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heyo pups, been a while huh? there's a reason for that! basically , we decided to switch programming environment for the game. Game maker is a great tool but it has some limitations and isn't as flexible as we'd like in some aspects. So we're porting the game to unreal engine 4. It sounds like an extremely daunting task, but banana inquiry has already done most of the groundwork, and basically all we need now is reimport the assets!

on the graphic part i'm still stuck in walking loop land. This time it's jeff turn to get a walking animation:

aside from that, i got more of the cafeteria cutscene done. I started drawing the images for when you choose who to sit next to:

this is what you get when you sit next to jeff,  and the dialogue you'd get:

I scoot near Jeff. He gives me plenty of room.

PC: I thought you didn’t trust food “paid for by the government?”
Jeff: I didn’t trust OLGA’S food. She had it out for me!

They found his cameras in the kitchen. Nobody could prove it was him, but... They knew...

then i did the "sitting next to dave" option:

I slide in the spot next to Dave. He grins appreciably.

Dave: I asked the chef to make your favorite dessert, too. Old man’s orders. *wink*
PC: Thanks, Dave.

My gratitude is a bit hollow, but there’s a 50/50 chance he means “weed brownies.”

and the last pic i could manage to draw was george's option:

George gives me a quick smile before returning to his food, taking a big bite of a pale stew. He’s radiating joy...

PC: What are you eating?
George: Cullen skink with steamed langoustines! It tastes like I’m back in Mallaig... W-weh... *nom*

He seems torn between crying and shoving more food in his mouth.

anyways, that's it for this week from me and the other members! hope you enjoyed it pups! stay wild! awooooo!



Evert Neely

George is so cute.


Jeff should walks well. Showing off what the good lord give him in the front and back of his sexy body.


The best thing about unreal, it's a good game engine, and has been proven already by many other games that were made by it. And with all the hard work banana is been doing, there is no doubt he will be doing great things there too! Please do tell him he is doing great job. Both of you! And as for the boys, damn! Can say from now that Dave and George might be my 2 favourite choices for the story ;3! Keep up the great work guys! Looking forward to see what comes next ^w^!!


As a dev what did you end up using for the NPC pathfinding or was the outta the box sufficient? I had a project that was trying to do forced perspective 2d that made the outta box a nonoption (creating your own recursive pathing algorithm between planes is... "fun")


My goodness, Jeff is looking rather submissive and breedable here


Man, Jeff's got some cake! Great animation/drawings BC!

Shiny Skunk

Gosh I love these boys


HEHEHEHHE I love Jeff's bodyshape! But you probably knew that already... ;3


these characters are making my heart thump.. i might need to see a doctor...


George is best boy!