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heyo peeps, more updates on fenris high coming! This week, there's not much on the programming front (lots of implementing graphics on banana inquiry's side of things)

but as for me i'm continuing my ongoing quest to give all characters in the game a walking animation. This week is matt's turn-

aside from that i started working on a cutscene anothermeek one wrote and squeezed in into day 1. Basically jones has prepared a veritable smorgasboard of food for the remaining students of fenris high to eat. Since it's lunchtime and everyone is there, you'll decide to join them. You'll be able to sit along one of your friends, increasing your affinity with the one you choose 

and of course you'll be able to choose from three dishes to eat, wich will give a boost to one of your main stats. The tacos (on the middle ) will be for the chill stat, the sushi (on the right) will be for the nerd stat and the shakshuka (on the left) will be for the jock stat

that's pretty much it for this week, the food illustrations took a LOT of time to complete hah . Hope you like the update, and until next time, pups! stay wild! awoooo!



Lee Evergreen

All that food looks yummy! How could you make us choose?


Ha, food porn.


Ooh, all looks really nice indeed! Makes me wonder though if they are gonna be any "suprising" effects by the food to the gang since it is one of Jones "speciality "! Looking forward to find out once the time comes X3c...!! Again great work you guys!

Shiny Skunk

Ugh love a good ghibli style food illo.


Amazing work, BC!


The walk cycle turned out really good and the cutscene illustrations look amazing, the close-up especially <3


Not gonna lie, I'm hungry.


That food looks so tasty, it looks like there's going to be a lot of replay in this game


That food is incredible, so pretty!


that food looks so !@#$%# good


Wwwooowwwwww! I love how detailed all that food looks!