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ehh...what's new, at this point. Apologies, but the comic's pressure is getting a bit intense and i think it would be beneficial for everyone if i took a week off every two updates on the regular. 

speaking of wich, another thing that would help immensely would be how the comments are given. I enjoy a lot reading the complex descriptions that almost read like storyes in the comments, but in terms of using them to create a unified narrative, it's a bit much. 

what i'd ask for you guys is to limit your actions for the next week to a single one, instead of trying to accomplish multiple tasks at once. And also if you could provide what you hope to achieve with said actions so i can organize better. 

That shouldn't apply to speaking and thinking, you can count that as a free action, so, don't worry about limiting that.

also , i'm sorry to say this, but inserting new characters in the story is becoming more and more difficult , so please forgive me if i don't put in yours. Each character requires its own screentime in the story , and the more i put in it, the less general screentime everyone has. So no problems in making them appear as a cameo in the background as cultists, cauterized or civilians getting corrupted, but it might take me some time to introduce new people in an active role.

lastly, i want to ask, to whoever is like, hating the direction their character has taken in the last updates to please send me a pm on patreon so we can discuss how we can make their story better.

woof, this was longer than expected. I again apologize for the requests and the missing update, but i felt like this had to be done... see you next time, folks! 

(p.s.: if you guys have an idea about how i could increase the interactivity of the comic and include more of you in a stress-free way, please do suggest it, i'm kind of lost on that department)



Im glad to know you're taking this at a pace that's comfortable. Wishing you well dude!

Lee Evergreen

I'm happy you're implementing a healthier schedule for you. I'll try to keep my action commands as concise as possible from now on.


It's important for your health to establish rules and boundaries on CYOA projects! No worries about that, we all understand the need to implement limitations. We just want the best for you with all the hard work you do.


No prob bc! Please take your time and rest up. You really don't gotta apologize for putting your self first. We all love and appreciate what you've done and nobody wants ya to overwork yourself. Sorry if I myself contributed to any if the problems. But really thank you you much for letting us be part of this experience at all! And i really hope this helps take the loud off a bit.

Robert Smith

No worries at all, this extremely important and I am glad this is being instituted. Just let us know how we can help you any more for the future :)

Blade G Shepherd

Not a problem at all BC. No need to be constantly stressing yourself out. Honestly the 1 week break every two updates should help ease the stress. Make sure you get some rest bud :D


You will never have to apologize for looking after yourself!


I feel like increasing the interactivity is something we patrons can do, We're probably going to do something to reinstitute the MAD commands. as long as we had those we could have a direct input in the comic without having your own insert character.


Happy to hear youre implementing a break system ^^ Looking after yourself is the most important thing


It's always good to take breaks. With how many pages and all the stuff you have to shift through for story elements it's good not to rush it out


>getting a bit intense Thats a pretty big understatement! I also understand the new character stuff at this point Im not sure if I can even take part personally. But so far everything is keeping me on edge, my hearts go out to everyone involved so far!


I’m really glad to hear you’re implementing breaks as a regular part of the schedule - you never have to apologise for putting your health and comfort first <3


As for interaction elements: Maybe a camera control? Patrons being able to check in on people by hacking into character's chips, alter povs? Even if they're antagonists...

Robert Smith

If there is another APEX group, people could interact as that group who are manipulating the situation, trying to push things in the right direction? So like distracting, turning on signals etc?


So people who might be curious about a particular villain or character that's been out of the spotlight can hack into the MAD chips system and see where they're at


I'm happy that you're working to take more breaks and manage your workload when you need to! And I'm excited to see what we can do as patrons to help you tell this enthralling story!


It’s all okay dude! Taking care of yourself is the most important thing so don’t worry about us, just take care of you and we will take care of loving the content you put out!


A break is definitely warranted. You’ve got one of the most active patreons I’ve seen, and there’s nothing simple about what you’re providing for Dusk Acres, much less your other projects. I’m glad that you’re taking some scheduled breaks now, rather than forcing yourself to take them. Thank you for all your hard work BC, and I hope you get a chance to destress and relax.

Bryan Whiteman

It's ok you've worked so hard to make room for so many people, making so much art in one week is A LOT, i encourage this decision for this and feature crowd comics like this


Your story and art is fantastic, and with how much effort you consistently put out, you should definitely take a breather!


Increase the interactivity of the comic in a stress-free way? At that point, you may need to do what Marvel and DC have been doing for years, and have other artists and writers create the alternate branching pathways. It could be worth looking into =3


I think that Patreon ate my post so I'm going to put it here -- Feel free to take all the time you need to heal up. There's a lot of people clamoring at the gate to be included, and I can understand why. Your skill and expert storytelling and wonderful art is something that everyone would love to partake in. But there is only one BlazingCheeks for this, and I would never want you to be put out or burnt out by something like this. As for Agent D / Orson Broyle (or whatever name you want to give him), I am more than willing to retcon anything that I've included in my posts, if it makes it easier. Do what you wish. Seriously. If you want me as a background character, I'm just happy to be included. If you want to give me a bigger role later, as cultist or agent or what have you, I'm fine with that too. Feel free to have me carnivorously salivating over delectable Leg-of-Agent, or place me on the Pyre. Have me zonk folks and be on the hunt, or just in the background working on getting everything set up. I trust in you, BC, to make whatever choices are best for you in the comic. Personally, I like both good and bad end hypnosis, I like the TF, and I know that folks love the way he looks. Personality-wise, I'm going to stick with the idea of him being a sort of Soft-Dom, willing to corrupt others and just falling down that spiral as far as you'd want to take him. :D So far, so good ! Thank you again!


<3 <3 <3 Thank you for the guidance BC, we'll all try to make it easier for you, I hope you get some good rest. Its just so impressive that what you're doing here is so unique and original you're having to make the rules up for how it works.


Oh, I was also about to recommend that! Patrons who want to interact with the story without a character can control APEX silhouettes and act as some sort of wild card for the story


Your health should come first, and you shouldn't need to apologize for stuff like this! You're already doing more than what we could ask for, and I'm honestly surprised you even lasted this long without taking frequent breaks. Thank you for the amazing content, and take care! <3


I hope you feel better


Wish you to be better soon man. I’ve never really understood how that was working between our comments and what you do with them for the story but, wouldn’t it be simple to use Discord ? Excuse me if I don’t use the good words to explain my idea. On Discord you can create a server with many channels. Then depends what would be the best to organise this. By date would make you create a channel for each update. By chat a fera could be fun, each important character with his own channel like people could only comment to make this character move/speak/interact. With others limited restrictions like a standard message from you that would tell everyone comments are now over and work Is In Progress. Not sure if I’m clear but I hope you will find a way to make it work properly without killing yourself softly


Thank you so much for all your hard work BC, you're incredible and I hope you have a good rest. 🤗


Dude, take the breaks! You're working on multiple projects at once and at a very high quality, in very little time! No one in their right mind will ever fault you for taking some time for yourself. Stress is an enemy to us all, do what you have to to be rid of it. Hope you're all good man.


Yay for more breaks! I don’t know how to integrate my ideas into the story, so I gave up sharing my ideas for the crap shoot. I don’t like investing thoughts and time with the idea it’ll be read and ignored, so the fan interaction stuff makes sense. I also am squeamish with violence haha, so even if my char made it in I dunno if I would even want him to suffer a terrible fate. It’s kinda why I took a back seat, I mainly liked it for the sexy fun! Glad you feel open to talk with fans and to include the community. You rest and take it easy! Shit like this is hard!


I think taking breaks every couple weeks might be good for giving your drawing hand a rest and being able to figure exactly where you want to take DA as well! Get some well deserved rest in between updates.


As for interactivity or changing anything, I'd say using the discord was a good idea a few people had. Maybe a channel for the people looking to add to the comic to post and you could run polls/hear from the audience that usually don't post long pieces!

Neth Rusiki Azhti

First off, THANK GOD BC. You really need to pace yourself! I'm really glad you're deciding on making it a regular thing to take a week off every two updates. Like, that was really needed. I still think you could make a it a biweekly thing, but this is good too. Secondly, I wanted to give my thoughts on how you could potentially make the interaction between the story and the patrons a bit better. The issues the current system has revolve around there being too many people and said people doing too many things. Nobody really knows exactly what's going on but we still try and do things to survive, figure things out or push our own direction on the story. We're stretching the story very thin and there's not much narrating going on since the story is focused on us players, who don't know what we're doing (for the most part). So any meaningful solution would be one that reduces the number of variables, be it actions per player, or straight up reduce the number of players. I propose we divide the players into factions, and then input our commands as part of these factions. The bigger the group the more commands they get to do. Perhaps the actions each group take could also be voted on by said members of the group. Se would write our commands as usual, but then BC would pick several of our comments and make them options on a poll for each of the factions to participate in and vote on. (I'm aware that on Patreon making an exclusive poll, where only a few selected people could vote in is not possible (though Discord would work for that), so maybe rather than vote on a poll we could each write the option we would choose: 1, 2, 3, etc.) Optionally, instead, BC could suggest two or three SIMPLE options for each group, such as "investigate", "run away", "fight", "talk", etc, which people would vote on, and then everyone chooses how they wanna do each thing. Or he could state that its those kinds of things that people have to do, so that he'd have more control over the story, while still leaving the agency of HOW each character does this to the players.


Take your time dude! i admit i was having fun making little narratives on what i think my guy was doing. Ill tone it down what i was posting and hope it all works out. As always take your time and stay well my dude.


Lots of folks don't understand how much pressure artist put themselves under. Take the time you need. People will understand. Take what suggestion you like and let the others go. You cannot please everybody and honestly, doing what YOU feel best will please the vast majority of us. Thank you for sharing your work and take care of yourself.


I was always worried that Dusk Acres might be too much for you to do every week. So it’s a relief to see you’re taking measures to make sure it doesn’t become too much.