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now that most of the assets for the initial minigames are done, i decided it might come in handy to work for stuff that we're still deciding on.  We do know there'll be a mirror maze puzzle with evil shades of andy chasing after him, yet we don't know the specifics of said puzzle. But we do know the doppelgangers will be there, so i started animating a walk cycle for each:

aside from that , this part of the game will take place in a mirror world, so it would ,of course need a background ( unless we decide to go for like... mirrored bgs ). I 've always been fascinated by those tunnel effects you obtain by putting two mirrors one in front of another so i kind of went with that idea, plus i scattered some animated floating shards of glass around just to make it look otherworldly and kind of dangerous. The action will probably take place on one of these broken surfaces, but i still didn't draw it because i would need the gameplay specifics for the maze..

nothing too saucy this week either but who knows what the future will hold. 

Anyways, for now this is all i have. And as always i hope you enjoyed this little peek in the dev process. Til nex time folks!




Oh man that's super cool!


Distortion/Inverted/Mirror worlds are always fun ideas.


I hope you just keep building on this game forever


Oh man! Im just imagining this is what happens in part 3 of my Zap and Andy encounter in the leather shop dressing room