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so, the comic keeps expanding with tons of new characters that are super fun and interesting and i'm kind of struggling to keep up with it in the same fashion as i used to. I already tried jumping a week a month, and i gotta say, having a week to plan, sketch,ink and color the comic is so less stressful than basically rushing the comic out in a weekend. 

to be honest, i want to give all the characters in the comic their fair time in the spotlight, and when i have to rush the comic i often end up cutting corners that aren't crucial for the story, and i kind of hate that?

so taking in consideration all that , i think i'll just... publish dusk acres every other week.

i didn't want to do this because i believed that keeping a tight schedule would be preferrable for people but it's just becoming more and more physically impossible for me to keep that pace.

so ...apologies in advance and thank you so much for the INCREDIBLE support and sense of community you peeps have gave me.It's truly a beautiful thing. Hope this is the right decision. 

love, bc.



I would say it is! This will definitely reduce stress on you and increase the quality of your work. I bet you'll find that since this is less of a task for you that your other projects will be more manageable as well!


Do what’s most healthy for you, and take as much time as u need

Lee Evergreen

Dude, don't worry about it. This is literally the biggest story I've ever seen. I don't know any other comic that has so much work put into it by so many different people. You deserve as much time as you need to make it happen.


That's fair dude, you need to pace yourself with your work.


Don't overwork yourself. It'll be great either way.


Please do this, and take care of yourself


Do what you have to ^^ As long as youre not stressed out


PLEASE do what's best for you and your health, every other week is more than okay 💖💖


I agree that the community that sprung up from this is amazing. And it is all thanks to your work. Thank you so much, BC. And don't worry about taking more time, we want what is best for you! And what is best for you is also the best for the comic, so yeah!


<3 I think everyone would support this


That's honestly more than understandable. We don't want you to burn yourself out and we want you to have fun with it just as much as we enjoy reading and taking part in it! Take all the time you need 💚


Take all the time you need! You're doing amazing work and it deserves all the time it needs to continue being amazing! 💙


Every other week is totally understandable! Take as much time as you need! ❤❤


This entire patreon has been fantastic there is already so much here to enjoy it would feel hollow if making all this great art caused you too much stress. I want you to do it in a way that lets you you enjoy your work as much as we do, have fun Dude.


Honestly i know this has been said abundantly but i genuinely doubt any members of the community would be against this. The output your doing is absolute phenomenal and giving yourself more time is insanely reasonable. Plus honestly i think it'll be fun to see the community theorize and speculate with the faster timeframe. I'm really grateful to be a part of this whole thing, and if you resting up means ilghtening the load on your end by all means do what ya gotta do.


you're the most prolific artist I subscribe to, and one of the cheapest. Honestly what you're doing is superhuman, and it's ok to slow down a bit


Honestly, every other week is perfectly fine! The fact that you’ve been able to pump out the kind of content for the comic that you have already at the rate you’ve been doing so is mind blowing already. Besides, as awesome as this is, I’m sure we all want you to be as stressless as possible during this. If you need to take breaks, then I doubt that there is anyone here that would be against that. Your health and well being are of the utmost importance after all!


What you do is truly inspiring, please take care of yourself, and thank you so much


Dude, we have been saying the exact same thing! Ofcourse there is no issue with this. Please take all the time you need making the story. Just please don't stress yourself too much. Honestly I'm going to say it. You are a workaholic. You are working none stop and making amazing work. You literally making even animations. I personally get really inspired from your works. But you need to take a break too, once in a while. Please don't worry about the time. We all can wait for the comic, especially after all the hard work you have put into it so far man. Please take care, and know we are looking forward for your projects, whenever they will be posted.


Bi weekly is fine. I think everyone sees how much effort a comic of this scale needs and you shouldn't feel guilty about setting a sane and sensible work pace.


By all means don't burn out on it. Keep that flame of passion for your work alive any way you can. So slowing down will do that, I am sure that will just make us all enjoy the wait to see how things will turn out. May the furry gods that be bless you and your work.

Robert Smith

No apologies this sounds super sensible for your health :)

Blade G Shepherd

No need to apologise BC. We all want what's best for you. No need to burn yourself out 😉

Bryan Whiteman

oh thank goodness you, I am glad you came to decision


We will all support you on whatever you decide is best BC!


Take your time :)


We've been telling you to do that forever!! Glad your actually doing it lol. Every other week is more than ok. I dont know how you were doing it over a weekend but take your time and dont stress.


You're doing the right thing. You are a very hard working individual, and someone who needs no apology for the amount of work they put in. Take your time, and we hope you are well.


Of course dude! The sheer size of content on ever update, both story wise and art wise, was nuts! I don't know how you were not doing it before. Take all the time you need!

Zen Furo

No worries dude. You have a lot on your plate, so it's bound to happen. It's always good to sort things out and maybe put things off when you start feeling stress from your workload.

Piper Malone

that makes complete sense. This has been an ambitious and massive project. Thank you for all your hard work but please take your time.


I’m SO glad you decided to do this! I know it’s a hard choice to make but it’s absolutely the right one. Cheers man, thanks for letting us know!

Yoked Coder

I'm actually really happy about this setup, the story has ONLY gotten more complicated with more characters being introduced that when you FIRST said "I will be taking a week break for dusk ackers" I was by then already concerned and suggested this exact thing of making it bi-weekly. Love that you finally did this man


No worries my dude! In truth i had no idea how you were able to keep up with it before. We all suggested ya do every other week so its nice to see ya took to the suggestion.


Nah dude just do what’s best for you and your mental health! Don’t worry man we love ya and the stuff you do so it’s really no biggy! Just take care of yourself!!


Its not easy when you want to provide the level of quality content. I struggle with it myself. No worries, we can wait happily.