height of power, the ability to control another's desire and even manifest it.


A Tear Star, The realm of the Inbetween: "Our power is limited for the time being, but allow us to show a little window of what we're capable of." A small portal have appeared showing a peaceful mountain, letting out a cold breeze before vanishing. "You see, we can also show you window of other realms and even realm you didn't think existed. Alongside of offering items that may assist you." OOC: What I'm trying to go with The Tear Star of realm of the inbetween is that this Star can open up portals of other dimensions to bring things or being to aid the characters or help the characters to make a quick escape to a safer distance if things get out of hand. Perhaps even summon items or weapons when necessary. I'm really looking forward of how this story will go.


Star of Fear: We know more than you can comprehend. We know the nightmares that plague you; the memories you wish to forget; the regrets you are struggling to avoid. But, most importantly, we know of the dangers that are coming. Dangers that will consume both you and your Master IF we are ignored. OOC: the Star of Fear resides in the realm of shadows. It’s a place where darkness twists and bends but never retains a constant shape as it’s always finding new ways to coil around the ever flickering light. The Star of Fear uses these shadows to create ghastly visages and terrible nightmares. Although it does this to incite the idea of death, it’s primary goal is to give people the motivation to avoid such terrible outcomes. Fear is necessary, fear can keep you safe. So to sum up - the Star of Fear can manipulate shadows and creat frightening images of potential futures to avoid.


Star of Tranquility: It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, young hero. I know you are probably overwhelmed by meeting so many stars of fate at once. Just know that we are here to assist you in various ways. Whether our assistance is a boon or detriment is up to the star of fate. The Star of Tranquility lives in the Realm of the Mind and is in control of everything relating to tranquility. Able to pacify monsters and people, provide clarity, and remove negative thoughts and emotions. Even make someone more vulnerable to suggestion because when your head is empty you can't really object to anything and you'll do whatever you're told.


Star of Reflection. My power is one of many uses it lets you see where you went wrong in the past to prevent mistakes in the future and see what you need to inin the present, see through mirrors into other mirrors, and put up reflective barriers though that one until one is strong enough won’t work on like magically created solid objects like rock, water, ice, magic arrows BUT it still works on like magic bolts, fire, electricity, wind and normal arrows. My power can help with many things Self reflection, reviling false hood, protection, being just a general shiny surface that you can use to reflect light and blind people, and more! If you wish to use it my power is yours. :)


And yes this star is based on THAT game... 😉


Star of voyuerism : Proof? here u go~~~ ( show past images of the master and dr. cleric fornicating), pretty neat huh. I bet my siblings can give more evidence to form a path to ur destiny and shape it in ur favorable outcome

Dorenrab Sildano

A flower on a sill above withers, the petals drying, crumbling to dust as they fall around Cherry. "It matters not whether you believe us or not, morsel. We shall work around you, changing the world here and there. Some of us shall work for your benefit. I wish I could say that all of us will, but the fates are a capricious bunch. At the very least, I shall strike at your foes, make their gains lesser or none. For the famine comes after the hunger that reaps the harvest." The star of famine is of the realm of harvest, but rather than affect our protagonists, his goal is to lessen the bounty of those who stand against our stars, widening the gulf between the gains of our heroes and the losses of those who oppose them.


Silver Luminescent butterflies flutter in front of Cherry's visage and disappears as he attempts to reach out and touch it. "I am unfortunately unable to provide proof of my own existence young light. However I can assist you in ascertaining the truths of the world with your own eyes. But judge not lest ye be judged. Everything around you is not what it seems. I can help you see whats real and what's not. All I require of you is the benefit of your trust." Reality Star - Realm of Judgement: I discern truth from fiction, physical from Corporeal, Reality from Fantasy. Sight is crucial in being able to determine where one’s intentions may lie. Being able to see through the haze of falsehoods will help you live a lot longer than you might think. Inversely, if you need to commit a falsehood yourself out of necessity, I will do everything in my power to assist. OOC: This is an amazing job well done! The RPG battle scene was done beautifully!!


Star of Rainfall - Realm of Water: Please calm yourselves down, we must not overwhelm the young one, not yet anyway. But know that when conditions are met, we can truly empower you and can improve your chances for your last liscence exam, though not guarentee it without hard work on your part. Perhaps you can get help from that nice Dominic fellow in preparing yourself, after all a river is stronger the more sources it has. Ooc: this was a really good chapter. Got introduced to some new interesting characters and got intrigue for the plot. I can’t wait to find out more about everything.


Heed The Star of Calamity. I do not bring about misfortune to you so much ring wearer, but at times to them around you. Both friend and foe alike. For when all is going well, I bring chaos to keep you on your toes.

Himbo Barret

Star of hedonism: You Sweet Sweet Butter ball Cherry~ why Worry about about anything? Let us Show You the Joy of indulging in your own pleasure Eat, Grow Big and Chunky! Fuck, Let your basic instinct take over! Just Focus on growing and Cumming that's all you need in this world. And it doesn't just Stop at you Show and guide people down this Path help them all guide them down this pleasurable road OOC: The star of hedonism resides in the Realm of indulgence (Explained By Blade G Shepherd)


The Lodestone Star, Realm of Magnetism If Cherry or someone near the otter were to fall and/or to be struck by projectile(s), said person or object(s) momentum halts then hovers in place before landing softly on the ground. (Bestow the user the ability to manipulate attractive and repulsive forces with objects and people including themselves.)


Hahaha damn your good taste, Hedonism was the title I was considering. Use it well.


Star of Gambling - realm of trickery: Salutations to the one who now claims us. Is this by chance or destiny that we have come together. You want us to prove ourselves to you? Isn't this chance meeting enough? What's so bad with putting some faith in us? Take a chance and we can open up possibilities and highs that some beings only dream of obtaining. Its still so early to back out know, the wheels already turning. OOC: The star of gambling can heighten intense feelings and create a sense of euphoria in bleak situations. It is also notable for enhancing both positive and negative status effects, the effects get stronger depending on the chance of failure.


The Span Star, Realm of range: Hello aspiring one! Span Stars the name! Lets play with distance shall we! (Alters the range of all things, a sword's reach will be longer, a spell will go further, one can see further, an ally can be closer then they'd actually be. The vice versa can also be applied to enemies)


Star of Caring: "My dear, sweet child. We are many! Each one of us looks over a different aspect of reality. Some of us look over matter, some of us look over spirit. I will look after your bonding. And I do hope we will all look after your well being and... your master's of course. And Dominic's as well. If it's important to you, it's important for me... For us, I hope. Not sure if our references can be checked in some way, but maybe you could talk to sweet 'Keth'? Not sure if he shares your dimension, your space and your time but he did experienced the period and place where one our powers were the more similar to what they are know... But concerning proof: can you feel how well Wolf is feeling right now?" OOC: the Star of caring can perceive the status of people the ring bearer's feels a strong bond towards. Its power is mostly based on empathy. It can cause the ring bearer's to know how well a friend or lover is both physically and emotionally even when far away and sometimes make the bearer feel the same way. It can also heightens spells and abilities of cure.

Zen Furo

Star from the realm of Sound: "Well, now I could bring you and your green friend into a big musical number, but that would be too bombastic. How about something simple, like a melodic tune coming out from one of you?" Nothing apparent happens, until Cherry opens his mouth, and he starts singing every word he says for a panel. People who hear him might look at him funny after that. OOC Section: I was thinking that this star would govern musical affinity. A star with taste in things music-related, it will bless Cherry and his group with music-related abilities (speed boost, songs to buff/debuff, dance battling style), and hindrances (penalty for stealth related rolls, chance to be forced to repeat the last action, etc). It will make sure that Cherry and his group put on an interesting show for everyone to see. I'm really digging the turn-based combat style for the fights. I'm always a sucker for those! Also, I'm concerned on Cherry even more now. What kind of condition does he have? I'm starting to like Dominic more too. A big muscly dude with a gentle heart? Sign me up. And that satyr doctor is a nice hottie. And Wolf being zonked like that was cute and hot. It's also nice to see how concerned he is for little Cherry.


Star of enjoyment: But you had so much fun in that fight! Did you not? The happiness you felt brawling your friend and the excitement you had when you received the ring, don't you want to feel that again? I have a feeling you might!


The Heart Star (Realm of Emotion) : Your master has quite the turbulent temper. He may be as rough as a storm at sea with his behaviour, but one should try looking past that facade. It hurts, I know. That old soul is fighting hard for you, more than you know. There's something about you son, that folks crave. A soft stillness within you. It's a nice kind of quiet. Like the sound of a page being turned in a book. You can be the eye of the storm for anyone you meet, whether it be your master or Dominic. (OOC I thought realm of emotion could work well as a nice broad concept to power up attacks via emotion, have empathy based powers and such! Having a friendly father figure type voice could be interesting in the mix, like a comforting voice after an argument or something c:)


Excellent update, a good mix of tension and a little dash of horny to break that tension! >wo 11/10!


The Golden Star of the Realm of Avarice: That yearning for more. More than what you have, more than you could ever hold. You dream of things material, naturally, but also of things you CANNOT touch. Power, knowledge, status. Love. It is more than just greed. You covet. But a blade has two edges. What may seem selfish to some, you know to be the right path. You will not wallow in mediocrity. You wish to be something MORE. And when you covet something with all your being, you may just find it within your grasp. THAT is Avarice.


The Focus Star-Realm of the mind If you are satisfied with the display of our powers, let us talk about you, Cherry. There is much we don’t know about this world but the big questions can come later. Looking through your mind and gaining immediate knowledge through your past would be more efficient. … There is a condition that sickens you, young one? Perhaps finding a cure can be our first task together…


ooc: I was thinking as the Focus star I could influence what and how much attention characters could have to any subject. Clear the mind of distractions. I could also give a buff to characters by putting them in a “flow state” where attacks do more damage, spells work better, and enhance their reflexes.


The Star of Mischief: "Well now that... Could have gone better. But here we are, yer still a cute one and your master definitely looks like he could use a day off. Let's make sure your masters satisfied when he gets back home... Hmmm maybe something to wash his fur with, that pink (pink hair dye) bottle looks pretty fun. What do ya say... Add some color back in to his life. Hehehe...

Bryan Whiteman

Star of Invention - Realm of Innovation You cannot rely on your master forever, child. His horizons are narrow. He has closed himself off from his own potential and therefore cannot see your's. If you plan to survive and thrive, you must take matters into your own hands. Failure is not an option, seek alternative methods to insure your success. By any means necessary. ooc: need more context before we can get ambitious with planning. just gather resources for now


could be an interesting double-edge sword. If too much focus is given perhaps a "hyperfocus" state could be achieved which accelerates a task at the detriment of spatial awareness


It is so hard to choose (being horny doesn't help...), but I think I have figured out what I desire. <b>Gargantuan Star</b> apostle to the <i>Realm of Growing Bigger</i> Love for all things larger. Bigger weapons strike harder. Bigger weapons need bigger arms to weld them. Bigger arms need bigger feasts to sustain them. Bigger feasts need bigger guts to contain them. Bigger, bigger, <i>bigger!</i> (A voice comes from the ring slightly deeper than most.) "Ho ho ho, I trust you're amazed by our fantastic abilities, ring wearer. But before we move any further, now it is turn for YOU to introduce <i>YOURSELF</i> to us. What would you like us to call you, little pup? How have you come to be in a place like this."


The Star of the realm of Flesh "Oh young one, can you feel it in your blood? The thrums of life, the desire for survival ? The strength flowing through your bone and sinews ? I offer you this, power and pleasure in the mastery of your corporeal vessel and those of your enemies. Struggle for your life, cherish the sensation of your flesh and I shall shine my crimson light on you, young Chosen." Next Time Cherry or his master are trying to use strength or a show of athletics, they receive a temporary boost to it.


The Mad Star - Realm of Chaos "Oh my... what lovely colours you have inside you. And what a strange smell this world has, it feels like... satin scratching on a wall. What was I saying? Oh yes, a proof of my domain. Well, little fruit, I can give you the power to see like I see, to mold the world and of course, have some fun. Who knows, perhaps you'll be the first one to understand me. By the way, did you know that if you eat to many cherrys you can die? THAT'S SO COOL!!!" OOC: I invisioned the mad star as a bender of reality, having the power to change it surrounds, but in a chaotic kind way. It can also make the user see the world in a different way, maybe allowing it to see thing that it couldn't before.


Star of Legacy: ensuring that, through any means necessary, something will survive down the line, wether it’s a name, a legend, a bloodline…. “There’s a lot of promise in you, and we would love to bare witness to what you’ll create. To this end, we bestow greater potency… more sperm means more chance to create heirs…”


It seems like we're very much aligned with our intentions.


Those final fantasy style fight screens are making me giddy! They fill me with warm nostalgia and look so beautiful. &lt;3


Star of the Realm of Suggestion: "Small power can go a long way, ey? Be it minor or major. The goal is to weigh the scales of fate, by balancing peace or tipping them for chaotic results. Every decision has consequences, young soul. We may offer the right or wrong path, whether the decision may be clear amongst the fog we do not have that answer only your heart can guide you. We will offer a decision, and we hope you will trust us and yourself" (OoC: That final fantasy portrait is just butter, man 👀. You never, dissapoint, BC.)

Warren (Stephen) Rose

The Elliptical Star of Rings - Realm of Bending Now: "I can alter the shape of things to some degree? Touch the ring to some material and concentrate on forming it into a ring. If you displease us, the ring might grow until it slips from your finger. If we are parted, the ring might roll or even bend to 'walk' its way back to you." If the subject of hunger, food or cooking comes up: "I'm having a craving for fried, breaded onion rings."


The Forging Star - References? My boy, that ring is forged of material that cannot be found on this material plane! You have been blessed with a divine artifact, and one not so easily made either if I say so myself! While not all that you may hear will lead you down a moral path, you have been given an opportunity. A way to forge your own destiny! OOC: A Molten Star of Divine Crafts. Morals of self discipline and forging yourself into something greater.


Domination Star Realm of Mindless Worship I hope to give our heroes the power to demand worship from our enemies. When activated hero will cause, with just a glance, foes and companion alike to desire to bend over and suck cock. Filling them with intense urge to obey and serve, infatuating desire to submit and pleasure their master. Even if an attacker resists, there is no way they can strike as hard at their master... "Tell me now... what is it your desire most in this life?..."

Vince Xanders

I have an idea of one of the stars giving him inflation and weight gain magic and he ends us using it to the point where it becomes his fetish and might wish to use it on others

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Midnight Star* - Forgive us. We are still figuring out what are the limits of our influence and our role in this play. Perhaps looking at our current form will make you feel closer to us? Here, let me show you. *Show him the starry sky within the ring in his mind's eye. An infinite expanse with countless stars, of which a few handful shine brightly, and many more will soon shine.* (*Midnight Star, Mind's Eye - Realm of Knowledge. Governs the domains of the mind, memories and the past, secrets, thoughts, mysteries, distant places, making the unknown known, and all knowledge.)

Neth Rusiki Azhti

OMG OMG OMG I ALREADY got a star?!?! I mean, I kinda figured. This is so exciting! I was so undecided about which realm I should choose. I feel the need to pick one now before everything is already taken. I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY that the rules are actually written down. Like, YES!!! This is what we need! This is a game after all! But, damnit, Patreon ate my comment...


If I am right about misreading the rules then I would like to be in the realm of wind/air. Airbending is goated after all. The same dialogue would be fine and maybe I could demonstrate by forming a mini tornado that lifts Cherry off of the ground.


Hmm, forgive me if I'm doing this wrong, but the first thing to come to my mind was the Star of Vanity. Realm of Persuasion. "Looks are important. How will you get anyone to listen to you if you don't look presentable, or at least intimidating?" I could see this is a charisma focused star. Following it's lead could help Cherry with persuasion check type things, and possibly if it grows powerful enough it could change clothes itself for disguise purposes and the like?


Forgot to add: Realm of Influence: Chaos, Fun, Reality Altering and Misdirection


Star of the dragon: give you either, fire breath, strength, wings, knowledge, magic resistance, or scaly skin of a dragon. Pick one at random.


I wish to be the star of grief; yet, not to dole out needless sorrow. But to remind them of tomorrow, and that their tears grant them relief. (Pretty much as stated, the processing of sadness as a way to heal. Artstyle: maybe blue and dripping tears? You choose!)


Domination hm? Well with hunger and domination alike Cherry is sure to get exactly what he wants 👀


"I understand we already seem to be untrustworthy cuz. Well y'know, mystic talking voices from mystery ring, but know that... Most of us, probably. Have the best intentions for you and this world, as it's fate could very well affect us as well as you... Just, forgive some of the more, brazen ones of our ilk. They can be-" *insert interruption here.* "Rambunctious at times..." (Star of Heroism: Domain of Knowledge, Tactics and Courage, from where stupid courage, death defying stunts and the lessons of heroes come from. A gradient between complimentary colors) So far the story's taking an amazing turn and I can't wait to see what's happening next. I'm also just really excited to take part in it. Keep up the good work.


(Edit: Misread a rule! Gonna try to fall more in line with rules as written here) Star of the Realm of Fire - "Y'know Cherry, a lot of us here are real contemplative types, but for me this is real simple; I look at you and I see a guy who could really use to learn how to throw a fireball! Unfortunately, that's a little beyond me right now, so we'll start small: Why don't you light a flame on something you don't mind saying goodbye to, and I'll burn it up in a flash!" Action: Enhance the speed and heat of a fire Cherry starts so that the object he sets alight burns as quickly as possible, and extinguish the flame as soon as the object is mostly reduced to ash. (OOC Cherry could use some good old fashioned DPS, and I think this would be best path to help him with that. Also want to say that Dr. Cleric is really hot and Dom is real sweet. I'm so looking forward to more of this!)


(Oh my goodness, Enigmatic Star?! Its so mysterious and unexpected, I love it so much. Thank you BC! Thank you Meek! Its gonna be hard to live up to such a superb title hahaha. I think I'll wait an update before I decide on what Realm Enigmatic serves. Also I just noticed Dominic had golden braces, so cute!!) "We have been in slumber for so long, this is Port Zero is it not? I almost did not recognize it on your walk home... this place has changed so much since the last hand weld our powers. One of the buildings intrigued me, I spied a strange blue tower in the center of town, it appears to have a story to tell, do you know it?"


The Conqueror Star: Realm of Power. A star representing the singular strength of the individual. Victory is all that matters; legacy is immortality; conquest is life. The bassoon notes of this star's voice are laced with promises of power, so long as the listener is willing to... see things from the star's perspective. In the simplest of terms: The Conqueror Star is a warrior-king, strength and cunning. It values brutality, willpower, and intelligence; it thinks poorly of empathy, self-sacrifice, and weakness. Might makes right. Conqueror Star: "Do not dwell on your failure. Rumination on past events leads to ruin. Instead, take this time to observe your former opponent. Do you desire more strength? If so, I can swell you, gently, to bridge the gap. So long as you promise to do better in your next bout." Action: The Conqueror Star is offering Cherry more physical strength and stamina, to literally inflate his body with a SMALL amount of its power. HOWEVER, when he next engages an opponent, his BLOODLUST will be amplified against his will.

Asher Heart

The Star of the Inconceivable Matron- The Realm of Fear *As Cherry stares into the ring’s jewel, it’s color turns pearlescent white and the deep, breathy voice of a woman enters his head* “Greetings boy, we haven’t been formally introduced yet, or have we… for my presence is present wherever fear may manifest. Tell me something Cherry… when you fight others stronger than you, stare into the dark, or walk alone at night, do you feel fear…? It is not wrong if you do, fear is only natural and experienced by all, but only the strong can face fear and grow from it, even when their breathing is rushed and their knees quiver. I’ll make you a deal… seek out what scares you, face your fears, feed those feelings to me, and in return, I’ll give you the drive to fight even with quivering knees. I will make you a force to be reckoned with, young one…” (For context- it has been told The Matron resides in the weird and terrifying Realm of Fear, feeding off the fear of mortals for pleasure, and that her visage is so unbelievably horrifying and maddening- the cosmos themselves adorned her head with a reflective mask and surrounded her in a blinding light to protect mortals from looking upon her. When her influence is gained, Cherry is briefly given a buff to his Willpower and Agility when facing his fears or MUCH stronger opponents, but he also takes a brief debuff to his Callousness.)


Dawn's Star* - Aaa, A new bearer wears the ring at last, hope we can turn your journey into a blast! A little joke to calm the nerves, we hope, cause your future now is slowly unfold! What path you might take? What form? What role!? So many paths, and we can't wait to see! (if possible) * As the midnight Star show him the starry sky, we show him figures of their future self, after working hard, depending on which path they might follow, like a warrior figure, or a mage, or a druid. All forms, though, appear as just constellations in the night sky, dots connected to one another, no more details. Let's leave the future a mystery to see ;3 (Dawn's Star - Realm of Joy and Magic. Governs the domains of pure unbound magic, and positive emotions that helps the flow of once power. If wished really strong, the flow may increase, granted the user the power they require to unlock their own magical abilities, they desire that moment. And the stronger the positive emotions from the user, the more the chances to aid the change and to unlock the new power.) (Ok, I do hope i have done this right! The story does look rather interesting, and wonder where it might lead ^3^!)


I know right! Now i wish for a game like that one day ^3^! I wish to make one to be accurate ^w^!!


Star of healing : "let's see what's behind that patch" (Realm; gives a boost to mending wounds and can assess all ailments on bearer and those in their party.)

Kode The Yoshi

My kind of MMO. This is looking to be a wonderful series just like the last.


even after thinking i cant settle on a realm, i suppose i should wait and see how things unfold, best not to be too hasty. i should warn you cherry though, with every great tale there is always ample strife behind it, the waters of fate are murky and chaotic and will turn against you in an instant, my advice is to know what you desire and persue it at all costs, you will not succeed with halfhearted attempts

Rodney Talon

Proof? We are still learning of your circumstances, and our influence. Let us try something. Together. Remember your mentor's orders. Relive that sensation, down to tail. Let it not fade. Pull it from the past to your spine. Seize it in place. Thicken it, seep it into you, deep below your bones' hollow. Keep to the task your master set you. Refine it to your Àṣẹ. The bettered home, the perfected repast, renewed knowing of the place, and moving as you intend with no distraction or restriction. Relax when you fulfill the task and poured yourself into the work. Alls well, you'll ache of ardous productive training day, less than hour passed. The room shall hum of your devotion, shine of your intention, smell of your well-wishes, the meal will taste of your eagerness and flavored with your hope. Hydrate. Sit. Wait to be joined. Leave the food untouched until master’s direction. ((OOC: editing credit to Agent G / Taylor / Star Ringer Cut it down from this monstrosity https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lR9tipIS-EWISPsesmit18RCvR9MqqH6HF17PLJekbY/edit?usp=sharing NOT submitting just if curious full induction/intent Does the "haste" effect violate realm of time restriction?))


Bweh, I don't want to miss out I would like to represent the Realm of Pleasure "Cherry, may I ask what happened to your eye?"


I hope I'm not too late! (Thanatopic Star - Realm of Death): "He he he, prove ourselves? Boy, I can give you power over death itself! Have you ever wished to speak to fallen loved ones? Raise an army of undead from the ground? Absorb your enemies life force? You can have this power and more... If you are willing to pay the price. Be careful young one, everytime you use my necromatic power, your soul will darken more and more." (OOC: I'd like to propose that the usage of this star's powers damages the user, maybe lowering willpower or callousness. Other uses of this power could be the healing of others by sacrificing hit points or sharing the same hit point pool between allies by "life-linking")


The True Star - Realm of Transparency: aids those in discerning the truth from individuals, or their bluff checks, and helps rebuke external influences by granting clarity of the mind.

Christian Walters

The Star of Journeys - Realm of Direction: can act as a guiding star to help someone find their way, be it literally to a location or metaphorically to an abstract goal. A journey is just another way to say “adventure”, after all, so though the way provided is true, it is seldom direct or simple and will almost certainly be the more challenging path, e.g. the path will definitely reach The Lost City™ but only by going through the darkest tunnels. Mechanically, it’s a tradeoff of a guaranteed path at the cost of something else. Additionally, the Star knows the way, and the way alone; it knows no more about the destination than the characters do, much less about any danger along the way.


Dammit, I wish I knew that I could've suggested a name!!! ARGH!!!

Yoked Coder

Star of Dreams - Realm of Memories/Insight: Meant to aid those in deep thought to find clarity or discover hidden meanings. The idea of revelations or that eureka moment. In a stat it would be boosting their intelligence or Insight skill OOC I can't wait to see what new thing you come up with and really flex for yourself this time!


It's not too late! Feel free to comment and let us know whenever you think of one!


Star of Harmony - Realm of Balance and Equilibrium: It brings about equality and equity to anything that brings instability. The focus of this is to get a counter to the situation. It depends on the current conflict where it can provide something for the user to utilize to be balanced, but it might not bring resolution if not used properly.


Welp took me a bit to decide on my Star after awhile but hey I hope I'm not to late! Wanted to make a Star that could breach the line of seriousness and silliness or both~ Star of Performers - Realm of Entertainment: Flexibility and nimbleness of an Acrobat is another thing to have up your sleeve. A flurry of attacks is upon you. Then invoke the acrobat within you to cartwheel, backflip or even simply handstand to dodge what comes at you. Leaving those who witness your performance in awe. Do you want to lighten up the atmosphere? Well let the performer in you take stage! Do a simple trick that baffles others, tell a joke that make others crack up, sing a melody to shift the mood, recite a poem or story to tell others, maybe even dance or get everyone to join in and dance with you. Above all else an entertainer needs to be able to make anything into a spectacle or a performance. I feel this star would be able to utilize AGILITY when to comes to using your body in combat, along with LOQUACIOUSNESS and SILLINESS affect what type of performance you use or even a combination of the two depending on said "performance."

Jovik Darkson

Star of Fortitude - Realm of Durability: Pain Tolerance, improve defensive capability, thick skin and resistance to diseases. Able to take damage and shrug it off. Edit to add: "Cherry, there's something wrong with your master!!" "Help him"

Ryn Fox

If it's not too late... The Influence Star - Realm of persuasion, sway, and manipulation. "We can help others see your way of thinking, or open your mind to theirs when it will help you on your journey."