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i'm trying not to make this a habit, having two weeks of updates and one week of break,but i have to admit my mood and general health seem to have improved thanks to this so i dunno. Nonetheless this week i'm also planning on doing something extra so i need the time. Apologies to those who were counting on having the update this week, things will resume normally on the tenth!


Robert Smith

Please, take whatever schedule suits you best- we primarily want you to be OK! If two weeks on, and one week off, is best, go for it. The sex and the mystery can wait - gives us more time for crazy theories :)


Take your time, bi-weekly has actually been decent. especially if it improves things for you! thank you for your work.


Take a break we don't mind 👍🏿


I'm so glad that you are actually feeling better this way. It is easy to become so focused on what we need to do that taking breaks can even seem more stressing than just keeping at it. I'm glad you were able to find a better rhythm for your schedule, and I believe that I can speak for the vast majority of us when I say that we all care very much for your health, mental or otherwise, and are actually happier to know that you're doing better.

Lee Evergreen

Your work is better and more satisfying when you are happy and healthy. Take whatever schedule makes you those things. We don't mind.


Whatever is best for you, is even better for us. Take your time we'll still be here.


I'm happy you're taking care of yourself and putting your mental health first!


You never have to apologise for taking a break - I hope you consider making breaks a regular thing, especially if they're having a positive effect on your health and mood <3

Yoked Coder

I hope this break helps ya recharge a bit, DA is a whole lot of work and things to think about so ya need the time off


Man, quit apologizing over it! If anything, please do continue taking those brakes. Especially since you feel better with them too. We are all more than welcome to wait for the next post, whenever it is. Please take care, and rest well. Looking forward for the next update, whenever it is ^w^!

Shiny Skunk

Idk, two weeks of updates plus one of break seems reasonable to me, or like, even just every other week. There's so much to re-read and try to figure out, like, I'm not gonna be mad about more time for that.


Thank you for the good news <3


BC: not sure if i will do these, but its good for my health... Everyone: Do this week break regularly! We all understand and dont want to overwork ya!~ Keep up the good work while in good health My dude! I look forward do this something extra! X3


Take the schedule that suits you best, BC. ^^ Making sure you're doing ok is important.


Take more breaks! It’s good for you.


Dude take all the time you need! Your work is fantastic and we can wait as much as we need for it! Above everything your health comes first!! Besides breaks are not bad at all, if they help you don’t be afraid to take them!

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Im actually super glad that we got this week off as well. Having so much excitement and so much to talk about every week is kinda tiring. And ALSO, personally, I've had a lot of stuff to do, a lot going on, so I'm really happy I got some more free time to do other stuff (that I needed to do)!