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edit: in the haste of posting i forgot to say i'm doing this cyoa with anothermeekone, who is doing an amazing job with the dialogues!

alright folks, let's start this! in this story you interpret the stars of fate, mysterious entities that pull the strings of destiny and causality. You have just entered this world and can only speak through the sigil, the ring that cherry is wearing, but your influence will grow stronger as the story progress. 

At the end of this scene, you are fully awakened, and you can now talk to cherry, besides of that, wolf has just leveled up, wich will be taken care of in the poll i'll post after the update goes live. That's all i have to say for now, hope you have fun with this new cyoa!   




The star of mischief and horny discourse.... "AWWWWWW FUUUCK YEA! Finally awake again... Lets see oOo. Yer twinky and he's hunky. Offer to suck his dick wether he wins or looses. You'll throw him right off his game hehehe... Then you can FFFFFUCK his ass! "


Okay, not gonna lie, I do like the start of this setup! Excellent job! Also Cherry has stolen my heart! I really like the dynamic between Cherry and Wolf too!

Nex Canis

The Prismatic Star Everchanging: "Awake and with an ear to hear our voices. A fascinating world and truly a fascinating... host. Come, Bearer of the Star Sigil, listen to our words for your have a celestial audience attending your audition. We shall watch you fight and offer our help. But are still freshly awakened and must get our bearings in this world. So, for what little we can do, allow me to offer a suggestion: should you find yourself in dire straights, place us upon your opponent's finger. Allow the cacophony of our voices, the myriad of color that we shine, our tumultuous song to distract him. Then take your advantage. Just be sure to retrieve us, dear, Cherry. Your adventure is just beginning."

Nex Canis

This is so cool! I'm honestly fascinated to see where this goes! And working with anothermeekone!? Ooooh!

Shiny Skunk

oh this is gonna be GOOD


Omg, cherry is flipping adorable!!! Wolf be a total daddy and I love him!! Wasn’t really gonna comment the stars of fate thingie but I can do it every now and then, how else are we gonna get lion lovers in this world? XD Stars of Fate: “Hello little one there is much to explain but little time to do so, use your size to your advantage, out speed your opponent and with the guidance of my fellow stars victory shall be yours”


Stars of Fate: "What do you waiting for, a kiss on the cheeks? Fight and you will see what you are capable of"


Also I am HIGHLY ON BOARD with the kissus so add an extra vote for kissus from me xD

Neth Rusiki Azhti

oh no, not my favorite artist playing on my other favorite artist's game 👀💦 idk if I'll be able to handle it oh god


We’ve only had a couple of glimpses of it so far, but the design for the world outside the city walls is so cool – I can’t wait to learn more about the setting and its rules, particularly after what the green voice said in panel 30. I really like the dynamic between Wolf and Cherry as well – I agree with the yellow voice; I hope there is a way for both of them to live through whatever is coming. Stars of Fate: “Try to avoid doing the same manoeuvre more than once or twice if you can help it; your opponent might catch on and counter it – be careful not to give him an opportunity to grab you by the tail especially.”


???: Oogie boogie! I live inside your head now!


Whoa, didn't expect we'd be getting a new CYOA so soon! This is amazing, Wolf and Cherry are so cute together, I'm getting a little Studio Ghibli vibes from this, and that's a very good thing. (After the fight) SoF : "I'm glad we've gotten so well <i>acquainted</i> in such a short time, pup, but... <i>thousand pardons</i>, I don't believe we've formally introduced ourselves - you may refer to us as the <i><b>Stars of Fate</b></i>. There is another thing you should know about us, of our <i>many</i> wondrous powers one of the most potent, yet understated, is our ability of <b>insight</b>. Though we do not see all, we have visions, <i>glimpses</i> of events of importance... for example, we have seen that the handsome Wolf you call Master is looking for you. Oh dear, he does not look pleased..."

Nex Canis

Ha! I'm glad you think so. Honestly, I'm not that good with RP but I'm a decent enough writer!


Star of Fate: “Oh, hello there, mortal! Well, aren’t you a cutie! It’s been so long since we’ve seen a fine pup with a nice, curvy bod. Could we get a closer look of your butt? Like really shove your fist in between your furry cheeks! “ ;3