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welp this time i went REALLY late ( had to draw  more pages than usual and the freaking internet went down >_<) apologies for the delay, but everything is

in order now i think!

dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude made to keep track of the many characters of the story:




Neth Rusiki Azhti

If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well! https://t.me/joinchat/QhOfbfbgdSE1ZTg8 If you're interested in the theories people have been making out of this mystery and porn comic, and want to get a better idea of what's going on, or what MIGHT be going on, I've made a document to keep track of these theories as well! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1McEHMW4DL_MixRg_iBkqi64I2Br7pTZU3EW2t9G5kts/edit?usp=sharing

Robert Smith



Really awesome and cool update! I wonder if our 'heroes' will be able to survive being besieged on all sides, and will they survive the explosion, and the arrival of the Cannibal King and his Court? Orson Broyle, coming up from behind Olympus with Ontarou and Omar, would certainly recognize any resistance and seek to keep them in order. After all, he has a nice cigar ready for Ontarou, just in case it's needed. He'd naturally play support, and using his bigger frame, would make quick work of anyone trying to resist that he can find. He's soft, gentle, FIRM. HIs quarry would be overtaken, not like a brute, but almost professionally. After all, he has had many nights with his hubby to perfect his art, his mind filled with experience that only an older kinkster would have. The swing parties, the debauchery, the grill outs. He would even take a fair bit of pleasure from converting others, even, to his sway. Of course, it may be easy to convert the new explosion into a proper red fire..


Interesting update. What's this about "our" recruits hmm? Commander Whale Blubber is gonna have a bad time if he thinks he can order the Sarge around, maybe it's time he steps in and fucks things up for everybody...


Agent T: Carefully explain why you're not a traitor and how this is clearly a hilarious misunderstanding


Ontarou, Olympus and Orson were able to make it to the dinner. Barely making it through the door, and then shot back by a huge force. An explosion in the restaurant?! Dazed and a bit shaken up Ontarou checks on his dear partners, Olympus and Orson. To make sure they're not hurt or injured in anyway. Ontarou Bao: "You alright my dudes?"

Zen Furo

This is very awesome. There's so many things to like in this update. A lot of reveals, and a lot more questions. I loved Olympus's monologue as they are breaching the diner. I'm surprised that Jane actually knows F5, and now it's making me wonder who Jane is. And the reveal that T was killed and looks to be the traitor? Dang. Poor Adam and Q. Looks like they're gonna be done for unless the explosion knocks them back to their senses soon. Great job as always, and can't wait for the next update!


I. Am. In *danger* sdkjfhskdjh ----------------------------------------- WOOOO amazing update as always, man! Thank you so much for all of your hard work &lt;3


Well HELLO. I'm here. Hoo boy. I was not ready.


Hahaha, that's a good one Sgt. The recruits are not stupid, they know that their true loyalty lies with me. They just humor you because it's easy to placate you. A mutt such as yourself should get off your high horse and fall in line.


I think some fried Tanuki is in T's future O.O


Ooooh kay, cool cool cool cool cool....everyone inside the diner and diner parking lot start rolling your saving throws x3


Octavius Bunsen Redmire: Hm, it looks like the good Doctor is having some sort of trouble with that tanuki. Perhaps he needs some assistance Mr. Oxford, perhaps some relief to take his mind away?


Amazing update. Brilliant work as always!


It was a beautiful explosion, the type of fireworks that would usually fill your heart with patriotism, but not right now, you were deep in thought. To some lesser men it would have been a minor slight, something so trivial that it might not even register, let alone worry about. But behind Sgt Bouldercrusher’s inscrutable, emotionless expression gears were turning, decisions being made, <i>dinner plans scheduled.</i> You didn’t get the nickname <i>‘Mad Dog’</i> for being afraid of a fight, afraid of doing the <i>right thing</i> - and the right thing, as always, is the Red God’s will, and the Red God’s will is <i>your will</i>, because all your actions guided by God. It is a devotion that has given you a keen ability to sniff out disbelievers - men who would seek to get in the way of Gods plan for their own selfish desires. Not even the brotherhood of kindled are immune from heretics, men who abuse The Veracious Sun’s generosity for glory and power. Commander Odysseus Backbreaker is one of those heretics. You can feel it in your bones, he wants to take control from you, he wants YOUR hard earned territory. You don’t care about his title, he can call himself the King of New Vinedo for all he wants, this is your land, your troops, the <i>Red God’s Army</i>, and the only way he’s gonna take it is from your cold dead paws. The traitorous cretin, no wonder this operation is taking so long, he’s probably joined forces with the unkindled and plotting your downfall right now. He must be holding good loyal Private Blatetongue hostage! You let out a deep gravely growl, and begin marching into the diner. <i>Its war then.</i> You’re gonna flay this overgrown lifeguard alive and serve the troops fishsticks for dinner!! As soon as you see Backbreaker? <b><i>Attack!!</i></b>


*Prophet I grumbled as he was released from the back seat. Feeling like a child with the safety locks on. Once out of the cab he stands protectively by his king. Wishing he had one arm still to defend him. But kicking can still do.* "what's the plan my king??"

Robert Smith

*Private Orpheus is too busy eating burr ass to let you know he is safe*


Rand comes out of hiding to try and dig The Commander orca out of the rubble.


I love Agent AW/O.B.s big scruffy gamer face, its so gooood


Everything blurred into a mess of sight and sound, even though Fitch had managed to cover his ears. He realized he was against a wall, either having fallen or braced against it; he couldn’t remember. He staggered up, trying to shake off any disorientation, then he helped the possum guy to stand up. “Alright, it’s done, let’s get moving!” he yelled out, louder than he usually would so he could hear over the ringing in his ears. The plan they’d discussed before setting up the explosion was that Fitch would act as a big, obvious target, then others with fire extinguishers would spray down targets for him to knock down, or any of their party who got dazed by those cultist assholes. Hopefully the sprinklers deciding now was the perfect moment to rain awful smelling water over everyone wouldn’t hurt that plan. He made sure Jane was close behind him on the way out; she was his main concern to protect, considering she had the laptop, “Come on, this way!” He craned his head back at the others, some still looking slightly stunned. “Lyle! Get your ass in gear!” he called out before making a beeline for the exit, ready to knock anyone the fuck out if they were in his way or got too close to Jane. Provided his car was still intact and ready to go, he’d have the possums and whoever else followed him out pile in, then get the car started. Then… wait. He couldn’t leave with the laptop until everyone was out, but once everyone who was going to make it out was out, he wasn’t going to wait around, it was time to get the fuck out of there! If anyone got too close to the car, he could drive around the block a few times then make a stop to pick people up. tl;dr Fitch helps F5 up, then charges for the exit, keeping him and Jane close. He goes loud and aggressive to hold people's attention so that the possums can focus fire them down with fire extinguishers... or him if he gets zonked. He pays extra attention to make sure no one gets near Jane considering she has the laptop. Once out, he gets the car started and ready to go. He'll wait for everyone to get out of the diner, but if cultists approach the car, he'll start driving around the block and just make a brief stop to pick the other survivors up.


Breathing shakily, U gets up from the duck-and-cover position he assumed just as F5 pulled the floss thread. Thinking: *Adam - and O! Are they okay? They might have been protected a little by the bathroom walls, but we don't have time to check - this is our only chance to escape!* Action: U dashes out of the restaurant and towards the civilians' cars, wielding the makeshift staff to fend off any assailants who might try to stop the survivors from escaping


Orion loses a bet to allister, has to do what he says

Star Ringer

G slowly opened his eyes, surprised to find them being sprayed with something cool and wet. He’d been expecting embers and smoke- The fire sprinklers! They’d been set off all throughout the building, of course! There was also a weight on him- he looked down to find a bun of blonde hair and two floppy ears against his chest. "....Oh."


Disoriented from the blast J feels up the location we’re he landed, only to find out he was feeling up the chest of his colleague G, after blushing slightly as he remembers O’s and Adams location, with out thinking he gets up and tries to go to them.


Hmm, that was an interesting update. I’m worried just how much the explosion affected the Commander, but he can tough it out. There is a mission to accomplish after all and those recruits aren’t going to get away that easily! Action Synopsis – Use echolocation to track down the survivors CDR Odysseus Backbreaker: The Commander most likely dazed from the explosion tries to gather his bearings. After confirming the condition of Private Bricksmasher the Commander uses his echolocation to find the survivors; since I assume visibility will be limited. They couldn’t have made it far and with the Commander now back on his feet, he will be in hot pursuit. “Ugh… my head… is killing me right now…” “Are you alright, Private? What the hell was that explosion?” “Those are some cheeky recruits, planning something like that, I have to give them credit for their boldness.” “Now, where have they scurried off to?” If the Sergeant enters the diner and attacks, the Commander will be ready to defend himself without a moment of hesitation. “What the hell is your problem, Sergeant!? On second thought, don’t answer that, I don’t really care. You’ve really been pissing me off with your pretentious attitude, acting as if you're such tough shit. Someone really needs to put you in your place and luckily, I’m here to do just that, you oversized mutt!” The Commander definitely wants to prioritize RK if he sees him.

Robert Smith

Private Orpheus Bladetongue – ACTION – Leave Adam and head for the main survivor group to convert any stragglers DESCRIPTION – Thrown by the force of the explosion, Orpheus realizes the survivors are likely about to flee- no use wasting time with the barricade now. Leaving the bathroom, he prepares to use his cigar smoke, and any remaining smoke bombs concealed.... on his person, on any survivor who falls behind the pack. DIALOGUE – To Adam, whilst leaving ‘You just stand tight right here and let those BUNS get all nice and toasty – I’ll be back for ya handsome’ (If Orpheus has a spare cigar he will shove it in Adam’s mouth) -To the Survivors ‘You maggots aren’t thinking of fleeing without saying goodbye, are ya? I’d prepare those rumps for the FLANKING you’re gonna get!’ COMMENT –If it is better for the story for me to stay in the room with Adam BC, I am happy to say that the Private was stunned for longer by the explosion.

Blade G Shepherd

Wow....just wow what a debut for Ouranus. Absolutely outstanding BC: Awesome work. As for my next move: ACTION- Go with the Commander to hunt down the survivors. DIALOGUE: If the Commander asks me if I am ok. “Urgh…….fucking hell……..I think so. My head feels like I've been hit by one of Oberon’s jackhammers. I know what that was Commander. Cooking Oil……they were putting it in pans in the kitchen, I could smell it on the way over here Sir." *Sniff around the area smelling for Agent J * “Oh Goldilocks……come out come out wherever you are! Come on don’t be shy! Time for you to give Ouranus Bricksmasher a good old hug. I promise….it will only sting a little hehehe.” Description –Man that explosion was more intense than you thought, but your strong smell knew it was coming a mile away . Your 5 years of military experience has prepared you for situations like this. With you the Commander and Private O working together those survivors are done for. Your loyalty to the mission is unwavering. nobody is stopping you from going after those survivors, Especially J.


ooc: Another awesome chapter and im super happy to see the dialog i gave was good!~ I know we survive but i have no idea if we are in another room or back in the sewers. lol XD either way use us as you need to BC )) Olympus Beal P.I. Noir Reading They say success leads to a lot of things but I don’t believe explosions was a part of that list. The sudden boom, the smell of smoke and the purifying heat, in our brotherhood it's just the sign of a victory, like fireworks. Though only having gotten one of the many lost escapees feels too small a victory for such a big fanfare! Olympus Beal: Ya'll alright back there? If so let's help our lost brother find the flames! Gehehe~ A welcoming smoke filled kiss to was in order here. The sweet satisfaction of being found again should be something celebrated after all, but like all cases there's never enough time for that. So I add a parting gift given to me by those seemingly gentle neighbors, a nice stab to the arm from a consecrated blade. Enough to bring this eager former agent to where he needs to be, back to the brother hood and ready for tonight's feast. But that’s later, for now, back to tracking down the others that are lost. Olympus Beal: Oi, Omar Badir! Ya know of another way out of here?


The low buzz of the A/C and the pitter-patter of cool water droplets are the first things Adam notices as he comes to, then a fuzzy feeling… the smoke—not gone, but less of it. He vaguely remembers getting kicked... by the same man in the room with him. Immediately, Adam knows he only has one chance: *hold his breath and run to the door* – before the fuzziness pulling at the edges of his mind takes over again. [tl;dr: If getting knocked to the ground by the blast has brought him to his senses, Adam will use his last chance to try and run from the bathroom and re-join the survivors.]


OOC: while I'm not wholly opposed to getting converted, I've got a little more fight in me left lol *Agent Q struggles, throwing frenzied punches with the last of his strength. He's disoriented, acting on instinct* Q: Grrr-get your hands off me! O-Omar, is that you? I need help over here!!!


Jack: Once Agent RK and himself recover somewhat, Jack goes to help save Adam by knocking out Bladetongue while using the effects of the blast and the smoke to aid him (holding his breath to avoid the smoke). If the Hamster successfully gets knocked out, we take him with us (and removing any cigars, pieces of ash, or like wise transforming pieces on him). "Mr.RK, Agent, I can't just leave him! We don't get to escape and just leave people like that! I can't just sacrifice someone who still has hope!" "Thank you sir... I'll catch him off guard, I still got a pretty mean right hook..." "Sorry for this Mr.Hamster, but I'm going to need to fall asleep now!" *WHACK* *WHACK* x2 if needed.


Agent RF - The force of the explosion sent you hurtling to the ground, ears ringing like a siren from the blast. Luckily you remained relatively unhurt, and quickly get to your feet to see the rest of your group making their way towards the fire escape - and that big military lummox of an Orca slowly rise from the rubble. A small bubble of rage is building up inside you, you're gonna have WORDS with Agent F5 after this, his cockamamie plan almost got you all killed and it didn't even work (and you're gonna send him your dry cleaning bill!). With haste, you gather some of the supplies that you had stashed by the exit over the last hour in preparation of the escape plan (supplies -everyone- was supposed to be carrying you note with annoyance, how DARE they relegate you to their caddie). There is too much to hold all by yourself, but you grab a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit, a bag of food and most importantly a large sharp switch blade (With the inscription "Happy Birthday Evan, yer a man now, protect yourself, love your big bro Adam" scribbled on the side, not that that means anything to you) you found snooping around the desks of the managers office... you slip it into your back pocket, this can be your little secret from the rest of the group... You quickly run out the fire escape following the rest of the team, finally, outside! You can only pray to the dark lords that nothing is wrong with the cars...


Agent RK: M.A.D. Reading: I can’t let what happen in the bunker again. I can’t abandon O again. I’m still an Agent alldammit!” Action: Help Jack recover Adam by fighting Private Bladetongue. Successfully knocking out the Hamster will result in RK taking him with us. RK will hold his breath to prevent himself from breathing smoke, and protect his gut and sides from attack. He will try to keep the Hamster busy so Jack can come from behind and hit the Private on the head to knock him out. Quickly coming to his senses, RK sees Jack go towards the bathrooms. He decides to help him save Adam. RK will grab the nearest suitable object like a hard piece of debris to knock out the hamster. This has to be done quickly. All he needs is one swift blow to the head. Jack: “If you want to save your friend I’ll help you. Make sure you hold your breath before going in the bathroom.” The Others: “The moment any of you see anybody other than me, Q, Jack, or Adam come out of this building you leave without us, understand?!” “The rest of you all go, NOW!”


But Yeah I want O back. he's too dangerous in the hands of the cult.


Once outside, U turns around to rearguard the fleeing group. He sees RK and Jack's actions through the open exit door and holds out on watch as long as he can, hoping to see if anyone else can make it out as well, until the civilian cars fire up to leave.


Neil watches from a distance as the diner's roof was blown up to high heavens with a shocked expression, quickly nabbing his phone from his pocket and dialing to call either Fitch or Lyle to see what the hell is going on in there, making sure to stay out of view of anyone. If they pick up: Neil: ''Hey it's me, Neil! What the hell happened you guys?? I just saw the diner fucking explode!!'' After a quick explanation from them. Neil: ''Alright, I get it, I'll try to get as close to the diner as possible, but there's a lot of chaos going on right about now. I might have to jump on top of the car as you guys drive by if I can't get too close, that way we don't have to stop for more than a second.'' Neil, to himself: ''This is where I die...''


I respect your desire to save your friends RK, it's really noble.

Blade G Shepherd

Mad respect to you bro. Having the desire to save your fellow survivors. Even if it means getting yourself kindled in the process, potentially by ether me or the commander. Mad props to you.


Action: Lyle Stays close too the other survivors as he hauls ass towards the cars. Description: Lyle groans as Fitches yelling brings him back to focus. Despite the ringing in his ears he can still hear most things. The plan! After coming to his senses he quickly begins to rush towards the other survivors, staying as close as he can with his keys ready to go. This can work. It HAS too work. "Guys get in! There should be plenty of room! Just uh... ignore the mess."


Poor Neil, hope he is gonna be alright


These survivors are really acting like I'm not right there. Smh, those booties are mine! 😤


Sarge is coming after ya big guy, better hope you don't get blindsided


Sarge can come catch these hands. If he wants them so bad, I won't deny him.

Blade G Shepherd

It's almost as if the explosion has scrambled their brains Commander. Oh well, fresh recruits for us, this loyal hound is ready.


Booties, huh? Well if you wanna pull off the dog struggling with booties thing, I can take the video! :P


Harharhar, very funny. I'm going to put that mouth of yours to better use when you get turned.


It'll be interesting to see you try to grip anything with those booties on! P sure we'll get lots of laughs out of that...

Neth Rusiki Azhti

ACTION: Take the chair from under Frank to sit on it, speak with Mr.King to fire him, Dr.Orlando to further disrupt him (by receiving a phone text from O.B. (AW) mentioning Orlando's real, agent name). DIALOGUE: Mr. King - Mr.King. You're fired. You've been utterly incompetent in managing this company and its resources, not to mention you appear to be busy with your... current position. I'll be more than happy to take responsibility of being a CEO from your hands. Dr.Orlando - Mr.Mammen... May I call you Rahul? I've come to let you know that I'll require a small fraction of the newly kindled civilians to join my company, to work in the factory I just repurposed. I'll be taking 25% of the new embers and make them my employees. INTENTION: - The chair is simply so that Mr.Bureau is sitting down, with the intent of looking very professional, composed, imposing and intimidating, compared to Orlando's current disheveled state (and also possibly helping Frank, but thats definitely not my main goal atm). This is the thing I care about the least, and I honestly don't care if it happens or not at all. I'm just thinking it would help to further Oxxford's overall vibe/mood. - Oxxford came to inspect the factory, and is not pleased with how it is being run, not to mention King is being used for the Feast in some way, so Bureau wants to seize it for himself, as he's a competent CEO (from his POV). He wants and intends on converting the factory into a food production plant, of either protein bars or cereal bars or something, with very small amount of fire-blessed ingredients, so he can sell them and spread them to the entire country, and cause a slowburn TF on a massive scale. - BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY (this is the main thing I hope happens), I wanna further throw Orlando off his game by calling him by his previous name, hoping that he spills the beans and talks about what happened between him, T and Otis. REASONING: Oxxford is a very competent CEO, but N most certainly is not, so he's mostly doing things that SOUND like they're good business deals. He's very cocky, thinks everyone else is beneath him only cares about money and only respects those in high positions of power. He is also part of the cult, so he wants to spread the fire's influence the best way he knows how: by making deals that affect lots of people. He would never get his hands dirty converting people himself, but he would 100% make a business deal to gain more followers, for sure! As for how Oxxford Bureau would know about Rahul's name... well, if he doesn't already know because of N's previous memories, then he would most likely have looked for some dirt on Orlando, and would've asked the cult's resident gamer to dig up that dirt. Since AW is in the bunker, the information is readily available there, so he could easily just send a text to Oxxford giving him something he could use against Orlando. Mr.Bureau would 100% play dirty in any business deal he participates in, if he can help it! The chair thing... idk, maybe Frank just needs to be jostled a bit. I'm aware that L wants to be the one interacting/rescuing or kidnapping Frank or whatever, so I don't want to take away his fun! Just help him a tiny bit, if possible. And also Oxxford sitting down for a business meeting is just something he'd be used to doing. COMMENT: DUDE, I don't think I've ever been so stressed and nervous about writing a comment in either of the CYOAs xD There's so much potential in my current position and I'm just paralyzed by choice, or non choice... I just wanna make the optimal move, the coolest action I can take/the one with the most impact or the one that would further my goals (my OOC goals) the most. I'm having trouble getting into the mind of this new character, not only because I'm new to the Compromised position, but also because I've always used my character as a means to achieve my goals (solving the mystery, for example) rather than an actual character, so I'm not used it yet. But now I finally have to and want to give N a bit more dimension so... yeah, hoping I can manage to do that!


Of course AW is happy to help, but as the saying goes "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours"

Neth Rusiki Azhti

"Alright Bastard, what's your price? The terms of a deal should be decided at the beginning of a transaction."


I yell out. "Hey Commander thanks for helping me kidnap the private." Your Sargent will instantly believe this and fight you.


Whaaaa, there was an update?!! I thought you were taking a break this week! Ahh gosh this is the best surprise, R looks really cute all confused, and BB looks... heh, that is a REALLY smug grin. Ahh geez, I hope I'm not too late to post a reply.


Agent @#à[% - You had been lost in thought, engaged in mental tussle between both sides of your mind, in an argument that felt at times like two people talking over each other, yet so echoey and muddled, it was almost difficult to discern who was saying what... Allowing yourself to become so distracted made it easy for the titanic Branded Beast to sneak up on you. You have to admit, you were a little startled by the ten foot tall behemoth, and not just your "real" self... You instantly shut up about being defective. Both sides of your person wanted to avoid a "red end" and instinctively knew to hide even the slightest hint that anything had gone wrong with your kindling. It was weird, how even before a single word had been spoken, with just one glance you somehow knew this man was your kin, a true brother. The Cauterized half of your personality was elated. There was an instant warmth he felt towards him, a desire to fight alongside him and a desire... to do more. Even the "Real" R couldn't deny that toothy smile was kinda charming and... fuck, wait... this is the same crazy beast from the park!! You didn't recognize at first, he looks a lot... different in the day time when you aren't fleeing for your life. A twinge of anger bubbles under the surface, but dissipates quickly, you can't blame this guy for your fate, your rage belongs to Agent S and Orlando. Suddenly your belly grumbles loudly, you think you actually look a little sheepish if that's possible, you rub your empty belly, "Hungry... eat?..."


"Stick with me and you'll be fed all you could desire, my sweet little ember...your inner flame must be fed and stoked."


Oh R... When we cross paths, if we cross paths... you will know the truth


Umm... am I the only one who noticed the inconsistent design with W? In 5 am he had white dick and balls, now at 9 am he has black dick and balls.