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here we go! sorry for the slight delay!

dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude made to keep track of the many characters of the story:




Neth Rusiki Azhti

If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well! https://t.me/joinchat/QhOfbfbgdSE1ZTg8 If you're interested in the theories people have been making out of this mystery and porn comic, and want to get a better idea of what's going on, or what MIGHT be going on, I've made a document to keep track of these theories as well! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1McEHMW4DL_MixRg_iBkqi64I2Br7pTZU3EW2t9G5kts/edit?usp=sharing


Woah, was not expecting that outcome on Agent I. I feel bad for him.

Robert Smith



HOLY CRAP THIS UPDATE MAN, BC YOU ARE GOING ALL OUT HUH now i don't know where i want my lynx guy to go! maybe bump into neil?

Robert Smith

Agent Orpheus Bladetongue- Emergency redeployment! The Inn will have to wait, Sarge told you to come with him, and as much as you want to find your Coach... Sarge told you. And you might be called an ASSKISSER for it, but his word is law for you. It seems to be a simple enough operation, two REARguard have entered the Bolt Bunny Diner- they will almost certainly have barricaded the doors by now, they saw you coming- but that shouldn't be a problem. This is a public establishment, designed to be welcoming and entering... but better than that, designed to have vents to waft in enticing smells. Vents you can crawl around, and set up Fires and smoke in order to convince them to follow their true desires. All you want is a PROMOTION for the Sarge, to follow him from BEHIND, and getting him these two converts will help with that, you are sure.


I'm scared!


Another excellent update, holy shit this one is brutal. Allister is a fucking beast.


WHEW, YOU REALLY PULLED OUT THE STOPS FOR THIS ONE HUH! And the fact that this is just the beginning makes me both hyped and terrified for upcoming updates. I think I need to lie down for a bit...


Something tells me Allister and Frank are gonna be on a collision course to fight each other.


This was horrifying in the bedt way possible! My anxiety has spiked but I'm like super fucking invested, even moreso really! Keep ip the brilliant work BC!


Allister has mutilated Agent I and is naked drenched in blood, but somehow frank sitting calmly in business attire is way more menacing. Frank isn't even contained or behaving erratically .


(Oh yeah, and about my would-be character, feel free to introduce him in whatever fashion you feel is appropriate! This applies to all future updates too, so I'll start making moves if you do decide to ever add him. He's a 5'3" Siberian Husky, currently a medical student. Full name is Weston Ayek. Ever since the influx of patients with a strange, feverish illness, he's been hard at work trying to research the underlying cause. Also, he's trying to get in contact with Jane, since apparently she didn't clock out. Reference: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/288194087570636801/846600114709725184/162191557348866500.png)


Oh fuck, Agent I, this comic is turning full Silent Hill/Resident Evil, Allister looks wicked. Also oh gosh look at Agent R, hahaha, he's so menacing now, and how'd he get so buff. Shame he lost his cool hat and coat, but he looks damn good... now if only I knew how to play this turn of events...

Yoked Coder

Things are happening again! It was real nice to see that bear getting turned by the gentlemen and seeing the citizens escaping. Its really a watching week by week to see what happens and we need to see the story play out more since just options seem limited now. I hope more people join in on bear S's message

Blade G Shepherd

Really impressive BC things are beginning to heat up now :D Agent BK: Agent BK age 23, is seen sprinting towards the dinner as fast as he could. fear spreading on his face. He is a 5'8" German Shepherd with a blue mohawk, fiery green eyes, and black-and-white fur. He's wearing a bright blue tank top with leather jacket and leather trousers. He has an extremely buff physique and is built like a tank. MAD READING BK: Why in the fuck is nobody responding to my calls? Fuck sake! Here I am slowly losing my mind, running for my life and the people I am trying to save from these pissers have forgotten all about me! Agent J….you son of a bitch……if you are going to pick up now is the time. *Calls Agent J in distress calling Agent J pure panic in his voice* Agent BK: Agent J?! Agent J come in can you hear me?! Listen……you probably don’t remember who I am but this is fucking urgent lad! Agent B…. he’s …. turned. I was looking for Agent B but I was ambushed by Oliver Birch and his thugs! He tried to brainwash me into his gang. I barely managed to get away and I’m heading to the dinner right now! Let the others know I’m coming…especially RK.


As the strange liquor hit the back of his throat, the hoodied bear(JRB93) releases a burst of psychic energy, pushing the two off of him. "What the hell just happened?", He thinks to himself as he stands with a surprised gaze after spitting out the booze. This only lasts for a moment though, as the urge to flee kicks in,"No time for that, run Zavier run!" If they want a hunt, they've got one...


ALSO also would having a gun with limited ammo be out of bounds?


Lord Allister: What are your plans? Do you have power to counter the enthrallment of the two other factions. How do you believe you have the power to wrest control from this chaos?


This is a thing I guess, I just hope my character is saved at some point, and doesn’t eat anyone. Honestly would rather be killed off screen then to cannibalize or be cannibalized by someone. Just not fun for me at this point, personally :/


MAD CHIP READING... AGENT T: Frank's compromised... And not imprisoned. If we hurt him, he might snap out of it! The openings in the fence are too narrow to throw something... They didn't give us any cutlery... Wait... Agent T: Mr. King, did you say we're inside the factory?"


<b>Sgt. Bouldercrusher</b> : You're damn pleased with the progress you're making building up the army, the other factions... the DIRTY BEATNIKS and OVERSTUFFED SOCIALITES... they could never compete with your boys in tactical skill <i>or</i> devotion to The Veracious Sun. The raid on the Retirement Home was a huge boon to your forces. It doesn't matter how old or enfeebled someone is, before they've been kindled by the flame their body is like wet clay, able to be molded and transformed into a being of mental and physical perfection, with the right touch. You smile fondly as you remember shoving a cigar in the mouth of an old granny, terrified in her rocking chair after you barged in and interrupted her knitting. Within seconds you had removed all traces of WEAKNESS from her body, transforming the old bat into a virile young FIGHTER. You have ordered most of your platoon to assemble on the Baseball Diamond; set up base, make sure there is frequent inspections and <i>saluting</i> the flag, in a manner of speaking. But you're still searching for new recruits, the THRILL OF THE HUNT calls you, and your squad has already found crowd of spineless flabby civilians hold up in the old diner, ready to be converted into REAL MEN. You lick the blade of your golden army knife as you watch the big TANK of an Orca break down the barricade with ease. Alright boys, time to wrestle.

Robert Smith

I am also not saying that Adam's clapping ass drew Private Orpheus, but I am not not saying that


Hehe, I was thinking exactly the same thing! Destroy that door with a good shoulder charge! Also, I was discussing in Discord. I'd prefer it if we ran the military squad as two leaders. The Commander isn't keen on following someone else and calling them "boss". We are in different services too. (I thought I should add an IC comment since everything I said was OOC in this post) I don't like the way you've been ordering me around like I'm one of your lackeys Sergeant. If anything we're both leaders of this platoon and you better treat me as such.


*the penguin let allister take the lead. use him as he pleases the penguin smiled.* "Striped knight.. we have locations of other prophets. we ride for the diner. I will need my gear. bag in the back of the taxi.. and the cards.. dont forget the cards."


Damn, what an update! I did not expect that to happen to Agent I and I feel so bad for him. But it is time to focus on the mission at hand, raiding and converting everyone in the diner, hehehe. CDR Backbreaker: The Commander rams into the diner after tracking down the Raccoon and Bear using his echolocation. He dusts off his hands as the smoke clears. “Now did you two really think you could escape from me? Oh? What’s this? Seems like we hit the jackpot, there’s a whole load of prime recruit potential in here, hehehe.” The Commander pulls out two brass knuckles and puts them on his hands, getting ready to test his newfound recruits. “This is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you, but I’ll try to make it swift and painless for your sakes. Don’t even think about running either, it’ll just cause needless harm.” The Commander focuses his attention on the hyena, an urge to quickly convert him rising. “Heh, I think I’ll start with you, hyena.” The Commander quickly blitzes the hyena, showing impressive speed despite his stature. He delivers a powerful jab into the stomach of the hyena, causing him to fall over. The Commander then lifts the hyena and gives him a big smooch. “Sorry recruit, sometimes I have to get rough.” The Commander then turns his attention to the dog. “You’re next.” I wouldn’t mind if the agents found a way to turn W back into himself, but I’m not going to make it easy for them.

Rodney Talon

Is he a neighbor now?


Amazing update! Loving the somewhat bleak turn things are going in! __________ Rogan Asheton "Ashe" Phoenix, a 6'3" buff cat pushing into his 40s, is still navigating his way through the back alleys and across streets in an attempt to make it... somewhere. Something is telling him he won't be making it home any time soon, so the best bet would be to take up shelter somewhere, though exactly where is up for debate. Ashe isn't unprepared, thankfully, his handgun drawn and at the ready, with the hopes that he won't have to use it. Ashe: Hmmm, plenty of spots to set up shop, but what would be safest? Maybe the motel? Somewhat remote, isolated, surely doesn't get much foot traffic... *deep breath* One step at a time. Best way to get there would be...


Look out Neil! Please don't let your adventure come to an end. You have this great "OUTLAST" setup going on! If you need assistance, I know a capable wolf detective who is more than willing to offer a hand...er...paw!


you are straight up on that vibe dude, all thats missing is Krillin from TFS doing a playthrough going "OH GREAT BACK TO NAMEK!!!"


Agent RD (Rye) (using a grinder and mason jars on the cats leaf) Rye(RD): we gotta store this shit up good, lets really make it last!!! (takes the keys) Rye(RD): and dont forget to get these two on our side, i think they might need some convincing a bit!!!


OOC: sorry what the F U C K


Agent R - You... the real you... watches with horror from the rooftop as you finally get a true sense of the scale of Dusk Acre's destruction. All around you, on every block, you can see fire raging... the streets are littered with overturned cars and makeshift barricades... and gangs of freshly kindled victims rove the streets, partying like its some sort of perverted festival. There's a sinking feeling in your belly, is there even any unconverted agents left?? The imposter in control has somehow transformed your body even further, its rather hazy but you don't remember ever having muscles like this before, and didn't you have a hat?? Its hard to say... when you think back to the pub your mental image has you always looking like this... its so hard to tell what is real anymore ~ The cauterized cat sniffs the air, his eyes going wide as he detects fresh meat. A cute black furred rabbit making a shortcut through the alleyways, what a tasty little snack. Alone, unprotected, easy pickings for anybody with bad intentions. And you have lots of bad intentions. You have a bigger mission to do, but a little distraction playing with this boy wouldn't hurt, and you're really craving a nibble on those big floppy ears. You can hear the annoying little voice in the back of your head screaming at you to leave him alone. Its peculiar, he shouldn't be able to bother you... but part of you is glad you're going to get to show him this. -if he Rolls a 20- In the blink on an eye you jump down and land in the alleyway snatching the rabbit by his jacket and backpack, and in another second ripping them off with your claws. The action flings the rabbit onto the ground. You hungrily eye the shocked lapin over, what a pretty boy. You're standing over him, you know he sees your throbbing hard cock, the flame has made it so much bigger than it ever used to be. Before he can escape you lunge at him, and pull him onto your lap. He grunts and squirms, but you're holding onto him tight, and with your free paw you effortlessly tear off his pants, exposing his cute bunny cock to the cold morning air. You cup it with your sharp claws, now he's at your mercy. You start jacking him off as you grind your shaft into his back, you hear him moan in surprise, and then you make him yelp with nip on his shoulder not hard enough to be too painful, but just enough to draw a little blood. Unkindled are too weak to enjoy the really rough shit cauterized get into, so you've got to be gentle. Gentile, but you don't have to show any mercy. Over the following hour you totally destroy this bunny, enjoying him as you please, and making sure he spills his 'milk' again and again. -if he Rolls a 1- You grit your teeth in annoyance, there is an undeniable hesitance in you that shouldn't exist, and it made you miss your mark. You jump down from the rooftops slightly too late, alerting the cute rabbit before you could make your move. You swipe at him, once... twice... but no luck, he dodges your grasp. Its almost like there is a force in you making you pull your blows. You growl ferociously and try to shake it off, giving chase to your prey...


Agent P, a thin brown otter with teal hair (ref: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29793055/), is running down the street, checking behind him for any of the cultists that had accosted him previously. Hoping he has lost them, he turns into an alley and right into Neil the rabbit. They bump into each and the otter drops the phone he was holding, trying to find a way to lead himself to any other Agents. He instantly goes into defense mode, thinking he was going to have to scrap with a cultist but sighs seeing another sane looking person. He grabs his phone and apologizes, his eyes moving between the phone screen and the rabbit. "Sorry about that. Wasn't looking where I was going..." He peeks behind the rabbit, looking for a reason why he was running. "Guessing that way isn't a good idea?"


Replying to myself here to say that I'm loving the new crew of Agents a ton! You guys are all super fun and expressive so far and, as usual, hats off to BC for the great work.


You feel a puff of warm, pheromone laden air from the opened back door and feel a familiar prickling sensation on your neck and in your loins. You know what this means now - predators approach. As the civilians in the back stumble in, you catch up to Q, putting your hand on his shoulder to gently stop him. To Q: "Wait." Turns back to address the others: "I think something's coming."


Agent J quickly helped set a barricade and grabbed what ever he could use to fight back and gave what weapons he could gather to the others. “U Is right, enemies incoming” J yelled to the group. Agent J went into high alert, he was not gonna let anyone else fall and he was gonna do everything he could to assist. He focused on his sense of smell and hearing, to scout the area quickly, the smell of cum, sweat and smoke were strong and getting closer but also something else, a sound, clinks and clanks from what seem to be something hitting a metal space plus the smell of a mouth that has eaten to many asses, the vents!! J thought, but the only one that could fit in there is... quickly J relaid the information, “everyone I think agent O is coming through the vents!! I can hear sounds coming from [points towards and or says the direction of the sound] there.


Agent J hears the faint distorted msgs of BK: “it’s hard to hear you right now, we are currently under attack. you were a canine right?? Use your senses agent, survive and find us!”


Chandler, A Red Panda (Average height, slight chubby belly, and wears glasses) after a long night of playing video games into the morning, begins to feel uneasy and soon develops a slight headache unbeknownst to him as to why. After checking his home for some medicine being unable to find any his stomach begins to growl. Thinking about taking out two issues in one decides to change into normal clothing (Dark jeans with a Red and Black t-shirt hoodie and some Hi-Top shoes) and heads out into town on foot only being about a 10 minute walk away. "This headache is killing me, why did it have to start now I was getting to the good part of that horror game that came out recently. Hopefully there's some places are open." Walking towards town and notices an odor of smoke at first thinking whether or not he should head home he continues on only to notice some strange figures roaming around the streets in oddly classy attire. Deciding to mind his own he heads towards the diner. "Honestly that smell is not helping with this headache. The sooner I don't have to smell it the better." (I've never tried this before, if I could get some feedback on this that'd be greatly appreciated.)


Agent RF - Over the last past hour you've been in deep meditation, a ritual of silent but fervent chanting, a prayer to the dark pantheon of demons your secret society worships, begging for a sign. Its unfortunate you don't have the time or resources to perform one of the more complex ceremonies at this moment (...after all, you highly doubt anyone here is a virgin), and admittedly, a little desperation began to creep into the back of your mind with the lack of response. But you are a true believer! You've read the scrolls, you've memorized the stories by heart - tales of bleeding statues, swords speaking, unnatural miracles, fire turning into ice, clay into gold, men growing eleven feet tall in a night! Intimate records of demonic possession, summoning portals, detailed accounts of foolish students dragged into underworld to become concubines of Baroth forever... you just know its true, has to be true! Sweat running down your face, you hear a commotion happening in the back. Trouble? You grit your teeth, thinking you'll have to stop... Suddenly a flash of pain runs through your arms!! You curl over, crying out in pain as a vision flashes through your mind! A large white figure, a monster wearing the mask of a bear... tearing the arms off of... oh rulk, was that Agent I??... A loud incessant chorus fills your mind, sung in an intolerable unknown language unlike anything from your order... a burning octagram... the sun eclipsed by a red moon... A message whispered by your dark lords, warning of a force that threatens to destroy the Unholy Alliance, and its coming here. Your eyes snap open and you're laying on the ground, panting, shivering. You get up, putting a hand on Agent F5's shoulder. "We have to go.... NOW!!..."


(Adam puts all his weight into holding the door shut while Jack and Lyle find something to barricade it). (Speaking) “Did you see those guys?! Why are there soldiers running around chasing people?! And the orca?! He wasn’t even army, he was navy – what the fuck is up with this place…?”


OOC: (adding this as a reply so my comment isn’t too long and Patreon eats it) amazing update as always man! &lt;3 WOW okay so Allister. Allister. Sweet Allister. What did you just do to poor Agent I? Also, with Oliver's lighter 'infecting' the fire he'd already set, I wonder what it is about the lighters themselves that gives them that property? Fuel that's been contaminated in a manner similar to the booze Lord Barker's group has, or perhaps a flint/lighting mechanism made of infected metal like the weapons the cauterised use? Curious 👀


Olympus Beal P.I. Noir Reading A new dead end just means another lead as the smell of the alleyway was sex and lust sprinkled with cigar smoke after our restful romp. The melancholy colors of this town, that was slowly becoming illuminated by the fire as time passed, had a chance to lose it if those escapees remained at large. Sure we were hired to bring in more for the brotherhood, and collecting lost souls and rekindling our ways back into their frivolous lives was incentive and a rewarding. But the passion in me to bring back only those specific few burned brighter then the need to convert random others just to sit closer or higher in the rankings. Much to our dismay and searching the alleyways only lead us to another set of lost souls. Not wasting time me and Orson worked our Good cop bad Cop style of questioning. I pointed out how we could tell he'd been here a while based off the trash he accumulated making sure to press him to the wall hard and telling them to spill if he saw those missing agents. Orson brushed me aside and offered them a puff of his cigar encouraging him to smoke it. All the while Ontarou chimed in reassuring him it was for the best he answer honestly. He was hesitant but we put a squeeze on him offering no room for escape with a swift hand full of his junk. His gasp made his take a good puff as I groped and gripped him hard. This time Orson asked in his own way all the while as we watched him slowly shift to our advances. The poor lad never knew what hit him, and after a while started to see our ways as he converted to the life he was meant to have. He sang a different song after that, mentioning how he saw some people a couple of blocks in the dead of night. He couldn’t recall fully what they looked like while he was hiding but he did mention the suites they were in. We thanked him for his time and info and was sure to tell him of the feast to come while he offered us some cat leaf joints that I eagerly accepted. Just like that, a dead end turned into a new lead. Gehehe~ TL;DR : still on the trail for the agents, got a new lead that puts us closer. Focus on the job and could care less about standings with converting the most peeps, that’s just pleasure with the business. OoC: So much content! Lot of info to use and go through. Your doing good BC keep up the good work.


Hehe, I just love the style you put into your posts!


Fitch tensed from the sudden commotion, his hands clenching into vicious clawing instruments until he heard a familiar voice. Was that… Jack? Was the call Lyle just took to let him in? Though… fuck, if there were ‘military nutcases’ chasing them the diner wasn’t going to be very secure for long. His mind spun frantically for a few moments, should they stay and fight? Try to lose them? The diner wasn’t exactly an impenetrable fortress. Though with everyone going every which way, either option was going to end up a disaster. “Hey! Shut it! If we’re not organized, we’re gonna get screwed. No panicking either! There are how many of us? We can deal with this!” Fitch yelled after a moment, he was pretty good at being loud. It was a necessary trait for someone who wanted to be a lawyer. With everyone hopefully quieted down, he turned to the hyena ‘agent’ since he seemed to be the one in charge. “Can we take those guys? If not, we need to get out of here. The diner isn’t a fortress or anything. Too many windows and ways in, especially with however the fuck you people got in here. Me and Lyle have cars that can probably fit everyone though it might be a squeeze. I’d… rather be here to knock some heads together, but I can grab Lyle and get the cars ready for evac if you can distract those military nutcases at the back door long enough.” Fitch grabbed his thermos regardless, a faceful of scalding hot coffee wouldn’t be fun to be on the receiving end of. Though on the way to grab Lyle, he snatched a heavy bottomed skillet while he was as it. The thermos would only work once after all. And… he wanted to actually drink that coffee. As soon as the military jerks had committed themselves, then it was their chance to escape.

Lee Evergreen

"Otto, fix this van. Tear the cars in this neighborhood apart if ya have to. Blythe see how much of that cat grass you can harvest and make into blunts or food. I'm gonna walk through the near by houses to see if I can nab anymore stragglers. We need to hurry though, cause if Frank hasn't already gone through here he's probably being kept with the Prizes for the Feast. That's not gonna fly with me so I'm gonna be his knight in shining leather."


Agent S against the wall, in a choke hold by a cult member or Orlando. Orlando: "You're trying my patience, little bear." Agent S: "You really think so? All the little plans tend to go unnoticed by the bigger picture Doctor. Did you want them to come out of their little hiding places or no?" Orlando: "Hm. Funny. You still see it, don't you? Your need for control, your need for dominance over all you think it lesser than yourself. Over ME. Do you really think I would ever lower myself to meet your insignificant level? Don't take me for a fool Steve. Agent S: "And yet here we are, I'm guessing you even taking the time to acknowledge my own macinations means something in the end, doesn't it? Orlando punches the wall next the bear's head, leaving an exceptional imprint. Agent S sweats in fear. Orlando: "Again, don't TAKE me. For. A. Fool. Whatever you truly wanted out of your little schemes was overall irrelevant. You still fail to see the fullest extent of our reach over this town, don't you? Well, no matter. The lines have been drawn for you. So choose. What are you little bear? An agent still cowering in the dark, or part of the Fire that will illuminate this world?"


After helping with blocking off the rear entrance with tables, chairs and anything else heavy. RK checks the front entrance to see if it’s clear. Civilians: “Alright, we need to time this just right. Once we know the cultists are at the back entrance, all civilians head towards the vehicles first and get them started. We will be heading towards the Manimal Retail store. You guys know this town better than we do. We will have to take lesser traveled roads to get there safely.” “Us Agents will stay inside for a short amount of time. We will join you all inside the cars after we do what we can to slow down the military squad so that they don’t follow us.“ Agents: “Whatever we do it has to be quick. We need to leave before COW squad gets inside and figures out what’s going on. We need to setup some kind of trap to slow them down. Combined with the barricade and covering the floors in front of the back entrance with cooking oil so that they will slip and fall. That should give us enough time for us to make it to the the civilians' cars.(unless someone has better ideas)” “F5, if things start to look remotely bad you take the laptop, get to the cars and tell the others outside to leave without us.”


*If Orpheus Bladetongue/ Agent O gets in the vents: “We need to do something before he fills the whole place with smoke. Someone (or me) needs to crank up the air conditioning to the highest and coldest it can go. That might force him out.” RK will grab a chair and readies himself to hit Orpheus Bladetongue over the head with it. *If the front entrance isn’t clear. “Shit we might not have time to get to the cars. There’s more us than there are of them I say we all rush out at the same time. They can’t get us all. Agents in front to protect the Civilians in the back. F5 will be in the middle with the laptop. Avert your eyes from any fires they start and run towards the retail store and don’t look back.“


As he's walking, Neil's ears twitch, realizing someone is following him from a distance. ''Shit...looks like I have a tough customer.'' Quickly he rounds up a corner and hides behind some trash container, thinking about the situation ''This might be bad, but I have to at least try to defend myself..'' Neil starts digging in his parka, pulling out a knife with weird runic symbols engraved onto it. ''I'm putting my faith in you, Dad. This better get me out of this or I'll give you a good beating when I see you in the afterlife.'' If a confrontation does inevitably break out: Neil walks out from behind the trash containers, with a knife in hand and an unexpectedly calm and serious expression in his face. ''Looks like despite my best attempts I actually got found out, if kitty wants a fight then I'll make sure to give you a good one. Right about now I have enough bloodlust to match a predator's.'' As he says this he pulls off his parka, revealing bandaged up arms with an upside down triangle on the left one and a triquetra on the other, clearly made of the rabbit's blood.


As Neil continues his way to the diner he notices that the Cauterized Agent R is following him on the rooftops. At some point, perhaps through a reflective puddle on the ground, Neil notices R on the roofs and either runs faster or tries to duck out of the Cauterized cat's sight. At some point Neil hides behind a dumpster or trash can, so R will lose sight of him. As R jumps to the ground for a more through search, Neil is about to be spotted by him, but just then a door Neil didn't pay attention to quickly opens and pulls Neil in. As the door is locked behind them, Neil sees that his rescuer is a panda by the name of Mikey Marcus. Mikey Marcus' distinguishable facial features to make him stand out from the rest of the pandas in Dusk Acres, would be his rectangular glasses, a beard with sharp points to it like in a bara manga, and a mustache that wouldn't be too out of place in an old porno film. Despite looking like a daddy, that was just a personal aesthetic choice by him as he was unaware of the Daddy Cult until they took to the streets. Up until now his appearance has given him a small amount cover from the Cult's attempt to covert all the residents of Dusk Acres, but he knows it won't keep them away forever. After calming Neil down and keeping him out of the Cauterized R's line of sight, Mikey asks what Neil is doing running in the alleys by himself during all this commotion, once Neil explains that he's heading for a safe zone in the diner, Mikey decides to go with him, hoping is more mature appearance would be a good enough cover to get them to the diner even if they need to walk in the open.

Star Ringer

AGENT RK: "Us Agents will leave right after once do what we can to slow down the military squad so they don’t follow us." Out of time. Out of fucking time. They're here. “Lord in Winter…!” G grabs whichever of the civilians is closest at the moment. “FIRE EXTINGUISHER. If there are any in the building, find them!" ----- AGENT RK: “We need to do something before he fills the whole place with smoke. Someone needs to crank up the air conditioning to the highest and coldest it can go. That might force him out.” "I'll find the AC," Agent G volunteers and goes to crank it up. Once he does, he takes another look around for the freezer. Once located, G starts tearing off paneling and looking for anything that might be connected to the freezer's coolant. If he can rip something free and spray the compromised agents with it, maybe it’ll do some good, stun them and let the agents escape. And as a last resort...he could lure or trick one of the compromised agents into the freezer and lock them both inside, though that’s definitely suicide. At least the others would have one less enemy to deal with. Sacrifice a pawn to take a rook. ...Plus if G can spray his hair with the coolant, maybe the cold will shock him into being fully functional again.


If this does come to pass instead of a fight: As Neil is pulling out his knife he gets grabbed and pulled into a building by the panda, panicking before realizing who it is that grabbed him. ''Oh, it's you Marcus. You pulled me out of a tight spot there, thank you. I was trying to avoid direct confrontation up until now but I was ready to fight him at this point.'' As his adrenaline starts to calm down, he suddenly feels a pang of pain, making him need to sit down. ''Fuck, my adrenaline must've been going crazy while out there on my own...the pain is really catching up to me. As he says this, he pulls off his parka and shirt, revealing the bandages around his arms and also chest, with the engraved upside down triangle on his left arm, and triquetra on his right arm, and an ᛉ Algiz rune on his chest. If the panda asks: ''I engraved these on myself, they're different protection symbols my family carried around at the prompting from my dad. The triangle was my mom's, the triquetra was something my dad always had on him, and the one on my chest was one I took to on my own. My parents were a lot more closer to the supernatural than I ever realized.''


To agent RK: “SIR! YES SIR! I’ll continue to monitor the enemies location as I assist with the trap setting. We won’t let a single person be taken” To everyone: “If anyone needs assistance let me know, agent J is here to help!”


Jane: Jane, I'd need your assistance on gathering the Diner's Med Kits with Rubbing Alcohol, all the Hand Towels from the kitchen and jugs of Ammonia and Bleach from the janitor's closet. RK: Based on what I've been seeing on screen I might have some ideas, RK. Dog have an acute sense of smell so tossing a hand towel soaked with Ammonia directly to Agent C's face will debilitate him greatly. He would be withering on the floor in pain from the stench. Whales like Agent W uses a special kind of oil that moisturize and protect their skin on Land. We'll need to use frying oil to dilute W's protective coating. Best approach would be to doused both that Oceanic Juggernaut and that Military Nutcase completely then to throw em off balance, their large size will encumbered all efforts on catching us. As for Agent O, use Chloroform to help subdue the hamster till we could revert this condition at a safe location with the Purification Ritual. Diner Survivors: Everyone find buckets and fire extinguishers! We'll need a lot of Frying Oil. —————


Haha, look at these recruits fighting for their survival! I LIKE THAT! MAKES IT ALL THE SWEETER FOR WHEN I CLAIM YOU!


Damn, very smart F5... very smart. I'm starting to think that the best bet is to take out all the brains so that the body is left vulnerable.


"ROGER THAT BOSS!" The grolar bear jumped out of the van and grabbed a tool belt that the Cat and Bear left behind when they runaway Otto wasn't the sharpest tool of the box... yet, somehow, He can fix anything with the right tools and enough black tape, He opened the hood and checked the engine, yup, the engine was out, and by Rulk, That cat sure was an irresponsible druggy cuz the poor poor motor was shit. Otto followed his Boss orders while singing a song to himself, something that maybe he heard in a commercial, He starts destroying the other cars with just two screwdrivers and one Wrench, he got several pieces and starts replacing the broken ones and the burnout ones too, in less of an hour the van was working again. Then while Otto was hearing Oresters Happy Druggy Hippy rambles about how "we hit the jackpot!" Otto found something interesting in one of the Cars, it looked like some kind of military knife, Oliver had some kind of aversion to those weapons, but... Otto kinda liked it, and Bossu wasn't around... so he kept it to himself and hide it along the Wrenchs in his Toolbelt, for some reason, Otto knew it was going to be useful soon -"Frank..."- Otto say loudly -"I don't know why but that name makes me feel... a bit excitement"- Otto was starting to get a headache, but nothing that Orester magic brownies couldn't cure!


If the runes are explained, Mikey expresses confusion and doubt over their protective abilities as he mentions just how many of these admittedly hot guys are running around converting or capturing everyone they see.


A big burly dragon named Bruce comes out of the shadows as he has his arms folded looking towards the butler. He is seen wearing something similar to the butler, but he had a tank on along with his pants and shoes. It showed off his tattoo which of a crescent moon. "Did you feed our guests yet?' He looks to the cage to see Agent T and Y, smirking towards them. "It won't be long before you decide to join your friends. Why don't you make it easier and submit now? You should know that agency isn't anything good, I used to be an agent myself before I came here, and got "converted" wasn't forced at all. But I'm sure you guys will understand. My elephant friend has some good deals, plus he finally saw worth in me other than that damned lion! He puffs his cigar before stomping it out on the ground, he didn't care. He then heads towards the boar to put a hand on the boar priest shoulder. He whispers something to him, we don't what it is. "As you see he finally gets it. He knew that damned agency was nothing and converted as well. You soon will realize that as well, agents. So come and join us, I'm sure we can make a deal with you. He says before reaching into his pocket pulling out a cigar, and heading towards the butler. "Make sure you watch over them, okay? I got to go talk to the boss again." He said before leaving out as he grumbles softly to himself. OOC: I know my idea might not get picked, but just wanted to give it a shot. I hope I'm doing it right and thanks for such a great comic BC! And I can't wait for the next few pages. :D


U helps the other agents in their emergency preparations, focusing on seeing the civilians safely out. Keeping an eye out for any opportunities to subdue one of their assialiants, U grabs a long handled mop and, legs tensing up and head lowered, prepares to charge.


(trying a slightly different approach here, love the update though!) Outside of the Cozy Hearth Inn, A young journalist lays panting behind the building, his outfit has slight scratch marks and he was holding a camera with a slight dent in it. He was a somewhat chubby looking English lop eared rabbit with star shaped ear piercings. "(pant pant) what the actual fuck is going on here in this town!?" The rabbit looks around his surroundings to make sure he wasn't followed. "Go to Dusk Acres they said, it will be an easy story they said, well what the hell does a story on medical science have to do with people having sex in the street!?" "Rulk, I can still remember when it started, that sickly man in the hospital he just got better suddenly and tackled the nurse in front of me. It was chaos and then suddenly a bunch of men just appeared out of nowhere and started to just...." The rabbit shakes his head and holds his camera up to look at the pictures he took while running around town. "Calm down Char, calm down, maybe I can hide here for awhile till help comes, who knows they might have a phone inside." Chars' ears start twitching "huh what was that?" Suddenly a noise can be heard in the front of the inn, Char quietly moves the side of the building to take a look as people exit. "More weird people, well it looks like their leaving so I should just wait and then I-I-I." Char stares shocked as he sees a bloody looking penguin with no arms and a bear with blood on his mouth and hands calmly walk out of the inn. Almost robotically Char pulls up his camera and takes a picture as the men leave to who knows where. "Even if I hide here it'll only a matter of time before I'm found and transformed or worse, Rulk this sounds stupid and crazy but maybe if I follow them I can figure out what's going on and find a way to escape, and who knows hopefully I can find a way to contact someone." Char gets up and pats himself off and hesitantly starts walking in the direction of where the men went hoping to find answers.


Another reason why W is covered in Frying Oil, it's HIGHLY flammable. Thus Sarge and Commander would be unable to used FIRE or lit any cigars unless... they want to be painfully engulfed in flames. Removed the towels from the premises so the Cultist wouldn't have an easier time wiping away the grease from their fur and skin.


Haha, I like the way you think F5. But you seem to be under the assumption that the Commander would just let you get any frying oil and even worst let you dump it on him. It won't be that easy. (If the Commander does somehow happen to get dumped in frying oil then he'll make a tactical retreat until he's cleaned himself off) (Also, I'm not really interested in being burned alive, lol)


Commander would need bottles of Dawn Ultra Platinum to remove the excess oil off his body. Sadly this in turn will cause a very visible skin reaction once the whale stripped away all the natural oils off his flesh plus he'll STILL smell of fries and fried food for the next few days even after multiple washes. Poor Commander is an Oil Spill victim.~


LMAO, it better not be hot oil, I 100% do not want to be disfigured. Better yet, how about we don't use frying oil in general. Chemical warfare is banned. (The Commander would make it his priority to stay away from any attempts to have oil dumped on him. But also staying within range so that the survivors cannot escape) (The Commander would still try to blitz anyone trying to go for that tactic)


The Commander employs a boxing style for combat. Ducking and swaying in and out for maximum effectiveness. Being quick and nimble, while also dealing powerful body blows. (He also takes his shirt off, if he's wearing one)


OB;AW - "Hey Doc... uh, Dr. Orlando! We just got a call from the Hearth Inn, it was that fat hippopotamus dork, the vampire dude, he was, uh, freaking out something fierce about some sort of Cannibal King coming back?... I think I heard a scream before the phone line cut off."


(OOC: really interested to see if this comment makes it in. It would legitimize Agent RF's abilities. Which would be good for us down the line.)


To speed things along a bit: While Adam and Agent G are blocking the doors Jack gathers as much information as possible about the situation. "OK this is a strange scene but... seeing someone transform into a different person and then getting chased by deranged but sexy bikers is probably more strange." Once assessing the situation, he sees everyone else getting to work, although he sees F5 with his laptop working away. Jack heads over. "Hey do you need any help? What are you... is that... all of us? Why are there trackers on me? Where are the trackers on me???" (Hopefully someone briefly explains.) "I can help out somewhat, I got my own laptop here, and I did have more equipment in my van but I think that's no longer an option. Then again there is the retail store up town and I got extra stuff laying around my house." (This week I wanna focus on supporting F5 with the protections or counter measures. And of course, help him get out safely if something happens.) Side note: if someone does come in and goes on the attack, not gonna be afraid to swing the bat any more. If corrupted Agent O gets in: "Wait is that... a hamster in the vents what the fu-" swings bat or kicks if he gets too close.


Lyle panics as he prepares to hold onto the door, he is way too far too get a knife at this point. His eyes darted around as he beganto prepare for the worst. Adam and Jack were here, but if what these agent guys were saying was true, they were followed. SHIT. He quickly begins to find more objects to help barracade the door with. While he isn't the strongest, at this point fight or flight does wonders. "So like, what are we expecting here exactly? Like just regular big guys? Or like magic big guys? Fuck are we fucked already?" If Fitch decides too grab Lyle: "Hey man listen, I'm totally with you but if we're gonna do this lets be sure they're already distracted before we leave.. Last thing we want is too meet those guys in the parking lot unarmed. If the Hamham himself makes it into the vents: "Wha-.. WHAT THE SHIT IS THAT?!"

Robert Smith

Hey! Just to let you know your Panda was added outside the diner- though you are a military cultist now :)