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so, what would you like to see in the biweekly satuday slot instead of the fenris high updates? i'm open to p much anything ! let's brainstorm a bit! 



How about another R34 tournament ? That was really fun. Unless it's a bit too much for to draw everything 😅


Perhaps AU scenarios in which characters from all your various fictional universes meet in fun and sexy ways?


The time is close to Halloween


The time is close to Halloween. I would like to see the next chapter of the gang ghosts


I would be as so bold to say DA lore building snippets or something along those lines, but I feel like that would just be overkill in terms of Dusk Acres content


Well if it's too much I can understand. But if you were assisting in other people's projects, like making character assets and stuff for a visual novel. That be cool to see ^^


Maybe ya could draw some world building for Dusk Acres? Or ya could do some more Of Monstrous and Queer creatures with fall and Halloween coming up 🤔


I'd suggest something low-key and short-term. That way, if you get overwhelmed, you can stow this spot away again until you're ready to pick something extra up again.


Would love to see some more Bolt Bunny. Love that rabbit and he's misadventures.


It doesn't have to be full page comics. Could even be classic, short, 3 panel comics.


Maybe world building stuff for Dusk Acres?

Rodney Talon

Nothing. I barely followed and your inconsistency tells me doing almost too much now. Take a rest. Maybe able do wat already doing better. Then, hopefully, when schedule cleared and health addressed, I would like more Shattersong. But let's give you the gift of less work for same income so hopefully less suffering and keep to what doimg

Robert Smith

Maybe revisiting some of your older OCs- fun little one shots with them?


GGG mini-episodes of like short plots that can be wrapped up in a few pages. Nothing huge as to not burn yourself out at all. :)


Be nice to see you bring back the old thing you used to do on tumblr. Humanization thingy or maybe do the opposite.


GGG mini-episodes? Or maybe DA lore? The world building of DA might entice more and more people to read it if they get to know the world a bit more


GGG please

Himbo Barret

Another R34 Tournament Or Just 1 Shot pictures of all the Monster smash character 5 Year's after the Story ended. Or Steven universe AU


Steven universe Au


As much as I love DA, I would rather something different for the Saturday slot. I like other people's ideas of small comics of Bolt Bunny or some stuff with your other OCs like Bobo, ect. That other idea with the laboratory TF chamber is good too.



Rodney Talon

What I have been on here for. But, i have waited this long. I would Rather BC live and enjoy work than i thoughtlessly pile on. Let him wrap up his projects so when Shattersong Returns can be in as much glory due. And not as backup fill in no one wants as to illustrated rp sessions of MS, DA and so on that made a community

Rodney Talon

Okay. Yep. This might actually be something CAN do AND STAY SMALL. might be best pick


Some smoking fat hogs


How about extended backstories for characters from Monster Smash?

Rodney Talon

Okay want to emphasize something. BC is a legit good webcontent producer. He Stays engaged and consistent and high quality and affordable. A rarity especially "smalltime" But in turn we need be considerate. DA was suppose to stay small and bloated past monster smash level in much shorter time. It's good as community participation But It's ongoing calvinball as is with a very accommodating captain and referee We need pick 1. something he likes 2, doesn't add more work and 3. is, very very, proof against project bloating or creeping Next, on a personal level? I have been having too much experience with ancillary lore or 'subtext' or 'subplots' or promises for building that goes nowhere or betrayed from Svtfoe, star wars eu, AT, SU, to RWBY just burned out on " retcon in or about epic lore and worldbuilding or mysteries as to focus ongoing narrative and events and resolutions" (battlestar Galactica, lost, gravity falls, got, and on and on). The Less of it i would be paying premium for, the better. Finally, Semi-considerately Need something with minimal community input so it is an actual break up from the majority of what's going on now. And, hopefully, less hassle and work on his part for him. Let him enjoy weekend/so on


comic, lore, anything, but something that's yours so you don't have to stress about patron interaction lol


Fuckin' go off, Rodney! XD I'm completely with this guy.


One shots of DA characters maybe? Could give a way to explore backstory or character development without derailing the pace of the comic.


Strange Flesh playthrough and creator commontary:))

Rodney Talon

Hmm. Actually fresh and new. Reups old project. Different but might be more work. Maybe if mainly someone else did it but he was just there with minimal demands? Helpful as due to content not as readily or openly spreadable via mainstream outlets and channels. Seems neat And who knows maybe revenue stream


Maybe something like short tf sequences?


Since the Olympics were recent, how about some kind of Kinky Games competition?


It could be structured as a two week thing, the first week BC selects a few characters for the sport of the week, drawing a picture of them competing in the kinky event. Then either patrons vote on the winner (or its decided by roulette/random or BC just picks who he wants to win). And the second week BC draws a picture of the victor winning the event or accepting his medal. You could get fun and creative with the events, the Dick Sucking Competition, Most Hours Edged, Kinky Obstacle Courses, Bondage Tying, Cock Milking Marathon, Beer Pong, etc

Neth Rusiki Azhti

- some more DA lore - some more GGG, with halloween coming around the corner - anything personal with your own characters really - a peek at the MS character's lives in the following years after our departure - ya know, a break. so, nothing. no content on the weekend. - anything with TF 👀 regardless, whatever you pick should have the least patron interaction possible to reduce the stress and work you have to do! <3


Well, why don't you focus on your personal staff for a while, man. Like maybe do this sfw story you wanted, or your SU comic. Won't lie, i would like to see new staff, especially from my fav artist, but as a content creator myself, i got to tell you, go for something you want to do. can't decide what? Give us a poll, of all the things you wanted to work for a while, and then we can help you decide that way, if you want. One small favor, though, if possible. Don't push yourself too much and burn yourself again, please. If you need more time to finish things, take it. You are a hardworking person, and it shows, but make sure you don't overdo it, for your health first. Having said that, I will be looking forward to whatever you will be making next.


I'd love to see something involving a very excited/horny yet shy nerd getting his first slut-out/gangbang experience with a group of fit and chubby grunts!


Maybe commissions?


Honestly I think its fine if you didn't want to replace the saturday slot with anything. You already work really hard and I think all of us would be cool with you resting up and taking care of yourself. If you don't want to take saturday's off anything you'd wanna do would be cool


That actually sounds a lot better honestly with juggling a comic and game development so a rest day is probably the best option


Public release of old concept art/rough sketches of Fenis High, Dusk Acres, GGG, Monster Smash and Strange Flesh before the character designs were finalized. Curious how certain characters have changed during the concept stage.


I think it’s be pretty neat to do random TF’s, and have the setting at the GGG carnival place. Like the ghosts run different stall/exhibits that transform different patrons.


Honestly I'd be pretty happy for you to take the day off! Or focus on your own characters, something small or something with GGG! Perhaps even leaving Saturdays to be a miscellaneous day, draw what you want! One offs! Small quick sequences (Sequence Saturday~)


Would love to see another R34 Tournament, but I also think it should be a rest day but whatever you think is best, keep it up BC!

Lee Evergreen

Bi weekly TF pictures. Like you have us vote on an animal or creature you want to draw and then you make a single tf picture for it. I really enjoy how you do transformation.


More Steven Universe comics :D


Steven universe


I'd suggest that you keep it as a day off but I know you, so I'll echo what others are saying: keep it short and easy to pick up and drop on a whim. How's about you spin two wheels? One wheel has R34 guys and OCs of yours you like, and the other just says "Drunk, Zonked, Stoned" or something.


having the time for yourself to just relax and unwind or do whatever you wanna do!

Christian Walters

Days off, first. But if it’s something you have the drive, interest, and and energy for, I’d like seeing: -another chapter of the dragon prince and his two new lovers -a one-shot of another “victim” of the Strange Flesh bar and Bartender -somethin’ goopy


How about a "What If" art day, like each week you make concept art for random things like "What if the Voice had won and Monster Smash had a bad end" or "What if GGG was in Dusk Acres" or even concept art for just random ideas, like "What it might look like if I made a kinky Rampage style game", "What it might look like if Zap & Andy were a puzzle platformer", etc


Oh!!! Or slice of life one shots of Monster Smash characters! Gastro and Harvey seeing a movie, Gastro and Harvey trying to skate, Gastro and Harvey smooching… kinda just want more gasto and Harvey tbh. Pepi can join too hes cool.


I think it's been awhile since you did art outside of your projects. You don't have to bring back Sketchy Sundays or anything, just more solo art of R34, your characters and any other cool/hot concepts.

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Please do a blog where you review gay and/or furry games :D


Honestly I'm pretty on team make it a day off. Da is hard work tbh. But if you really wanna another project I'd say make it something small. As much as I love DA and the ideas of lore stuff for it and would metaphorically kill for more GGG, something small and easy is thr best bet here. Minimal audience interaction ans something that you can drop out of or drop in oj whenever you feel. Love the ideas of small bolt bunny shorts(he's a fav) or lil concept sketches. Just try and take it easy if you can.


Getting to see you talk about your process would be interesting i think! Like, talking about how you go about writing or doing worldbuilding, inspirations behind certain characters or projects etc.


Gonna pop in for the first time and say I’m with team “day off” to be honest. You update very frequently already out of all the Patreons I’ve supported over the years, so it wouldn’t hurt to take a firm day of rest as you keep juggling multiple projects. This is just my two cents though haha . That or as other people suggested, something smaller and personal you’d like to do/revisit.


Day off is good


I don't want to repeat something that's already been repeated in an echo chamber, even if I agree with it. So instead I'd like to see if there's any art you'd like to make of a new idea or new series you've been looking at. It'd be cool to see what's piqued your interest as of late. Just do hope you've been having a decent week so far!


I have been on a military pirn kick for a little bit. What about drawing some Marines being taking advantage of?