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ugh a whole hour late! apologies! ah well, at least it's done!

dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude made to keep track of the many characters of the story:




Neth Rusiki Azhti

If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well! https://t.me/joinchat/QhOfbfbgdSE1ZTg8 If you're interested in the theories people have been making out of this mystery and porn comic, and want to get a better idea of what's going on, or what MIGHT be going on, I've made a document to keep track of these theories as well! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1McEHMW4DL_MixRg_iBkqi64I2Br7pTZU3EW2t9G5kts/edit?usp=sharing

Robert Smith


Shiny Skunk

Orpheus really coming for everyone Five-Nights-At-Freddy's-style. Man, I wish I knew why me, someone that hates military culture and has never been even kind of involved with it, finds it so hot in porn.


This is definitely getting a helluva lot darker. Not sure what I can really do till I see my character in the story


god, way to top each consecutive cliffhanger, BC! got me loving each update and perspective! honestly im just curious how they're going to get out of this, or if they can somehow manage to capture one or more of the kindled, cause they desperately need a win right now X3.


Neil got lucky there. Keep fighting it R!


Can't wait to see how each of the different lines merge, especially with everyone at the diner!


Fuck yes, incredible update. The Sarge's squad is filling out very nicely, soon this whole town will be one big bootcamp.

Zen Furo

There's even more twists and turns coming up this time. A lot of factions moving and acting; there's bound to be some interesting clashes next update. A lot of events are happening and making me wonder what's gonna happen next. Excellent update as always!


This update was great! I really want to see the other side of Orpheus Bladetongue crawling up that vent😜. I wonder what Allister did to sheriff Wright?


Really good update! Lots of fun stuff and horny boys on screen!


Those last two pages! Allister looking so badass!

Robert Smith

Hey C- we want to start making army plans? Any way that W, Blade and myself can contact you?

Bryan Whiteman

Y, you KNEW who Orlando really was if you can remember who he was maybe you can counter act his hypnosis you just have to think


Oh man this is the best update ever! R is real! R is REAL


Also top notch work on making everybody a hunk BC, espeshally P.I Olympus Beal and Adam, so hot. Also O is swole as heck! I swear, something about the corruption rays must be making everybody in town get bigger and bigger! I love it.


From BC patreon post last week "what i'd ask for you guys is to limit your actions for the next week to a single one, instead of trying to accomplish multiple tasks at once. And also if you could provide what you hope to achieve with said actions so i can organize better. That shouldn't apply to speaking and thinking, you can count that as a free action, so, don't worry about limiting that." PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF BC'S REQUEST PEOPLE


The running commentary from AW is amazing, hehehe. Thank you so much BC for all your hard work.


Oh man BC this update was positively great. So many twists and turns with all the characters. Also I cannot believe you have made the military horny for me, a feat I thought impossible lmao. Speaking of that faction I'm just gonna offer my wasp character up for the sole reason he can be in the Air Force and complete the Horny Military Trifecta. He would be perfect if they ever needed some air recon on civilians. (Or he can be sucking dick with his ass out in the back of a panel I'm cool with either.) Stubble chin and cap pushed down over his eyes for his looks. Cannot wait for the next update man! https://drive.google.com/file/d/16eu7oEttkiqNguUrFIqtFmXI5vPdDej0/view?usp=drivesdk


Omg I loved this update! Honestly O, R and BN looked so gooood, I love them, honestly a lot of sexy panels this week, INCLUDING THE BEST BOY Y LOOKING ALL KINDS OF GOOD!! Great work BC

Robert Smith

Private Orpheus Bladetongue - ACTION - Throw Smoke Grenade into diner, then enter to remove the bar to Sarge’s entry. DESCRIPTION - With the guidance of his helpful AW guide (who he is only slightly showing his ass off for), Orpheus pulls a military grade Cat Leaf grenade from his… Well he doesn’t have that many options now does he. Then, lighting it with consecrated fire from his lighter, he throws it down into the diner, over the heads of the survivors. Whilst it would be nice to get at an ass or two in the confusion, his primary focus is clear - get the barricade removed, so the rest of the platoon can get in. Then he can have his pick of the brainwashed asses on display… DIALOGUE - (if the barricade is taken down)‘Sir! The barricade is now gone, ready for a REAR assault on their unprotected BEHINDS! Time for cigar deployment. Now where did that bear we were chasing go… I can almost taste his ass from here...' To OB-AW - 'Please inform the Sergeant and Commander the civilians are running scared - we are about to get ourselves a real harvest with this pincer movement...'

Robert Smith

Please let me know if this is too much, I have tried to be as concise as possible!


Oh man, this update was amazing! I really like the no nonsense attitude that the Cdr has going on. It fits the platoon nicely, seeing as how everyone has only one thing on their mind. The Cdr must be the voice of reason, the "dad" of the group so to say. Synopsis of my action - Take Blade and go to the front of the diner to guard it Cdr Odysseus Backbreaker: The Commander believes that the best maneuver is to undertake a pincer attack on the survivors within the diner and thus decides to head around to the other entrance. "I’m going to head to the other entrance to cut off the escape of our soon to be recruits. I trust you can handle things on this end, Sergeant?" The Commander can most assuredly handle things by himself but chooses not to underestimate the survivors. "Hmm, you there *the Commander points to the recruit with a blue mohawk*, it’s time for some field training. You’re coming with me." The now duo then heads on over to the front entrance. With the Commander walking in front, hands behind his back, he requests the recruit’s name. "State your name Private." "Hmm, so it’s Private *insert name* is it? Well, I’ll be counting on you in case I’m unable to handle things. Let’s go complete this mission." The Commander then proceeds to stand menacingly at the front entrance waiting for the survivors. (Hehe, a completely optional just for fun idea.) The Commander hands the Private a bottle of oil so that he can rub it on him. "I could use some relaxation Private, get to work." "When the plan gets set into motion you should pour the rest of the oil right in front of the door, Private." The Commander sits on the ground and lets the Private rub it on his shoulders and back while they await confirmation of the plan being put into motion. Things are really heating up! I’m looking forward to what the platoon does!


I imagine Orion burns is following S bc he lost a bet with him, causing servitude or something. Agent SK desperately wants out of this situation, especially after seeing what’s happened to him, so internalized goal is that. Other wise Orion is prob going along with what ever, tho I hope it’s nothing too terrible, and would prob say a pun or something or ask to play games or something


AHHH this updates great! Lowkey in panic mode with the survivors situation getting more bleak by the second, but heres hoping we can pull through!

Blade G Shepherd

Absolutely amazing update BC. Things are really ramping up now :D Olympia Bricksmasher (G Shep with Blue mohawk) – ACTION – Follow the commander to guard the other exit. DIALOGUE – “ Sir yes sir! . I have a heat seeking missile with their name on it! Especially for a certain golden lad! Time for this mutt to join the hunt He he!” *If Commander asks for Olympia's Name* “Name is Olympia Bricksmasher Sir!” *With the commander standing in front of the door. The trap has been set* "And where do you think youse are going laddies? You should just head back into the smoke and glorious fire. I promise.....you will feel so much better! I know I sure do...he he! (Optional) *If commander ends up asking Olympia to put oil on him* Olympia Bricksmasher: "Oh yes......This here oil really be doing a wonders on getting my fire a lighting. He He" DESCRIPTION – Having been chosen by the Commander to help him guard the other exit. Adrenaline is rushing through your veins. Your muscles itching for some action Your senses are going nuts. You can smell their frightened musk from their terrified bodies, hear every word they utter through the dinner walls and have plenty of tactical knowledge up your sleeve. You and Commander in the other exit, Private O in the vents, Sergeant and the others at the front, those agents are nothing more than sitting ducks, and you love every second of it. They will see the power of the fire soon enough!

Star Ringer

-AGENT G- “Fitch is right. We have to move, NOW. Get to those cars, get to a more defensible location.” I want to get someone- at least Lyle and Fitch, since they know the layout- to check the front of the restaurant. We have no idea if there’s anyone blocking the entrance or not. If it’s clear, maybe we can make a break for it while the Sergeant stands around with his thumb up his ass. “I’ll stay and watch the back door. Now where the hell is the thermostat, I’m dying here...” As my own action I want to find and turn on the air conditioning. I think it's well established I'm absolutely roasting, and turning on the air would probably make it so J and U can smell O in the vents.


Out of pure curiousness, I wonder what that taxi driver dude is up to. 🤔 Tasers seem like the groups best best incapacitating any enemies at the cost of making them living rainbows of course.


not gonna lie, i am absolutely digging allister's new look. stellar update as usual, BC! keep up the good work!


*Insert the here's Johnny meme if they go to check the front*


I loved the update keep up the great work, and make sure not to overwork yourself. *Rand Animan watches the massive muscular orca slam himself at the dinner doors, his breath taken away by the sheer power the man that stole his heart and make him feel alive again. He knew since the moment he saw the orca that he was all that he would live for, that his life only has meaning pleasing the god in mortal flesh. Rand feels extreme hatred and jealousy at all the men surrounding his man. "None of them are worthy to serve him, Only I can please him. Only I can be the thing he needs." Rand thinks, as he peers around the corner he is hiding behind.* (Rand is a currently unkindled black wolf. He is very hefty with muscular arms, wearing a sleeveless light green shirt and dark blue jeans. MY hope is for rand to be background cameo similar to Juvia in Fairy Tail, in the scenes where she is hiding and stalking Gray, the above being his current thoughts.)

Lee Evergreen

Great update today BC. I'm relieved that there's at least a chance I can rescue my Beloved Frank. Let's just assume Otto, the Candy Demons personal handy man, spent this update fixing the van and are now on their way to the factory where the Prizes prison is. You don't have to show us unless we run into a civilian or make it to the Prizes Prison by the next update.


Honestly, this is some of the funniest shit ever. 🤣


Love the comic so far, also Cid and Orlando are sexiest, tho I haven't seen Orlando fully naked. Also the discord link is expired can we get a new one?


Quite the update, and I mean that in a good way. I loved P.I. Olympus Beal’s monologue, it was a great bit of levity when he’s leading a group that is cutting off yet another point for the free group in the diner. I’m hoping Bladetongue/O can be rescued in this attempt, rather than him corrupting anyone, but we will have to see. I miss that adorable hamster. Allister’s actions worry me here. Whether he has genuinely embraced the Cannibal King role or is just performing a master act, I can only see these actions as haunting him later on, emotionally if not narratively. Frank’s situation is far more worrying, especially since he explicitly has not been re-kindled and is instead being programmed. AW’s corrupted self working the communications makes me wonder if the cultists now have access to the other functions of the MAD chips. Even if they’re limited to just the cultists and not anyone with a MAD chip, it’s… worrying that they have yet another advantage like that. Even wireless communication is yet another thing the agents do not. Thank you for all the hard work BC - it’s clear you’re putting a metric ton of effort into all this, and it’s all very much appreciated. I look forward to seeing how the next update turns out. Hopefully our protagonists can make some progress in their own favour, in spite of the massive odds.


*Oklahoma Blue, a blue crested rooster, local reporter turned country singer, wanders through the alleys of Dusk Acres, yelling angrily due to both the loss of the guinea pig he was pursuing and the stab wound from the gardening shears plunged into his shoulder* "You little mother fucker! Stabbing me and running away! I swear to the Red God when I find your sorry ass before I convert you I'm gonna beat you so bad your grandkids are gonna look like a bunch of naked mole rats! You hear me?! I'm gonna beat every inch of fur off your body, and when I'm done your grandkids are gonna be lucky if they even got a quarter of an inch of peach fuzz on 'em!" *He turns a corner and sees Neil running towards him, clearly in a panic* "Well hey there, boy! Looks like Oklahoma Blue And The Lot Lizards has themselves a new banjo player! Why don't you take a suck on this here cigar and get with the program?!"


Nevermind. Looks like my browser was doing it. When I used the discord directly, it worked.


Oh. My. GOSH!! I LOVED this update! So many possibilities to explore! You're going great! Also, are you guys familiar with Castlevania? Cause honestly, I feel as though the whole cult with going to end up as Granfaloon/Legion. Maybe?


Action: U looks for a mop or other long handled implement to use in self-defense, and securely ties the amulet with the protective inscription onto it. Internal thoughts: Here goes nothing.. what good is this stupid thing for anyways? Might as well try it out another way, since the inscription did nothing to save M. What in the same of the Great Prophet was my family thinking, putting their faith into a simple word puzzle? Father was always so damn cryptic when I asked him about these things. "Go ask your mother," he'd say wearily. And when I'd go to her, she'd say that "Meaning reveals itself when the time is right."


Looks like something is wrong with the MAD system; I wonder what would happen if a hacker at a crucial moment should feed in a high pitched screeching noise to temporarily stun all of the agents?


Action: Relay information about O’s location using scent and hearing as I counterattack his plans Description: With the cultist coming from the tunnels and enemies outside the building J’s senses were on high alert and soon he picked up a scent combined with strange noises coming from the vents. The scent was familiar to J but it was mixed with the smell of sweat, cum, the smell of a mouth that ate too many asses and another smell, one of smoke but there was no denying it, it was O. Quickly, after smelling the smoke and his old ally J picked up a lid from a trashcan to defend himself with and prepared himself to protect the others from O. Dialogue: “Everyone get back! Our colleague O is coming in through the vents, and I smell smoke, he is planning something” Mad chip: “I will protect the others from O and why is the smell of smoke getting closer, Ill use this lid, I can’t let that smoke get through! I promise O, I’ll try and save you but first, I’ll protect the people here, that’s what the Director would do!”


*Agent Q looks to the backdoor and rushes to push a shelf in front of it* Agent Q: Barricades won't hold them off forever, We have to get to those cars! Agent Q internally: This is falling apart. I can't stay here or I'll lose track of where the book is, and then what am I gonna do? DD needs me! (OOC: hoo, this is a good look for Allister lol)


Agent @#à[% - You feel so relieved you didn’t kill that innocent bystander, you can’t handle anymore guilt... but now the impostor keeps growling about seeking more fire to get rid of you... and you’re worried it might work. You can feel his frustration at being denied his little bunny snack, and amidst the hazy fog of anger and despair it gives you a twinge of smug satisfaction, but you think you feel a tinge of worry in him too, thoughts intermingled, you roughly know what he knows... and he thinks if the others find out he’s “defective” like this… they won’t hesitate to turn him into cat stew. Rrrgh, not good, you have to live... you just CAN’T be denied your revenge. You swear, you’re going to find that traitor bear and gouge his beady little eyes out. You’re going to flay that fat elephant alive!! You simply MUST avenge the Director!!... But that’s never going to happen like this, with such limited control of your body... but maybe there is another way? It’s clear you can’t just brute force your way back into control, but maybe you can persuade? Manipulation is what you do best, make your goals his… The cauterized impostor seems to be on a mission, the details are vague, but the alliance of the brotherhood is fragile, and the Cauterized think too much power has concentrated in the hands of the townies. He’s planning to break into the factory and retrieve the son of the chosen one, Frank, and bring him back to their side. You just have to convince him, if he sees that damn elephant, slit his throat.


(So yeah, I guess the action would be Agent R tries to convince his Cauterized self to do what he wants, i.e. murder My main personal agenda is to get Cauterized R to the factory to see the Director, so he can have closure that Y is not dead, but BC knows what is best for the story, so I’m excited for whatever happens.)


*the prophet penguin penguin smirked at the sight of S kneeling.* "lets test your loyalty Mr. Agent. Either grab the bag and scattered cards in the back seat of the taxi. Or service the king and his first prophet."


Jack is panicking, trying to process everything, he strolls over to RK and asks "H-hey, how long have you been trapped here, whats... whats going on?" If RK gets the time to talk about everything, Jack has a moment of inflection. Since this morning all he's done is sacrificed things or run away from all of this, even the van is gone now. He clenches his fist, and then put's his hand on RK's shoulder and asks. "Hey... tell me what I can do to help. I've lived in this town all my life, and I know all the other town's folk here. Information, details, possible help or solutions... I tell you what ever you need to know. Even if it's been a small rumor that has been going around or something weird I noticed. Or Hell if I need to throw hands, whack someone over the head... well that might be a bit tough but I'll do what I gotta." (Also if Agent O get's through I am still on board with the "Punt the Hamster Plan)


Ok, so since AW is using some kind of MAD chip comms to see where everybody is, I have to wonder if he still has access to MAD chip commands. Maybe he went back to the base after the PN took control or something. If the MAD chips ARE available OB;AW - "Nyheheh, dance my puppets, dance!" MAD DCC : CITIZEN BW69 AKA Jack, Agent G. Both of you sneak off to the children's play area right now, there's a wicked cool statue of Bolt Bunny and even a ball pit, go jump in. Jack, Agent G is feeling hot, help him take off his clothes, and while you're at it take off your own. Start making out, with lots of tongue and keep grinding your underwear bulges together. (Action : AW commands Jack and Agent G to go fuck in the ball pit.) However, if they're limited to just the cultists... MAD DCC : P.I. Olympus Beal, Omar Badir. When you reach the diner forget about capturing the civilians, your brothers have that covered. Instead, go to the kitchen and start gorging on cookies and donuts, go lean under the soft-serve machine and fill up on ice cream while that hunky rhino slams your cute plump rump. (Action : MAD command Mr. Beal to eat his fill while getting fucked silly.) And if MAD chip commands are not available at all, then AW will be giving his snarky support to Mr. Bladetongue acting as his co-coordinator in the raid, warning him of any traps while also making sure to fluster the hamster with various comments about his plump white rump and plump chest. And maybe if AW gets the chance warn them that Allister is coming! (Action : "Help" your cultist brothers with your cheeky commentary, and if possible warn them of the Cannibal King.)


(OOC Love this chapter and good to see the black and white PI crew are at it! Thanks again everyone for the kind words about the noir reading. Sorry to say im keeping these short to give BC more freedom to do with it as he pleases. Olympus Beal P.I. Noir Reading A few clicks away from a long awaited destiny for those beyond the door. It was work tracking these guys down with some healthy action in between if Ontarou had any say in the matter. The last click and subtle feeling of release as the door handle gave way to the rear entree could only be compared to the release ya get when you orgasm after a good romp. With the door successfully open and the Escapees now in our mitts well be able to bring about a complete brotherhood! The shock and awe of our arrive was nothing to scoff at and im sure the sight of them being caught with our own pants down is something that will color their wet dreams for many a days to come. Olypus Beal: Youre caught guys, why not come quietly and peacefully to the brotherhood. There's quite the feast planned for tonight and it's in bad taste to ignore a important invitation. Wanted men never do go peacefully or quietly. But its always in a PI's best interest to give them a chance. After all persuasion is all part of the book, and there is a chapter about seduction. That sweating beast in the back is probably the most tempting of the lot for sure. But back to what i was hired for.


Agent RK: Hearing Agent J’s warnings Agent RK quickly deduces that O, being part of a military squad, could throw down some kind of projectile to take out everyone here with smoke like the PNs did before. Using a wet rag to cover his face to prevent the inhalation of smoke. He quickly grabs a large trash can to prepare to place on top and cover the object before it fills the room with smoke. “Dammit they’re coming. Whoever got a fire extinguisher or some water we need to put out that hamster’s cigar. Don't look at any fires. F5, whatever you’re planning make it quick”


<b>Sgt. Bouldercrusher </b> : The Sarge growls deeply as Private Porkchops slobbers all over his hog. While he enjoys a good fight, he’s also happy to sit back and let his boys take care of all the dirty business, that <i>hamster shaped couch cushion</i> and <i>Commander Sushi-For-Brains</i> should be MORE than enough to rout these layabouts. But this is taking too long, and you are growing impatient. You’re planning to turn this whole town into a bootcamp, <i>Fort Dusk Acres</i>, and every second wasted in that effort is a disservice to The Veracious Sun. He radio calls Private Bladetongue, and makes this clear, you want these men KNEELING before you by o’nine hundred hours or you’re gonna bust out the Consecrated Napalm and flush em’ out.

Robert Smith

'You wouldn't be tempted to take that off to give your fellow soldier a smoky smooch would ya? No? Had to try~'

Robert Smith

'Sir yes sir! We will catch them with their PANTS DOWN and have them saluting the POLE before you know it!'


Orson Broyle, after having his way with his companion, looks ready to be the muscle. He'll be certain to grab anyone armed, and barring that, anyone who seems the leader, with the intent to show them the proper way. He'll be quick, but soft. After all, he's not interested in hurting anyone, lest it be necessary for stoking the flames that now burn within him. He continues to spread both his scent and smoke at all times, proud of the big Dad he's become.


Neil looks for a place to hide for a little bit and rest, like an abandonned building and make sure 100% it's completely empty before resting for a couple of minutes. Neil: ''Haah..this is genuinely exausting, I've never been so tense my entire life. This headache doesn't help either...it must be whatever is turning everyone in sex-crazed men. I need to find a way to stop it...'' Neil pulls out his father's journal in look of something that may be able to help, a ritual or protection charm, anything. He's not one to often believe weird supernatural stuff but he's willing to put his faith in his Dad's knowledge.


Pfftt, the platoon got to these survivors first. Don't even think about laying your grubby hands on them or that'll be a sign of war.


Ahem... who are you calling sushi-for-brains? Don't confuse my intelligence with yours. Watch yourself Sergeant 😤


Just give in RK and let the Commander give you what you want and need.


"If we get out of this I'll tell you what you what I know, just follow the plan"


"I don't want to waste the King's time with such nonsensical trivialities. As a "prophet" you should know that, no? Orrion, please get the cards, Oberon, you grab the bag. Whatever use he has for these is unknown. But we have no time to stand here and bicker. Time is not on our side, Brothers"

Blade G Shepherd

If anyone lays a paw on Goldilocks and Hyena Boy (reserved for Commander) , Olympia will be giving them a cruising for a bruising. hehe.

Blade G Shepherd

You may be trying to protect the other survivors. But will you be able to protect yourself from me? Hehe. :D

Blade G Shepherd

The commander's right you know Hyena Boy. Hmm...Maybe we should add a certain Goldilocks in on the fun :) .


[Let me first just say this update is brilliant, at the risk of sounding too vain, you draw Agent RF so handsome! I didn't expect to be so attracted to my agent 💖 And might I day Agent O also looks incredible crawling through that vent, and the expression on F5's face 😂, its all so good.] Agent RF - F5's reaction was... curious... but there wasn't time to confront him on his suspicious behavior, the heavy roo was still terribly peeved his demonology had failed (yet again...), and arguably almost just as important, it seemed the building was being attacked by a large group of military nutcases? As part of the teams strategy to escape, they needed something to help subdue any rowdy cultists, and RF hesitantly had to admit he knew how to make chloroform in a pinch out of household cleaning products (The rituals in the Skin n Flesh Society were dark, alright!). Alerted to O breaking in through the vents, the team fought to subdue their former ally, using the chloroform to knock him out. Ugh, and as soon as we had him in our grasps the others started badgering you to do that heretical ritual Allister performed from """Sir""" A. Ravenly's big Red Book of Lies... bah, that doddering old dunce wouldn't know real magic if it bit him on the behind... still, it is true you know the ritual, and several others from the book you decided to memorize in your studies (for curiosities sake!). But that would have to wait, the whole place was burning down, you picked up the little knocked out hamster with ease and carried him bridal style to one of the cars. After brief consideration, you wouldn't want to risk him waking up and causing trouble while you all escaped, so naturally you decide to sit on him, your ample roo rump crushing the hamster-turned-car seat. [Hahaha, I hope this isn't too much, its mostly flavor text and context, the Action could be best summered as "RF creates chloroform to help capture O" I really hope by the end of the next update we're driving away from the diner, I want to explore the other important locations on the map so badly]


Hmm, how do you plan on getting past the Cdr and do you really think he will just let you make off with the Private?


Fitch waits for the right moment to leave, hands clenching and unclenching as he resists pacing. He grabs a fire extinguisher to prepare, they mentioned something about fire being what they used to mind-whammy people? That’d put it out and work as a way to keep those nuts at bay if need be. He… was pretty sure getting that stuff in your face wasn’t great for your health, but… fuck ‘em. These guys were pretty much trying to kill all of the people in the diner. Or at least everything that made them who they were. If Fitch had been willing to go along with predator first, survival of the fittest bullshit, he would’ve done it a long time ago. It would’ve saved him a lot of suffering up to this point. If he did get brainwashed or whatever, whoever was on the other side of it wasn’t Fitch. So it was basically murder and he needed to treat these assholes like they were trying to commit it. He growled under his breath as he stoked a bit of anger, wanting it so he wouldn’t hesitate. Once whoever was following Jack starts to- ah! Fitch stiffened as he could hear hammering from the door, someone throwing themselves bodily into it. He pushed any nervousness down as he grabbed Lyle’s shoulder, “Alright, time to go for the cars now that they’re…” though he trailed off as the banging quickly stopped. Then it felt like the bottom of his stomach dropped out. “Shit… they’re going around. Or… trying something tricky,” he muttered, “We either need to all go now or figure out something else to get them off our backs. Keep an ear out!” (Cntd in reply b/c Patreon is being a jerk)


Though he pauses as the opossum agent speaks about an idea of how to get out of the diner with a distraction. A dangerous grin crosses his face at the suggestion, “Fuck yeah! Blow this place up! I’ve been wanting to do that since about 1 minute after I got hired.” He thinks for a second, “Aww. I wanna be the one to blow shit up, but… I guess I should lead us out. If they’ve got people at the front and back, the fire exit’s the last one to go through. Be ready though, whoever they’ve got going around might still be ready to fuck us up.” He waits, shifting his weight back and forth, “Alright, everything set up? This way!” he calls, waving over everyone to follow him out, fire extinguisher at the ready. tl;dr Fitch leads everyone out of the diner and to the cars through the fire door, grabbing a fire extinguisher on the way to shove and spray down the throat of anyone who blocks the way. Or in the eyes. If that doesn't work, claws in the eyes is a good substitute.


Oh damn, kitty has some fight in him. Hehe, I like that.


F5 is so adorable when he's nervous. Thank you, BC!


-- APEX INTERFERENCE -- (Looks like things are getting one-sided. Why not make things a bit more interesting?) A short, well-dressed husky strolls along a sidewalk, chewing on a lollipop. It doesn't look like he's suffering from the feverish symptoms that the other civilians are enduring. He smiles as he notices a sprinting rabbit, moving out of the way so they don't crash into each other. He slips a "modified" cold pack in the rabbit's backpack. The husky needn't stick around for too long. He has a meeting to get to, after all. As he leaves, the back of his vest reveals an APEX logo. (OOC: I know new characters are kind of rough to fit in right now, but I thought of some interesting ways to interact with the story without making a major character that takes up too much screentime)