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so here's how level up for the characters will go: you can vote on the stats , you want to grow, and the 4 stats that get the most votes will grant the character a +5 in that stat.  Once a stat grows big enough, something peculiar might happen! 

aside from the stats you can vote to give the character a new trait, possibly describing it in the comment. sectopm If the trait option is among the four that win the poll, i'll pick the trait that receives the most likes in the comments.

here's a brief explanation of what the stats represent. There's more to them, but this is the gist of them:

Strength is physicality, fitness, from raw power to endurance.

Intelligenceis knowledge and the ability to apply it; everything from book learning to street smarts.

Agility is speed, reflexes, dexterity, and reaction time.

Willpower is ego. The ability to remain convicted, resist mental influence, and think for oneself.

Perception is using the senses to be aware of and understand one’s surroundings.

Thriftiness is bartering, being wise with money or a good business deal.

Loquaciousness is using the power of language and words, whether its pillow talk or a hostage situation.

Callousnessis emotional control and sensitivity, or a lack of both.

Silliness is a lack of seriousness or common sense and an excess in humor, joviality, and absurdity.

Special is something at the core of one’s being that makes them unique, for good or ill. Each creature has a unique special stat (i.e. wolf's special stat is Ruin.)


Stats are the building block of a character and measures them. Every character has the same stats-

Traits are more specific descriptors or qualities of that character related to their backstory, mindset, or physical appearance?

Example: Strength is a stat, Dildo Lover is a trait

all right, that's all i can think of at the moment , hope this is not too complex! let the leveling up begin! 



(EDIT: reworked my trait) My trait of choice is Vore Enthusiast: gets hungry when they see another person, craves the feeling of swallowing them whole and keeping them squirming in their belly, pleasurably dissolving them into delicious pudge. (If you want to vote for this, be sure to pick "bonus trait" so that it stands a chance of being added as a stat)


When we get to suggest traits? Every time someone level up or when they reach a threshold of attributes?


Where's the Luck/Critical stat?


Let's not forget the hidden Luck stat also help increase the probability of Enemies dropping Rare Item(s) or sought after Material(s) after battle.

Star Ringer

I'd like to suggest Tradition. I'd say it affects much things like rituals, ceremonies, and holidays boost his mood, but also make participating in those things increase other stats, possibly? Conversely, Tradition would affect his reaction to new norms and the unknown. Unless someone can convince him it's actually some lost, arcane rite that they're only just uncovering, perhaps...


Can "Loquaciousness" be used in Bartering? Wolf is a handsome fellow which I can see him easily charm/seduce a Shopkeeper in some distant village.


Suggestion for a trait: Insight. It would govern Wolf's ability to perceive the influence that the stars/players are having on the world, and potentially make him attuned to other magical forces around him.


deleted my trait since its something i want to give cherry! i'll comment it again next update or w/e Cherry levels


I think this is gonna be a low intelligence run LOL I'll still vote for INT tho.


Can I vote to lower willpower?

Zen Furo

I kinda wanna suggest a trait called Glory Seeker. A trait that affects victories, rewards, and inclinations to seek higher paying, but higher risk actions, or lower paying, but safer actions. Something that would make him greedier or humble, depending on the circumstances. Successes can make him boastful, confident, reckless, while defeats can make him humble, weak-willed, desperate, with more successes/defeats in a row affecting him more.


Heh, Strength is going to win every single time if its an option. Ultra Beefcake Wolf is the future!


Let’s try to keep his stats somewhat balanced remember a Jack of all trades is master of none BUT oftentimes better than a master of one.


Perception. The more they notice the more we notice

Ryn Fox

I hope he stays nice and round even if his strength goes up. Maybe he just gets all kinds of thicker.


Any sense we have on what the Ruin stat means?


voted for will power it's a BC story and with Meek in the mix wolf man is going to need a LOT of willpower


Trait : Sweet Tooth. Cute gruff Wolf can't resist a bar a chocolate, his tail wags


Give him a bit more will, especially if he has to handle a rambunctious young one


Trait: growth He can make himself big or small anytime.


Trait: Oblivious Prevents Wolf from being afflicted by Charm/Infatuation, Intimidation or falling for Taunts


Hoping that with Wolf's Perception being high will null or minimize the drawbacks.


Boy, that bonus trait really is the wildcard option, huh? That's less voting for what you want and more just voting for chaos.


Trait: Iron Sight It allows Wolf to focus constantly on a weak spot or advantage in battle, even if he is under any spell or corruption (that means that he has clear idea of the situation, even if himself cant do something about it).

Asher Heart

Trait: Big Gut It allows Wolf to gain more energy and health from food and drink, however if he consumes too much it will apply the Bloated effect- filling his guts with gas bubbles and slightly restricting his movement in combat only for a short period of time.


Trait: Fluffy : increase cold resisitance, better for sharing body warmth XD


Trait spell eater : Can attempt a move when a spell is targeting him, if successful, the spell has no adverse effect and boost his strength for it's duration instead of the original effect


WOOOO SILLINESS GOT IN THERE WOLF DAD JOKES CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FROM MENTORING A CHEERFUL, OPTIMISTIC YOUNG MAN THE THREAT OF CLOWN TF HELL YEAH Watching this poll for the last few days has honestly been fascinating. These stats, and the way they end up performing in the polls, is going to be interesting to keep track of. One note: Based on the description, you may want to consider renaming Callousness to something like Temperament, Disposition, or maybe even Zen. Unless you really want that stat to represent harshness of character specifically. ...I actually have a lot of thoughts about this engine, but I haven't compiled them all.