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ack! once again i didn't manage to finish everything i wanted in time.. For this week i wanted to finish the strongman subquest animation and start the bg for his trailer, but in the end i only managed to get further with the animation, and i didn't even finish it... 

anyways, the next scene of the animation was about the audience getting splashed with the centaur's copious jizz: 

this next scene would be about the strongman scared about the reaction of the audience, the audience cheering and him taking it in stride and flexing out for them to end the show, as you see i only managed to complete 2/3 of the animation, but i'm fairly certain it should be completed by next week.

ah well, this is all i can show you guys this week, hope you like it nonetheless. Catch you next time!




Man, you absolutely nailed his worried 'Oh man, oh man!' look, haha. A very fantastic scene!


Dude, you really need to stop saying you haven't done work. You literally done so much already, and it looks great! I am looking forward to see the final on it time. Remember, take care of Blaze too XD!! Once more, really great work man!


Damn, the strongman really let it rip, huh?


Lovely work as always~ and that pink demon in the audience is rather cute too




More glaze messy would be hot.... :3


So sexy. I would applaud to