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Robert Smith



Ah I Called it Allister was faking. Great update BC loved every minute of it


Octavius Bunsen Redmire: Whoa! Easy there fella, you didn't have to kick him off the chair ya know? Lemme help ya up *helps Frank to his feet* the name's Octavius. People call me Mr. Red, so what do you call a handsome piece of pork like yourself? Why don't I treat ya to a nice meal at my place? My hubby and I would just love to have you over for some fun.




New update, how wonderful. Thank you for spoiling us yet again BC with your amazing comic! Whoof, this won't do at all, RK and Jack damaging <i>my property</i> and this traitorous slice of sushi and his pup in the way of me stopping it. The Sarge should be <b>balls deep</b> in possum right now, not cleaning up a mutiny.


Oh man, this entry is amazing! also love the fact that Jane is slowly getting, well... "bigger"


The plot thickens!!! double agents! brainwashing? And my god kudos to Agent R ! he's got that god-tier willpower


Ha that's a pretty nice twist towards the end there. Also nice learning more about what's been going on with the agents too! Looking forward to what happens next!


Agent T addresses the cultists. "Before you snuff us, I feel you ought to know about APEX. Rah... Orlando... Can attest that they aren't anything to fuck with. APEX runs the world. We're talking more global than the Alliance, let alone this rinky-dinky town." Agent T, cigar in his mouth, points a finger at them. "Whatever aspirations you have aren't gonna have much of a future without APEX approval! Everything lives and dies by their ever-present hand. But... You're talking to someone who can contact them for you." Agent T tries to keep cool. "You guys get my cell phone and we'll have a group chat. It's not like we're going anywhere," And furiously projects his voice in Frank's direction. "ESPECIALLY with FRANK being COMPLETELY UNDER YOUR POWER, KEEPING AN EYE ON US."


I'm going to enjoy showing you your place Sarge. Just remember, you're the one who asked for this.

Star Ringer

Agent G: ...Guys. Where's Q?


Omar! 😍 Wonderful twists and turns this update!


I'm far from aware that I can't contribute anything to the story. But what a twist 🤣


Orson would get up, his big body, though heavy, still able to push forward even through the soreness. He'd replace the smoldering cigar in his mouth, chugging a few puffs before realizing that someone would need to be punished for knocking him back. Upon watching Omar, he would grin, eyes open wide. "By the holy fire, may I be diminished. We are but shadows to his ever-burning light." He would get an idea. Perhaps punishment is good. He'd stand up, cock dangling and nod to Omar. "Just tell me who needs to be brought down. I'll treat 'em right." Might be a good time to act as a civvie to let someone drop the guard.. if only to kindle them when away from the others. Divide. Conquer. Kindle.


Great acting Allister!


*Outskirts of Dusk Acres Main Access Road* Agent Broody (talking on the phone): What do you mean all accesses are blocked? It's just a small town, it's impossible that every single entry is completely blocked off. Keep looking. And keep me informed. Also, any news of the reconnaissance team that tried access through the woods? It's been 4 hours already. MAD Reading - Agent Broody: This is insane...We need to get inside. It's been days since Frank came here and gave no news. This city sudden 'lockdown'. And now that damn explosion! Rgh. Screw that! Main team, prepare to engage through the car wreck blockage. I'm going in as well. I'll try get access through the woods and see if I can rendezvous with the reconnaissance team.


Holy shit this story just gets better and better


Also, is Agent S turning? he's got a new beard coming on.


On a rooftop, overlooking the scene with binoculors, Beck Mayes, grey wolf with scruffy long hair, chuckles to himself. He licks on his rainbow coloured sweet. "Geez guys, and here I thought you wanted to keep this simple. Giving the Shadows too much personality drives them off the edge! But still, I can't say this wasn't expected. Drones are too easy to manipulate, even easier when they think they're the ones in control. Wouldn't you agree?" Turning his head, a large group of Perfect Neighbours stand behind him as he sits on the ledge. They all answer together. "Yes sir! A fine idea neighbour!"


Also damn AW are you looking for a new gamer chair because I'm available

Ryn Fox

I really hope we get to see more of OB, ideally getting some action or showing off. I bet he's a big bottom.


*agent I paused at the sight of the gun pointed at him and Allister. Much like in the taxi he acted on instinct. Moving faster then some would believe possible. He spun and kicked the gun away from him and Allister. Shouting out as he does so.* "Run Allister!" *he tried to stay between Allister and the others. The penguin suddenly looking much more threatening and defensive. His old instincts starting to return to him.*


Hahaha wow.... Wow!! This update has me blushing like mad, that kiss with Blazing Beast was so hot, I'm surprised you could make a kiss so sexy. And Omar 👀, that is a fucking gorgeous looking rhino, I hope we get to see him wreck a few dudes. Also Allister is good?? Yay!




To fool your enemies, you have to fool your allies


It might just be stretching the metaphor too far, but with all the talk of shadows, and the emphasis on a true name, I'm wondering a few more things. If the fire provides the light, and the shadows are these OB false identities, is the true history the object between the two? And would naming it help one draw it further away from the fire?


Ontarou got up from the ground, glad his partners were ok. Following behind the two skunks, looking at all the destruction the explosion caused. He knew they came here to lite fire's and kindle others, but honestly Ontarou didn't really care for any of that. He'd rather spend time with his partners, Orson and Olympus. If any of the Agents, or Civilians come across him, he'll just ignore them or point them to an exit.


<b>Sgt. Bouldercrusher</b> : You look over the two traitors collapsed on the Diner's sticky laminated floor... grrr <i>pathetic</i>, knocked over by a little "explosion"? Didn't they learn ANYTHING from your training?? It was just in one ear an out the other with these rock-heads, but their foolish misstep gave you a tactical advantage. With a swiftness that almost seems impossible for a canine of your huge stature, you <i>barge</i> into Private Bricksmasher, knocking the mohawk sporting bimbo flat on his back before he could react, and in another instant <b>stomp</b> a thick paw squarely on Backbreaker's chest, toe claws tearing at his navy vest. With the element of surprise they had no way to counteract your attack! At that moment every pulsing muscle, fiber and instinct of your body just wanted to fill the two traitors with your molten hot rage boner. You wanted to grab the Orca's legs and <b>FUCK</b> the despicable mutineer <b>INTO THE GROUND</b> until he couldn't tell up from down and he was begging for more! You wanted to seize the disloyal Private and <b>MATING PRESS</b> his ass until the whelp felt the WRATH OF THE LAUGHING GOD INSIDE HIM!! But a deep breath of the air put those desires on hold. Your powerful canine nose smelled something important, the slightly acrid scent of ass-sweat and a whole platoon worth of cum mixed together... <i>Private Bladetongue was still close by!!</i> <i>No man can be left behind.</i> "TUBBS!! PORKCHOPS!!!" The Sargent suddenly barked at the top of his lungs, causing the two soldiers behind him to salute with alarm. "Change of plans, I'm gonna need you two ta discipline these heretics. I want you to <b>fuck them silly</b>, pulverize them, put them up for public use!! They better not be able to <b>walk</b> by the time yer done with em!! Rrrgh, I'm trusting you boys to keep these unkindled loving <i>traitors</i> busy til I get back to court-martial em proper." There was an awkward silence until the Sarge abruptly turned his head to glare at his subordinates, "That's an ORDER." After a pause of nervous hesitance, the pig and red panda let out a quick, "S-SIR YES SIR!", getting ready to grapple with the larger men. The Sarge stepped over his former comrades, a fiery look of determination on his face, "I'll be back, soon, I'm on a RESCUE MISSION... don't worry babe, papa Bouldercrusher's coming to save yah."

Blade G Shepherd

*sinister smirking* "Ha! You call that a barge Sarge?! Besides I have some precious prey to be hunting.....none of this "mutiny" bullshit! I haven't got time for this whining!"

Zen Furo

All of the reveals in this part are amazing. I always had an inkling that Allister and I were pretending there. Seems my hunch was correct! Much respect to R. His willpower is astounding, and I am rooting for him to escape BB's clutches. Great update as always. Also, if I may add this piece: The one-armed butler watches the whole spectacle with quiet disdain. Approaching both the disheveled doctor and the intimidating, but misguided rodent, he interjects between the two, coming in between them. "Gentlemen, please calm yourselves. The hour of our glorious feast is close at hand, and here you are bickering like commoners. And in front of our esteemed guests. " He scoffs. "This is not the time for your petty squabbles, not when we're about to meet our god." His voice is filled with awe at the last sentence, an extremely devoted servant to his god.

Yoked Coder

Things are getting GREAT! I cant wait for next installment

Blade G Shepherd

Loved this update BC. Awesome work as always :D Ouranos Bricksmasher: Action – Save Private Orpheus Bladetongue Dialogue: To Sarge Ouranos Angry and growling: “So…..Private Orpheus is needing saving is he? Grrrrrr…..figures! Never send a rodent to do an Alpha Dog’s job! I promise you Sarge….this won’t take long hehe….” To Agent J and Agent G: Sinister smirk while stroking his dick “Surprise motherfuckers! Did you honestly think you could get away from us that easily?! Don’t make me laugh!” Description: Just as Sarge burst in the door your smell and hearing are going crazy sending you into a horny frenzy. Your cock is throbbing with pre dripping out of it. However......Sarge is giving you a chance. Your main prerogative is clear, To rescue Bladetongue from those unkindled weasels. Plus with Goldilocks (J) and Scaredy-cat(G) in the bathroom with him, you can use your massive body to block the door…maybe even take a certain golden boy hostage. The hunt has well and truly begun!


Trouble is already brewing, and I must do what I must do. Let’s get this over with, shall we? Action: Knock Sarge out CDR Odysseus Backbreaker: The Commander still a bit rattled from the explosion is a bit lost on whatever it is the Sergeant means by his words. But before he can say anything the Sergeant has already made his move and has decided to put a foot on his chest. Something that infuriates the Commander because he does not yield to anyone. Dialogue: “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing, Sergeant!? On second thought, don’t answer that, I don’t really care. You’ve really been pissing me off with your pretentious attitude, acting as if you're such tough shit and now you just crossed a line. Someone really needs to put you in your place and luckily, I’m here to do just that, you oversized mutt!” Description: *The Commander grabs the Sergeants foot and forcefully lifts him off while getting up* Dialogue: “If you think a mutt can overpower me then you’re dead wrong! Come Sarge, I think it’s time I put you on a leash!” The moment everyone has been waiting for, the C vs W fight! Let’s see how it turns out, hehehe.


I know there's a boar ready for some action; let's see Frank kick some ass and free Agent T and Agent Y.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

ACTION: I wanna chat with Orlando and T for more information. I will steal the Black Word in T's stuff, then take his phone and place it under one of the legs of the chair I'm sitting on, threatening to break it in exchange for information. DIALOGUE: Agent T - The Apex, huh? They seem... very powerful. Interesting. Appealing. How do I know what you're saying is true? You seem to have been discarded by the rest of the Apex to take care of business by yourself. Prove your sincerity, that you're not full of shit. Explain to me E X A C T L Y what this "falling out" between you and Dr. Orlando here was. You say you... brainwashed yourself? Why? Dr. Orlando - Dr. Barry, my apologies. You know business can get... intense. Your shadow seems to be very strong, the strongest, even. How are you so close to the Truthful One, how would one get closer to the Fire? How can we, how can I better serve the Chosen One? INTENTION: Firstly, I imagine T would have a Black Word or something of the sort, so I'd wanna pocket that for myself for later. Secondly with T, I'm hoping that he'll explain further about the stuff we don't know regarding the betrayal that happened, and what Otis did and where he ended up. Finally, as for Orlando... I wanna find out how to get closer to the fire and climb the ranks of the cult! (Hopefully destabilizing him will have him slip something he shouldn't? I wanna let him know that I'm on his side, to use him hopefully). I kinda would be interested in maybe taking over Orlando's position, as Otis's right hand? Or at the very least become more influential in the cult. Hopefully from the angle where we figure more about how the hierarchy works and how the shadows work with the original egos and their relationship to the "fire". Or even what the veracious fire is, honestly! Oxxford would totally be the type of guy to organize people efficiently for the cult's goals, negotiating with the Apex for a place for the cult to exist, etc. So for that he wants to know how to devote himself more, grow more powerful and influential, and eventually overthrow Orlando.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

OH and I can't forget to mention that eventually I wanna pursue some avenue of causing daddification without the ego death/suppression part. Maybe also hopefully in a way that is physical, and not just an illusion, but maybe in the short term N would be happy with jerking off in the his super realistic feeling augmented reality form.


(OOC: Hooot!!! you manage to show off more and more with each update dude! Keep up the good work. ) Olympus Beal:… &lt; 3 *whistles* &lt; 3 Olympus Beal P.I. Noir Reading Perhaps I spoke out of place about the fanfare, or it came too early to match the show that appeared before us in the form of Omar no longer disguised, but I digress. Either way this reindeer game of tag seemed to be well past over for our friend here. But this shallow barrel of a restaurant still had fish left in its swallowed waters to salvage. Like an ass thats well lubed and left swaying in the air begging to be filled, our job is yet to be over! *Olympus slaps and/or gropes Omar's ass* Olympus Beal: I feel I can leave this on up to you big guy. Orson, Ontarou, If you all are good, you can either help him here or we can scamper to go round up the others before they can escape.


“Alright, let’s get the fuck out of here!” he stops briefly to help Jane with the other opossum. … Fuck, was his arm really broken? “You got him, Jane? We really need to get moving. Now,” he says firmly as he hurries them along, making sure they stay close. Those two are his main priority due to the laptop and Festus’s proficiency with whatever the fuck kind of program was in it. “Lyle! Get your ass in gear!” he calls out before making a beeline for the exit, ready to knock anyone the fuck out if they were in his way or got too close to Jane. Provided his car was still intact and ready to go, he’d have the possums and whoever else followed him out pile in, then get the car started. Then it’d be time to go; he wasn’t going to wait around unless it was for a good reason, they’d already wasted enough time and those psychotic military assholes looked like they were beginning to recover already… tl;dr: Same plan as before, have Fitch make a beeline for his car with F5 and Jane close behind. Fitch plays big, distracting target while other people assist with fire extinguishers to distract anyone who tries to stop them or snap Fitch out of it if he gets smoked. Once he’s in the car and it gets full, he’s driving off.


Jack: watches as O falls to the floor, after a moment he then realizes he just cold clocked a stranger, a bit surprised he had the strength in him. However in the fit of everything happening he turns back to RK and the agents entering the room (primarily the cute golden retriever) and asks: "Hey, you said he was converted right? What does that mean? He was normal like you guys? ... can he be turned back?" Another realization kicks in, people in town, the disappearances, the new guys showing up... "Oh Rulk... my friends, can we save my friends?!" If people head to cars, count me in on an escape while bringing O and Adam with us.


Agent @#à[% - Backed into a corner of the alleyway by the gigantic beast you warn him to back off by hissing and spitting, in partial anger... but mostly fear. Your claws are bared and razor sharp, but you know there is little chance of taking down this monster towing over you. Even now there is a small tinge of undeniable attraction pulsing through you, the cauterized part of you YEARNS to give in and adore his warm embrace... but rational part of you knows that's a death sentence. It seems as if ever since you kissed BB something has accelerated inside of you?.. you feel... closer with your other half?.. but also feel like you have more control... before you could barely move your paws... suddenly it feels like you have some real control of your body again!? But at what cost?... Its becoming harder to think clearly, and it was already a haze before... It looks like he's about to attack, and in a split second your instincts take over. In a feat of animalistic athleticism that Agent R would have thought impossible for his body to pull off mere hours ago, you leap on top of the fence, and then scramble like mad on top of the rooftop. Looking down from the rootftop, you YOWL into the air, and then take off running. You've gotta escape... got to find... uhh, you've gotta find... revenge... against... uh, Agent S ...right? And the elephant... killed your master, they've got to pay"


Pvt. Orthus BaseRaider - Rushes past Sgt. BoulderCrusher to meet Backbreaker and Bricksmasher checking their vitals. "Commander, Private, are you two ok? That explosion was massive, I'm glad you're not hurt." Unable to help himself begins to feel on both the German Shepard and Orca only stopping due to the Sargent's yelling and claims of mutiny. "I'm going with Pvt. Bricksmasher! Commander you knock some sense into the Sgt." While following the Pvt., I spot a Ram and his fellow feline friend and decide to pounce on them to have some new playmates. Taking a few hits from the cigar sending me into a sexual overdrive gives a lustful smile while dripping pre cum. Thinking nothing more than how you want them to stuff both of your holes and be shared with the hole squad. "You guys look like we'd have plenty of roughhousing fun! CUM HERE!"


Aww, come on you know you wanna stick around, hm? We're just getting started 🥺🥺


Whoa wait, you're a character?? I'm so sorry, I thought you were a npc. Is the pig someone's character too?


Yeee its all good C you didn't know. Though it's not easy to get a hold of you C, was gonna discuss about my inclusion.


I see you've made your decision, and you've chosen <i><b>total anal destruction.</b></i> Alright, <i>if</i> my first action doesn't happen, then the Sarge with oblige Backbreaker with combat. Action : Its time to make this bottom bitch cry out for his mama, and THEN make him cry out for his daddy, <i>Daddy Bouldercrusher</i>. You will deliver him his spankings and show this seapup why this is the SARGE's territory.


Heh, its good to know, and I hope to see a lot more from yuh. However, siding with the Commander was a grave mistake, Private, <i>unless you wanted to become strung up like a latrine for public use</i>, your disloyalty won't go unpunished. As it is said in Art of Sun Shih-Tzu, a true leader must always be strong enough to conquer his entire army, wise words the Sarge has taken to heart.

Robert Smith

Private Orpheus Bladetongue- ACTION - Be knocked out. Agent O - Dream DESCRIPTION- Ow. If this was a cartoon, people would see bear, coach polar bear, and Sarge ass floating around the Private's head, reflecting his dreams. If any of Agent O was woken up by J however, he might remember an unconscious kindled Allister and Frank dreaming of Otis... could he do the same, and understand why he trusts the boar who seemingly betrayed them? DIALOGUE- 'Co...coach and sarge taking a seat on me at once? No... no I couldn't...'

Aeraki Baer

God, I just want to protect Agent R and the possums so much.


[Still a little woozy, Adam steadies himself as he processes what just happened:] (Thinking, referring to O) “This guy… he used to be with the agents? So he’s like that woman I saw - whatever's happening here changed him, too? That means… if they hadn’t come back for me…" (Spoken) “When I breathed in that smoke, it felt like I… disappeared, almost? Even when I woke up, I don’t think I would have been able to save myself – so, thank you for coming back.” ACTION: Stick close to Jack, while keeping an eye/ear out for anyone approaching/in the area. REASONING/INTENT: almost getting caught has rattled Adam enough to make him more vigilant of his surroundings – he wants to know if anyone’s coming after them.


(adding this as an extra comment in case the whole thing gets eaten by Patreon) ---------------------------------------- Thank you as always for your hard work – especially this week with the extra long update! &lt;3 The kiss between BB and R was really hot (pun not intended but applicable), and hoo man Omar sure was hiding a *lot* under his scrubs, huh 👀 Also, wow a lot of theories got confirmed (wrt Orlando/Rahul and T) - I'm happy we seem to be getting a little bit of clarification on what happened in the bunker back then, and I’m really happy to see a certain Super Secret Agent reappear 👀 AND ALLISTER. Allister. Sweet Allister. I had my doubts, but he and Agent I had me fooled.


Neil backs away from whatever is happening in the parking lot, he looks for another car to hide behind, and pulls out his phone to text Lyle hoping to get an answer to whatever is going on inside and what to do without making any noise. Neil, texting: ''Lyle what the fuck is going on?? I just saw the diner explode right in front of me! I'm right outside in the parking lot! Are you and Fitch okay?? If I can help, tell me, though right now I'm trying my best to remain hidden from the chaos out here'' If he gets a response on the situation he'll act accordingly. Neil, to himself with a nervous smile on his face: ''Man, this is really not the ideal reunion I was hoping for, but I'll take it as long as we come out in one piece, though I also have to worry about Jane later...I'm really hoping she's okay.''


"Q never made it back? What if the creeps from the tunnel got to him! I need to check if he's safe!" Action: U clutches the mop handle to jab or trip up any assailants, and peers through the doorway into the loading dock where the tunnel entrance door is located. Thinking: ‘Q knows more about the contents of Ravenly's book than anyone here after Allister.. if we lost him too we don't stand a chance.’


*Agent Q fumbles with his belt, pulling it off and whipping the metal buckle at Omar. In a panic he scrambles away as fast as he can, calling out for help.* Agent Q: Agent U, RK, where are you guys!? I need help here! (out of character but rip cannibal king. long live the king T-T)


Action: Go with the civilians to keep them and O safe and protect them from the cultists Answer to Jack: “Like my colleague G said, it’s possible, if we can revert our old colleague then we can hopefully save your friends so please help us carry him! And don’t worry I’ll go with you and keep you safe” Comment to the others and to answers G’s question on Q: “I saw him head in that direction before the explosion and I still smell his scent from that way but the explosion must have gotten me good  cause I also smell leather and… piña colada’s??? I’ll just focus on protecting the civilians and our captured colleague from the cultists” Mad reading: “I won’t let people get hurt by a cult, not again…”


Action: RK will hang back and guard the entrance for the emergency exit while the others leave and Agents G, and U goes to find Agent Q. Ensuring G, U, and Q have a path to escape. Agent RK will take a fire extinguisher from RF and make sure it works. As soon as he sees a cultist, RK will spray the fire extinguisher at the cultists to cover the survivor’s escape. (Much like what Frank did in the Alley with the extinguisher when we gave him the M.A.D. command) He will then throw the metal canister of the extinguisher at their heads once it is empty and run towards the other survivors. RK will hold his breath to not breath smoke and will bite his lip if he is exposed to hypnotic fire. Dialogue: Agent U: “Alright U just be careful. I’ll be at the exit to make sure you guys make it. Just hurry and do what you can.” *Agent G interjects Everyone else: “Fine- The moment any of you see anybody other than me, G, Q, or U come out of this building you leave without us, understand?! The rest of you all go, NOW!” The rest of you all go, NOW!”


"Q, this way! We need to get out, now!" When (if) Q makes it out, U catches him in a hug/embrace and, in a moment of unbridled emotion, plants a kiss on the reindeer before they both flee the diner.


Agent RF - As the red roo handed over the fire extinguisher to Agent RK his head bobbed up and down as he looked over the chubby hyena, his eyes squinting with suspicion. "You've gotten fatter?!" The roo stated bluntly, his lack of tact showing as he sharply poked the yeen in his meaty pecks. Agent RF always had an eye for fashion, working as a tailors' assistant during university, and all that time measuring up gentlemen had given the roo a keen ability to detect changes in a man's body at a glance. It was very subtle, but perceptible all over; RK didn't just look fatter, he looked bigger, beefier. His arms were thicker, his pants looked slightly tighter, even RK's gut looked fuller than it did mere hours ago?? And thinking about it, it wasn't just RK who looked different, RF was sure that pipsqueak possum F5 was somehow looking more masculine by the hour, and that twig of a dog Agent J, he never had noticeable biceps before, did he? (Even that lass Jane looked stronger...) Was he seeing things, or was the laptop not completely blocking out the transformation signals or something? No matter, it would have to be something to investigate later when they'd finally escaped this accused fast food establishment and all the loons surrounding it. RF follows J and the civilians, thankful to finally have some fresh air.


Oh shit, is this for real? 👀


Haha, I think its possible, they do look kinda beefy lately. Might as well test it.


OB;AW - The lardass Fennec Fox smirked as he leaned back in his chair, taking a big sip of his mega sized soda and letting out a deep lazy belch, it was a satisfied a burp of victory. The hacker had lots of irons in the fire, the blackmail and info selling business was red hot, and he was in contact with a lot of shadows, but one job had proven particularly interesting. Hacking into the FID agents' laptop had been hard, sweaty work, they had a topnotch firewall and advanced encryption that made breaking in unnoticed disgustingly difficult, but no technology was impenetrable, and after rummaging around in their code for a bit, he'd finally found a way to connect with them... sure, he'd rather have hijacked their machine and taken total control by now, but that could come later, for now, it was good enough to send the mysterious picture SSAOB sent you. OmNiScIeNt_BaStArD69 sent you a message : &gt;sup &gt;sup :P &gt;whatup &gt;yo you guys dtf or wut, plz respond (Who the fuck is this?) &gt;keheheheh ty &gt;i represent an interested 3rd party who requires some filthy unkindled plebs to look at something for him &gt;i can make it worth your while ;3 &gt;tell me what you see Image Attachment orlandocrappyartist.pupdf [Open?]

Blade G Shepherd

Hehe .....This doggo is on the prowl boys, looks like Ouranos' playtime is coming early! ( Out of character: looking forward to this as doggo vs doggo :D)


Lyle- Action: Grab adam get outta the diner, claws just in case.. Respond to Neil on the way out and tell him to meet us. Lyle- The cat watched in awe as Jack punched the lights out of that bastard. It was enough to pump the normally sleepy cat into action, his sharpened claws ready for some action. Though before he could do anything else, he felt a vibration in his pants. A text? Holy shit it was Neil. Glad to see the bun was okay but why did he come here of all places? Still... he was close enough to get in the van, and he wasn't about to leave one of the few friends he still had. Even if texting while your claws out was a pain. "Near ext, gt there now1!!, be carefl." With that all he could do was hope he came soon. He grabbed the staggering bear and got ready to run. Someone needed to do it after all, with any luck they’d make it too the cars and get the hell out of here. But… if conflict came Lyle wasn’t going to go down without scratching an eye out or two.


“Huh, I do have bigger biceps, uuuuuu” *flex, flex* “niiiiiiice”

Yoked Coder

Also boss bear Agent S pulling out all the moves and I love how the civs and agents are finally fighting back and at least having a fighting chance!!


My character hasn't been in the last couple of updates, hope he's doing okay...