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Star Ringer (Agent G) has a nice submission form that'll help us parse the comments way more effectively! You can use it if you want, or just comment below as usual:


dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres!




Neth Rusiki Azhti

The telegram chat has a new link guys! https://t.me/joinchat/-RooDwCW7f9kZTBk

Robert Smith

Well that is very interesting- old characters being reintroduced to the board on every level. And that strange figure in RF's visions- I wonder if we are seeing the Laughing God at last? Interesting this second hacker indicates that 'we' are who he has been talking to- I guess he knows the first hacker? Then the new Oldrich - I guess the theories that cauterised burn themselves to become PNs is correct!


Holy smokes that was incredible! Fantastic work BC!! I love it!!


Amazing update man



Robert Smith

And the 'he' discussed by the figure at the end... I think whatever Otis has become has plans for the SNF

Bryan Whiteman

Agent V Actions: > Attempt to contact ANYONE in charge, why isn't anyone responding in a time like this. The chain of commander in this organization is awful. >Thoughts: Ignore how Odysseus how looks at Odin, he hasn't forgotten you he can't. Panic, Make yourself useful, FIND a way to be useful or you will lose everything including him. Existential crisis, he saw the wounds and blood. Yet they aren't even hurt in the right places? Are they Real, they shift like illusion?? This makes no logical sense. IS ANY OF THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENING?


An incredible update, for sure! Interesting, too. I really love it. Thank you so much BC, for such a glorious update!


<b>Holy fuck!!!</b> What an update! Jane is pure amazing, terrifying F5 like that. F5 is so cute frozen on the floor, so expressive with the eyes. Fuck me, is that the carnivore king?? I can see why they worship this guy now, that chest is magnificent. And Sarge seducing that fat old fool Write, I fucking love it. Now I just have to convince him to prove how predator ass is so much more superior than herbs at taking dick...

Robert Smith

Oooh yeah- the Crimson Halls! And the gold chains on his nipples like the chains in the Crimson Hall I wonder... does that mean that Otis has been playing with the Cannibal King? The first victim that disappeared was a bird, and a bouncer- fits with the first sacrifice of the Cannibal King rite Allister was talking about.


Oldrich became Alucard from Hellsing! O.o; We’re doomed! Doomed I say! Also the internal convo with RF…yes. Just yes. But also save him. Amazing update!! I love it! and yes, control room sex is the best sex, 10/10, would rail/be railed again~ 😍


Amazing update!

Robert Smith

AGENT O - ACTION - Maintain communication through the evacuation, whilst trying to find out what S knows via Allister DESCRIPTION- The sight of the Red Mask appearing on the cauterised's face sends shivers down O's spine - memories of the base- before suppressing them. He won't let that happen again. Everyone is getting out. But another memory comes to mind... this all comes back to S, one way or another. The cult seemed to come apart after he went to the pub, the divisions being forced to the surface. And he won't trust O after the car, so only one answer... AGENT O TO ALL IN STORE - That thing fighting outside with the cauterised looks connected to the Perfect Neighbours that took the base- boar clones, who can project some kind of illusory body. Move fast, and rely on senses other than your eyes if you see a masked figure in front of you AGENT O TO ALLISTER - Sorry I'll... explain the Perfect Neighbour thing later. But I think that S knows more about all this than we know. Something happened with him in the pub, before these... Otis clones were set on us the first time,  and I think it involved the Director. You are the only one I think he will trust. If you can get anything out of him, it could help us solve this mess. AGENT O TO RK AND U - Frank has just entered the bunker - try and liase with him and aid him if you can. But whatever you do don't get kindled.


Sexy update as always BC


*agent I uses his jacket to cover up R a little the helps him along. Leaving Allister to talk with S.* "if your cauterized self was right.. then the boss of them is here.. and we need to move.. let's get you back to the others and some clothes.. and how about some nicotine gum instead of a cigarette.. we are trying to avoid fires right now."


A new force goes into play as the old makes it move to bring control. How will they clash? What souls will be brought to task? Where will the fight rage on to next? Who will be saved and who will be lost? The players must find their rolls or be lost forever more.




I love reading these. Thank you~!


I'm glad F5 was able to be stop for now. Lots of new character coming into play. I wonder how it'll play out. Awesome job BC.


This update is incredible, just pure awesome! Every single page has something amazing or sexy as fuck! There some kind of crazy gas being pumped into the bunker? XD And who the heck is this big boy Hedonis and why don't I trust he is who he says he is... Could this be the pitchy father? Agent RF and Jane mention its cold... Also fucking hell the Sarge is hot here 😍 I love how big his cock is against Writes, testament of his power indeed. Also Agent R is back, my poor baby, I'm so happy he's got his senses back. He's looks so miserable and in pain, I want to give him a hug. The moment he had with Allister was touching... hmph, I SUPPOSE I don't mind Agent S interrupting it because R bit his ear off... cheeky bear Also R lost his stylish suit 😭 And he still has some scars, and if I'm not mistaken he looks a little thicker than he did pre-kindling, interesting...


I'm worried for BB, I hope that mask is just an illusion and he isn't badly burnt... also black tears, that's new, unless he's wearing a lot of eyeliner...


It definitely had me emotional seeing R back to his old self...he's definitely in a lot of pain. Cauterized don't really have the ability to feel pain/have no pain thresholds. R being back to normal means he's feeling EVERYTHING. I do wish we could've gotten closer in the time we had...


This is the moment I have been waiting for! Time for echolocation to graduate from meme status and deal with the riffraff that is the cauterized asap! Commander: Following the words of Elder Odin, Commander begins to sing the time-old tale that is “The Little Pearl”. A song that he no doubt knows by heart, as it was sung quite frequently during his childhood. “Time to put my training to good use”, the Commander thinks before taking the offensive. With fierce determination, the Commander cuts through the battlefield, striking down the savages. All the meanwhile also giving instructions to his fellow squad members on where to attack. While he was there, there would be no casualties; he wouldn't allow it. My simp levels for Odin-sama are immeasurable! IF ANYTHING WERE TO HAPPEN TO HIM, I WOULD KILL EVERYONE AND THEN MYSELF! *Subtly simp for Odin-sama as a passive action*

Zen Furo

This is an amazing update! Each faction/group's development has been amazing. From R's de-kindking/de-cauterization, Olderich and BB's start of confrontation, heck. Jane handling F5 like that was... Dang. We stan a queen! Can't wait to see what's next for each group here!

Blade G Shepherd

Another awesome update BC. Sarge looks so hot here 😳


Name: Bomus Kirbon Action: Hiding behind debris, trying to get the survivors attention while the ongoing battle between Branded Beast and Oldrich Bedemand is going on. Intent: Trying to get the attention of the survivors and find a way to get inside the Manimal Store without alerting the cauterized, as well as BB and Oldrich. M.A.D READING - KB70: What a fucking shitshow of a week so far, we got crazy sex fucko's, Killer barbaric hooligans and now this, why the hell now!? Ohh Rulk, I hope they'll notice me so they can let me in. Dialogue - Bomus: Oh shit, you got this Kirbo...


Awesome update as always


Olympus Beal Action: Notices the loud rowdy rat Oliver entering rest of the gang as well as Frank with an apprehensive look on his face. Mildly annoyed and unmoved, but curious for more details Beal plays it cool and makes contact with the newlyweds as only he can, and to also grope Frank while hes fully hard. Olympus Beal Mad reading Chaos find us in every corner of this existence. Another day another case another flame to spark as anther gets snuffed out. During these times its good to fine the small things that give hope and burn bright amongst the dark uncertainty. But there is a time and place, and it’s a good thing this place is bunker but I feel time isnt gonna play nice with all our flames much longer… To olive and Frank: Congrats to the hot soon to be newlyweds! Gehehe~ Glad you and the gang are here though. I was gonna assume you were here to take shelter and bunker down but I see yall are here with other plans. Also I thought you were with the traitorous Doctor, our Chosen Boar. to Orson later: Oi, I see you found your husband! That explains how you got lost looking for weapons. Gehehe


Action: Help the injured or sick survivors after looking for helpful supplies (If J is still given intel to Y then this is also added to the action) Description: With the whole situation going on J begins to quickly search for supplies, possibly a backpack where he can store the laptop and extra supplies, if it gets to much in the way he could remove his suit. After quickly searching for supplies, J focuses his attention on the injured agents, helping them treat their wounds or helping those treating the sick/hurt. If J were to learn of Jacks condition via someone telling him or overbearing the commotion J will offer his assistance and use the Chips basic tox screen and vitals check capabilities to check his condition. If J encounters P he will ask him personally if he is alright, how is he doing after the change and if he needs any help to let J know. These next ones are just extra interactions that are not necessary but I thought they’d be funny to post too xD (If J encounters R he might show him a picture of Y J got VERY recently to show that Y is indeed alright, If R asks why J has the pic he will avoid saying why XD) (If he is still talking to Y, J will continue to simp for his boss, that’s just how it is for the poor feline loving Doggo) (If J encounters Blazingcheeks he WILL threaten him: If Y dies J WILL create a tsunami of tears so big it shall extinguish the flame of kindled and caturized)


<b>Don Odhran Brastini</b> Summary/Intent: As the gentleman's club fight the cauterized, Odhran isolates one of them, attempting to convert them back to being "kindled" by showing compassion and romance. <i>As Odin and the rest of the gentlemen's club tackle the cauterized mob with their new found insight, Odhran spots the cauterized capybara still trying to fight. Odhran looks towards Obadiah and Oberon with a knowing look.</i> <b>Odhran:</b> My lost ember in the dark, you still fight to smoulder between the remains of the coals. So intent to keep on burning. To bathe and rejoin once more in the fire... <i>Odhran throws his axe to the floor and pins the capybara's back against the wall. His sense of smell and hearing guiding him. His hands firm yet lovingly wrapped around the capybara's wrists. Odhran's face seems less stoic than normal, a soft kind look in his eyes like when he is with his family.</i> <b>Odhran:</b> ...How could I abandon such fervor? Even now, you can feel my flames, can't you? That heat that threatens to engulf your very being... Open up your heart to me, and I will show you a life of pure bliss... Just like I did for Obadiah. He was like you, teetering on the edge of being snuffed out. I can replenish you. I'm here now.

Blade G Shepherd

Action: Help Agent J look after the injured survivors, telling him about his strange memories with Odhran. Dialogue: Mad Reading Agent P: "Oh fur fuck sake are ye having me oan?! Where did this beer gut come fae?! Nae wonder mah claes have been so fucking tight! Feels so…….warm and……soft though. Jist like Odhran’s…I mean GL’s cuddles. I promise…..I will find you my precious marshmallow. After all, we are family, aren’t we? “ To Agent J: “Aye, I’m daein awright mate. It’s jist something doesnae seem right, ever since Allister turned me back tae normal I have been having these strange memories of the bunker. I cannae get the name Odhran Brastini oot of ma heid for some reason. I can hear his voice saying “We are family, aren’t we?” over and over non stop , hell I even ken what he looks like tae. Shit…….was I…..kindled twice?” “Anyways……mind if I gie ya a haun with this? You sure could use it and this headache is daein my fucking head in.” Description: Having looked for supplies to defend themselves in the last update, P encounters J and tells him about the strange memories he keeps having of Odhran instead of GL, including him hearing Odhran’s voice in his head. He will then offer to help J look after the injured survivors and assist wherever he can. During this he complains that his shirt has gotten extremely tight, having developed a sizable beer belly.


Agent R - A deep sadness looms over you, memories swirling in a heavy fog of confusion and regret, its hard to believe you're finally free again, you're alive, but you almost wish you weren't... Your body aches. You wouldn't be able to stand if it wasn't for Agent I's help. Joints stiff, muscles burning, head pounding. Its so strange, you remember how you felt just a few minutes ago when you were... him... you were so strong, so full of life, it felt like you could do anything. "Hey... what you said before, about the Director... is it true?" you whisper to Agent I as he carries you through the supermarket, but you don't think he heard you. You see him meet up with Agent J, and a smile twitches on on face, you would never have guessed that painfully optimistic dog would survive this long. You try to say hello, but it comes out as more of a mumble. There are other priorities going on than just caring for you however, and Agent I props you down against a Bolt Bunny Choco-Protein Bar display. You watch as they talk with urgency, before grabbing a shopping cart and rushing around the supermarket, quickly filling it with boxes of donuts, chips, cookies, cans of fake fish and meat, instant noodles, all the essentials to survive the apocalypse. When you first met Agent I and all the other rookies you were kind of dismissive to him... but watching the penguin dumping food into the cart with such determination to help everyone survive, it was impressive... it made you not want to give up either. Suddenly your stomach grumbles, interrupting your thoughts, you still are painfully hungry. You absentmindedly try to pick up a nearby can of fake tuna, but wince and drop it as soon as you touch it. Your paws... they're numb, but hurt like fuck as soon as you touch anything... You look up at I and J, a pleading look in your eyes, "Feed me?..."


<b>Sgt. Bouldercrusher</b> : Oakley chuckled as he watched the orgy playing out in the rear view mirror “<i>That’s it Wright!</i> Show those stinkin grass munchers who’s <b>boss!</b>" The only response was the muffled sound of moaning as the dingo's platoon members dominated the tiger with pleasure, their motives simple, fuck the horny drunk stupid. As soon as Pvt Opus had wrapped his lips around Wright's fat shaft he'd been nothing but a needy <i>pussycat</i>. The Sarge had sent them to the back of the RV, his only orders to his men? Make their good benefactor <i>cum</i>. There was no nefarious secondary motive to this plan, the Sarge just liked seeing men like Wright <i>groaning in bliss</i> - sure, the tiger was a stupid motherfucker, but he had a fat cheesecake ass and a cute cock. Though the Sarge had doubts if Wright <i>really</i> worshiped the Carnivore King, he looked more like he worshiped the <i>Donut King</i>. While Opus was sucking on Write's cock, the kitten was on his knees with a face full of hippo ass, eating the creampie Sarge had left on Begosi. So Bouldercrusher had placed his crew on a short stakeout, short being the operative word here, just long enough to gather some information about the best place to break in and scope out any traps, but also just enough time for Wright to reach climax. The Sarge suddenly slammed his foot on the accelerator, "Get ready boys, we're going in!" Speeding up and ramming the RV into the glass entrance of the shopping mall! It was a bumpy ride, the momentum of the crash slamming Sheriff Wright face first into the hippo's massive cushions. The Sarge smiled as he stepped out into wrecked mall, the smell of victory in the air.


In summary - Bouldercrusher smashes the RV into the mall to break inside - Sheriff Wright smashes his face into hippo ass after a messy orgasm


Just gonna bypass the fight going on outside? 🥺 Also the shutters are down, I don't think that'd work lol


I assumed you're on the other side of the store, since I can't see anyone in the RV panel, but it'd be a fun little distraction if right before your fight the Sarge blasted the RV inbetween you and the new guy, honking his horn and being a real jackass.


There's only one side of the store, Manimal doesn't have the same multiple entrances and exits that the diner did. Just the front entrance, the roof, and the tunnel.


You can count on Sarge to be a giant horn ball while also causing as much havoc as possible. Fortunately for him I'm not there to keep him in line, but tbh, in this situation I probably wouldn't XD


Action: Pulling out of his loving bear he'd sniff his own pits, the hamster worked up quite the sweat but it was a much-needed release, Heeding Agent O's broadcast as well svens entry Ero can sense threats all around him, And is slightly unnerved by the command given by the MAD chip broadcast consider it his animal instinct, He'd make sure to grab his shotgun as well as some other knick-knacks, not wanting to be caught with his pants down again but still feeling the fire in his loins. and an emptiness in his hide, he was still eager to ride on chars bear hood but they needed to escape sticking close to char Intent: Gear up, Get all that you can, you know you'll need it, as much as you'd like to ride Char there will be plenty of time for that after you escape. Once things are settled, he'll want to Question O about these chips and all that they can do. MAD: reading - Damn these suits, i still dont know if i can trust'em they in my head, for all i know maybe im already... No, don't think about it, My Fratello, the one with the blue and pink hair, i can work him get some answers out of'em.somethings missing from me Summary: Ero composes himself and grabs supplies ready to move out with the intent of questioning/interrogating Agent O


Fitch grabbed something with which to defend himself from the duffel bag before hurrying out toward where the agents had set up their laptops. “Hey! Agent O, yeah? We’ve got that alternate way out of here you were asking about! Jack’s Dad spilled the beans about a tunnel or some shit in the basement and Lyle found it himself while he was down there. It’s behind a weird statue or something.” He looked around at their setups… then the lack of certain other agents. “Hey, where’s that reindeer guy? Or the polar bear that was wearing that anime villain getup? … Fuck, did they wander off somewhere?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck, “Do you need help getting them to come to the main entrance or the tunnel or whatever? I can go try to rush them along. Or I can help you guys get your stuff. Whatever gets us out of this shithole faster.” tl;dr Fitch tells O about the tunnel then offers to help whoever needs the most corralling to get to safety along.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

ACTION: (assuming I've safely left the factory) Arrive to the hospital/bunker, to complete my transation and deliver Agent T to Omniscient Bastard. DIALOGUE: ---- REASONING/INTENT: There's maybe one or two other thinghs that I COULD do at the factory (such as inspect it further, look for resources I can use for the Feast, maybe help out my brothers that are fighting the Cauterized there), but if I pursue any of those, Agent T won't be able to anything for even longer. I want to get him to where he needs to be as fast as I can. When he's there I can either let someone else decide what to do with him, or finally free him after so fucking long.


You make a good point about the shutters. If they're obviously impossible to pass I guess we'd just park the RV somewhere so we can climb onto the roof or something. Write must have a plan. Hamham don't worry, the danger of you being separated from the Sarge's cock will soon be over... you won't have to think about anything else ever again as Papa's dumb slut


As F5 fell to the ground, his limbs locked in place involuntarily paralyzed thanks to Jane's necessary action. Time seem to slowed down for F5 as he trace his eyes across the horizon over the dimly lit pool of blood directly to the stunning eyes of a dying RF, the Roo whom the opossum partially exsanguinated, as F5's vision slowly blurred into a trance-like state. The next time Festus opened his eyes, he awakened by an ominous chill as his exposed body defy both gravity and logic in the "Crimson Halls". Screaming in terror within the void at first believing he was falling to his death. The Runes drawn in blood still remained on his body. After drifting wonderlessly for some time, F5's rational mind attempts to sense of his situation before being welcomed by a nude yet jovial RF as if the Roo awaited his assailant's arrival which RF then gave a proper introduction to the towering eldritch Entity slowly rising from the depths.


Agent RF - The big roo couldn't help but tremble at the sheer magnificence of the sight before him. A figure of such exquisite beauty it was beyond compare... the most gorgeous face you could possibly imagine... a creature without flaws adorned in exquisite golden silk, one with a body that radiated an aura of power, pleasure and desire like light from the sun... this man was perfection incarnate, demanding of worship by simply existing... Of course this could be none other than Hedonis!! RF gulped deeply, a slight blush on his face as he gazed up at the mountain sized deity, eyes lingering over the glorious supersized bosom, the kingly well fed belly, the piercing red eyes, and of course Hedonis' massive pillar-like shaft, he was so deliciously BIG! Despite being awestruck, RF was not quite as humble as you might expect for someone meeting a demonlord face to face. The bubbling uncontrolled ego of RF was forcing the roo to smile, so many FOOLS had denied his existence for so long, to your face! And yet here he was, so real you could smell his wonderful intoxicating musk. "H-have I been a good servant to you, Lord Hedonis? I've always believed in you, Master, I've spread your teachings, worshiped you every night and lived as you would want me to live. H-how can I thank you for gracing me with your presence?" The roo wished to show a sign of his respect by kissing Hedonis on his pinky finger, or failing that... maybe a kiss on his cockhead would suffice


ACTION: Beck gets in contact with Agent O once again, as the Hacker, to tell him and the others to escape the Manimal Store while they still can. DIALOGUE: "It is best to seek your exit as soon as you're all ready. If you're still unsure where it is, try underground. The shop owner knows where the entrance is and where it may lead. Be careful, all of you.


Action: Grab shit haul ass and help out some buds! Intent: Lyle's a bit freaked out after just telling the deep state his self esteem issues and the magical hamster yelling at him too leave so he's just kind of trying too get everything together and get out good enough. Lyle grabs what's left from the shelves, as he leads his friends too the basement, a bit worried about his friend seemingly passed out. Guys I know things aren't great right now but there's some crazy ass noises outside and I really think the weird agent hamster might have a point? We gotta bail. Someone grab Jack and make sure he doesn't barf if ya can." As he grabs whatever he sees while walking: "Some drills, a few bandages... oh is that a shirt? Might as well nab that too? " If he sees P or anyone else who needs something "Hey! P! My dude take one of these. They ain't perfect weapons but uh... ya did me a solid listening and all. Plus your strong and can like, probably fight and stuff."

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-31 19:34:09 OB;AW - Still grumbling, munching on donut after donut to calm his nerves, the moody fennik had naturally stormed off in the most dramatic and public way to get attention, but now he had a problem, where the fuck would he actually go? The irate gamer hadn't really planned that far ahead... The fennik had at least been smart enough to grab a shit ton of junkfood from the snack room, and had picked up one of those powerful gaming laptops stashed around his (former) lair before he left, maybe he could play the latest sequel to his favorite game series, Zap &amp; Andy Fucks Up Time, while he moped? There fennik stormed past the bathroom, a clear pout on his face as he passed the cute beefy panda. O_B turned a corner and saw a good place to settle down, the server room would be a quiet place to relax. In fact, he didn't know why, but for some strange reason he had the strongest urge to go check it out. Hnng? Why was your boner so hard all of a sudden?...
2021-10-31 00:01:24 OB;AW - Still grumbling, munching on donut after donut to calm his nerves, the moody fennik had naturally stormed off in the most dramatic and public way to get attention, but now he had a problem, where the fuck would he actually go? The irate gamer hadn't really planned that far ahead... The fennik had at least been smart enough to grab a shit ton of junkfood from the snack room, and had picked up one of those powerful gaming laptops stashed around his (former) lair before he left, maybe he could play the latest sequel to his favorite game series, Zap & Andy Fucks Up Time, while he moped? There fennik stormed past the bathroom, a clear pout on his face as he passed the cute beefy panda. O_B turned a corner and saw a good place to settle down, the server room would be a quiet place to relax. In fact, he didn't know why, but for some strange reason he had the strongest urge to go check it out. Hnng? Why was your boner so hard all of a sudden?...

OB;AW - Still grumbling, munching on donut after donut to calm his nerves, the moody fennik had naturally stormed off in the most dramatic and public way to get attention, but now he had a problem, where the fuck would he actually go? The irate gamer hadn't really planned that far ahead... The fennik had at least been smart enough to grab a shit ton of junkfood from the snack room, and had picked up one of those powerful gaming laptops stashed around his (former) lair before he left, maybe he could play the latest sequel to his favorite game series, Zap & Andy Fucks Up Time, while he moped? There fennik stormed past the bathroom, a clear pout on his face as he passed the cute beefy panda. O_B turned a corner and saw a good place to settle down, the server room would be a quiet place to relax. In fact, he didn't know why, but for some strange reason he had the strongest urge to go check it out. Hnng? Why was your boner so hard all of a sudden?...


You really feeling the "heat" from the servers huh? ;)