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eh, what can you do, there are times in developing a game where you don't have things that are particularly interesting or new to show people, but that are equally important to give a sense of polish to the project.

This week i bring to you the amazing spectacle of... bubbles?

these are indicators for fishing spots in the fishing minigame, and they go from most visible to barely there to indicate what tier of fishes you can get from them.

so for example the low tier fishes ( that will net you a lot of those horny fishes i showed you last week) will be very animated and visible

the mid tier bubbles will be a bit more subtle but equally noticeable

the high tier bubbles will instead be subtle... i could've gone even more subtler but i didn't want to make it too hard? 

we'll have to test all of these anyways so they might still change but for now these will do.

Since most of the stuff for the third and last minigame are in place i decided to starting animate the rest of the crew of the circus, starting from buer , the lion tamer

if you remember i asked you guys to choose one of the designs for the lion tamer, and you chose a mixture of two designs that weren't this one... so sorry for picking the unpopular one, but i really liked the design, and the way meek wrote him i thought this design was the one to pick XD

also i started spriting the neapolitan ice cream demon, gehennaro.

i just had time for  his walking cycle but don't expect his talking animation to be any more complex than him standing there and bobbing his head, i didn't really plan for him  to like..have a mouth XD

anyways, that's it for this week, hope you enjoyed this little update! more to come!





Oh no,, buer and gehen are adorable 😩


Why ya gotta make the lion tamer hawwwtt?! 😔✊


The circus is coming together so fast


Hope that lion tamer can tame bears too


Omg I am in loooove with the lion tamer, your designs are always so good thoo


Ice cream guy kinda looking cute.


Well I am very glad you picked that design for the lion tamer, because I lllove how it came out.


Let's hope this Lion Tamer is safe from BC's Cat Curse.


The Lion Head is amazing looking, I just love how creative it is!