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new week, new update! hope you like it peeps.




I typed up a character listing sheet that. Ill share it here, and if im missing anything let me know! Ill update it as soon as I can with each new chapter. Also I made it so you can add comments. I hope it helps everyone as well. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nqc4-UbiW2-qPuuG3WJKe4p7XhnfN4FOuqmGraV3qIs/edit?usp=sharing

Rodney Talon

Oh thank god I was soooooo worried. We had daylight savings in the us. Then checked Twitter and no posts since Sunday! It was so unlike you to be late and not post. I panicked and posted to associates. Sorry Meeks and w Really freaked out as youtuber once into turned out to have been dead for year plus. Also last post said migraines stopping your proper work. Sorry nlazing

Shiny Skunk

I think I’m enjoying being just an observer in the story, but I just want to say the chef doing the chef kiss hand motion while sucking Steve’s dick is brilliant and hilarious.


Dman kinda want to get zonked by agent S not gonna lie.


:O I wanna join in but how does one do that??


Oh shit, there's big trouble heading our way! I think we should all try to discuss strategy, I have an idea, but I'd like to hear input from everyone else.

Robert Smith

Apex base team - Rulkdammit if they are taking the elevator... we need to block it off. IMMEDIATELY. And if we can't... These... Otis clones (gaahh i knew it i knew it...) seem to have something that can cause mass conversion and hypnosis, so sticking in large groups is dangerous. I can't leave, so everyone else needs to get out of here, stage yourself throughout the facility. Guerilla tactics are our best bet now, tasers and try and disrupt their chips. I can man the control room and keep us coordinated - protect each other and get OUT of here. Cortex Command - Agents T, RD, SK, K AND AW - Snap out of trance and make a break for it! Frank, Allister, Field Team A, Hospital Team - The bunker has been compromised, I repeat APEX bunker has been compromised. I... We'll fight them off. But you may be on your own for a little while. Stay together. Keep each other safe. We can win this (If it looks like things are going south for Agent O, I will try and send a message to Allister)

Robert Smith

Suggesting strategies is the best bet, let's agree on one plan. I have made a suggestion, but happy to change plans if needed

Robert Smith



Doubt I'm getting to move in the next update, but on the chance that someone uses my MAD chip to snap me out of it, I'll stick with the Director. Hopefully whatever happens, I'll keep him safe. That'll be my job. ...Also hopefully the Perfect Neighbors notice I'm not running and being good and they reward me by sitting on my faSORRY


Damn my team got Mr. Roger'd. They said they would repair the injured so maybe I should wait before trying to make a decision to do something.


AGENT H: ZAP THE BIG ONE, ZAP THE BIG ONE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "N BACK UP AND RUN THEM OVER, DONT LOOK INTO ANY LIGHTS GOGOGO" If we can't speed away from them in the van for any reason I'll get out and tackle the non-zapped one and try to coordinate with Agent F to immobilize him and knock him out. We should also knock the zapped one out before he becomes a vaporwave abomination. As I receive Agent O's distress call, wherever I am, I steel myself. I have trained for this. I can do it. I am a beautiful, strong crocodile and this is the culmination of all my efforts. I snap into Cool Secret Agent Mode and start doing handstands and cartwheels.


Also sorry not sorry the Perfect Neighbors are high-tier horny. Extremely hot identical drone dudes


When Agent D hears that we have incoming, he'll work to secure BN off to the side while he recovers. He'll look at the computers for a moment. Agent D: Quick! Is there a way to cut power to the elevators? We may end trapped down here, but it'll give us time to barricade. We have a knife and the rest of us, and if we know they're coming, we may be able to set up a crude trap! Is there any way we can submit them to a mild electrical shock as they come in? We have a TON of computers in here, and surely we don't need all of them. Once Agent BN is safe, he'll start gathering things to barricade with any whom are joining in.


ooc: Damn we're all caught with our pants down here! Nicely done BC! Im soo curious where this is gonna go now! These Mr Roger /Otis boars though! I knew we had a traitor! Too bad its not how i expected the traitor)))) Agent E: Well shit just when we were on our way to something.... I say we wake BN up now, seems were out of time and he'd be much more useful helping us keep them at boy at the moment. O, I hope your telling everyone about this right now.... Agent E: I think a group of us should meet them in the hallway near the elevator right now! O, F5, Q and RK should stay here and hold down the room barricade the door after we leave! The rest of us, C, D, E, W and BN, need to move out now and take them out at the elevators or make sure they dont reach here or anywhere important! now! That good to you all? if so lets go! Agent E : Do we have a map of this place so we at least have some advantage of where to hold them off? while your at it if anyone knows where we keep weapons now is a good time to speak up too.


Perfect.. neighbors? The "chosen one?" But.. they all look like Director Bellows.. *Softly* Omar, did.. Otis do this? We don't remember why we're here. Please.. what are we, all of us, doing in Dusk Acres?

Robert Smith

I'm gonna try and snap you out before there is an evacuation, if there is... I mean I can't leave after all :')


Holy shit!


Allister, where do you factor into this.... The fact that bellows trained you makes this even more concerning, what's he hidden from you.....


Agent D would look down at BN and give a warm rub of his belly and a bit of a shake. Agent D: Wakey Wakey, Eggs and Bakey. It's time to get up, we have to get moving. If that doesn't work, a good smack to the face may do it.


*the penguin oblivious to the goings on of the other's until clued in just asks.* "Damian.. can you.. get my gear.. from the cab.. and.. Ricky.. run down.. on.. this place's.. security.. with.. R in trouble.. we may be next.. also.. towel.. and robe please..." *Agent I begins to strip out of his cum stained clothes. showing off he was actually wearing a colorful speedo under his suit. he cleans himself up a little and looks to Allister.* "Thank you.. for.. saving me.. I think.. we need.. to deep search.. this place.. you did vent.. alot of reverse.. also known as upside down.. check under everything.. I'll go check in the bathroom.. and clean up.. Also.. sorry.. for ruining.. stuff between you.. and Frank.. I know.. he really.. cares for you.." ((OOC)) Holy fuck.. so many things.. perfect sexy neighbors, S swapping sides, drop cock bear, invasion.. so many things.. if we get attacked. I will fight with the ice climbing pick in my bag. keep a foldable one in case of emergencies. I will protect the sexy i mean innocent polar bear a civilians. Also. Only a total of 5 Perfect Neighbor's are shown. 4 in elevator, and the one carrying the director.


(Oh gosh, it feels like we're heading to a end of chapter climax <3 this is so exciting, BC you master storyteller Also I guess this update confirms something I'd been wondering, unless Otis lucked out in finding a bunch of pigs to zork, his perfect neighbors are all identical and all boars, which probably means the transformation process can even change a guy's species! ) Agent AW - Hurrr.... follow the nice piggies.... *noms burger*


Agent frank: Ram the van into the pub and try to steal a piece of that metal from the cauterized, I think it has some connection to the chips. I think you can pit these two factions against each other seeing as the 'Shadows' are hiding the light while 'The Cauterized' crave it.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Agent N: EEEEEEEEEEEP!!! *i step on the gas then abruptly break to try and lose him* *i'll try to lose the Cauterized and reach the bar* ------------------------------------------------------------- This update was perfect! It had everything! And as always I absolutely adored the way Agent N was portrayed here! Its the best <3 In retrospect it makes a lot of sense that Agent S would be the traitor. We kinda already knew xD Though I wasn't expecting him to run across the entire town in such a short amount of time, but I WAS expecting him to reach the cult eventually. I'm wondering what do we have to do in relation to Otis... I guess they're calling him the Chosen One now, chosen of someone we're assuming... is it some kind of sex god? or god of fire I guess? Even if we knew, what are we even supposed to do about that. I guess we could ask Allister... Or Frank I suppose.

Lee Evergreen

*I turn to Jane and place one hand on her shoulder and whisper to her* Okay miss, you want the truth, I'll give it to you. We are the SNF, a branch of the Alliance that investigates supernatural crimes and incidents. Those men *I point out the door* are dangerous cultists that may have connections to the disappearances. Now I need you to give us a way to get out of the hospital that is either private or secret. I can't tell you the rest right now cause it's not safe for us here, but you don't have to come with us, you'll be putting yourself in a lot of danger if you do.


(OOC) aaaAAH!!! My agent boy is here!!!! Agent Q: If anyone has a weapon on them, now's the time to use it, they'll be on us any second! (Thinking) Rulk help me... if I saw what I think I did, I have to find a way out of here. I have to get to him.... I need to find a place to hide, then slip *into the hostage group! I just need to pass as horny and docile like the agents they smoked out... *Q's thoughts turn to the massive Cauterized that just appeared in front of Frank and the others. He images taking the brute's cock down his throat* Huff... I'll be there soon honey. EDIT: Whoops I had this idea randomly and now I think this might be the ideal strategy lol


This is actually very cool of you to do!

Robert Smith

Problem is we don't know what back up they have. Agent M definitely heard a lot of footsteps


Agent M: *delicately turns Jane to face him and speaks in his regular accent* "Alright Jane here's the truth; men connected to this town are being abducted and brainwashed to join a cult of cannibals. Your grandfather is one of them. You need proof, look outside and see what happened to all those men who just marched by. We have a way to cure them, get their heads back in order, but I need your help to test it. "Take me to Dr. Orlando's office. I'll protect you until we get there, but I need to find Orlando. If I can cure him, he'll be able to tell me what his cult is planning, and we can put a stop to it and save the afflicted before they're sacrificed or worse. This is our last chance, and we're running out of time." *Monte reaches into his bag, puts on a mask to protect himself from the fumes, puts a flashlight in his pocket, and makes sure the fire extinguisher, water, rope, and handcuffs are all still in place. The goal is to enter Orlando's office, extinguish any flames, gag him with some of the rope, use the rest to tie him to the chair, and handcuff his hands behind his back. From there M can prepare the ritual. Guile and surprise will have to compensate for the size disadvantage.* ((Taking a serious gamble here but it might be the key to winning this. Agent F5 will be sending Allister's view of the ritual pages to Agent M so that he can use the same ritual on Orlando once he's subdued.)) "We leave when the coast is clear. L and U will get somewhere safe with Omar."


Please let this all work out, I just want everyone to be ok


((Holy hell I made that perception check at the perfect time))


Hey now, it wasn't always like that!... Things happen XD


Agent X: (Rushing off to the elevator maintenance shaft, carrying a box of tools that are bouncing off as he runs) Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, not good not good not good. Why don’t they cover elevator sabotage in the company handbook? Do we even have a handbook? Gah! (arrives at the elevator mechanisms, wrench in hand) Okay, be cool, it’s only a multi-thousand dollar system with backups, bypasses and safety features... (looks for an emergency shutdown lever and or something really important to jam up) (well, this is a real doozy of a situation. Who knows, by putting myself there they might get me too, depending on the speed of the elevator. We shall have to see what happens. Oh dang. Just had a thought; what if they just waft this stuff down through the elevator shaft and slowly flood the floors while they figure out another way down? How good is the ventilation down here?)


<b>Agent C</b> : A security breach?... <i>FUCK YESSS!!!</i> This is what all those years of military combat training were meant for! A bunch of tubby pigs in sweaters? This'll be easier than taking out the trash. "Sorry, no time to fraternize Agent 0, duty calls ...don't worry, you can give your leader a blowjob <i>after</i> I've dealt with these hopeless hogs, heheh." You march out of the control room with your back straight and your shoulders wide, a toothy grin on your mug as you crack your knuckles, an air of confidence surrounds you as you walk. Lets go meet our surprise guests at the elevator.

Robert Smith

I think this is a really solid plan, but my worry is Orlando is no longer in the hospital. We last saw him in the park two hours ago... and I wouldn't be surprised if he is now heading to the Pub. Unless of course he wants to gloat over our defeat.

Robert Smith

*Agent O, who was briefly considering suggesting Agent C command one of the guerilla squads* No he will be fine on his own probably


Well this doesn't look good. Before they swarm up I want to test one thing. I think we should test whether the theory of only chipped people can see the transformation (I know this was a thing talked about like last month but I wasn't a patreon back then lol). We should ask someone who isn't chipped to describe one of the cult members. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet but so far we only seen men with chips. This might be wrong so I want to try to send a command to Jane, the nurse, something simple like "slap yourself". If I can't send that command/she doesn't slap herself that means she isn't chipped. If she isn't chipped, then we can ask agent U to ask her to describe how Dr Orlando Barry looks. We can do the same thing with Omar, asking Jane to describe him. If she describes them the same way we see them, than our theory is wrong.


Shit has just hit the fan; it is time for Agent W to step up since he is best suited for covert operations. I know we can make it through this! If we go forward with the plan of cutting out all the power, then I will take the control of the chess board that we have been given. I will find a spot within the underground facility that I can give orders from and continuously using my echolocation I will pinpoint exactly where the enemy is. We can subdue them one by one while they fumble around in the dark. Agent W: Tis fine, everyone we needeth to synchronize our movements if't be true we art going to maketh t through this. I believeth our most wondrous did bet is to divide ourselves into five groups. Me by myself and the remaining four f'r each of our adversaries. Agent C thee can beest by yourself, thee seemeth capable enow to dudgeon one guy. Agent D same goeth f'r thee, taketh one guy. Agents E and RK thou art a pair. Agents Q and F5 thou art a pair too. We shall lodge ourselves in positions yond allow us to most wondrous flank our enemies and catcheth those folk unaware. Meanwhile I shall useth echolocation to determine the position of the foe and relay yond info to the rest of thee all. I am counting on thee guys to maketh this worketh! *If Agent BN is still unable to move, I will take him with me to where I will be directing everyone* I shall beest taking Agent BN with me since he is out of commission. *I say to Agent O as we leave* I wish t didst not has't to beest this way, but most wondrous of luck to thee Agent O. *salute* Translation: Ok, everyone we need to synchronize our movements if we are going to make it through this. I believe our best bet is to divide ourselves into five groups. Me by myself and the remaining four for each of our adversaries. Agent C you can be by yourself, you seem capable enough to handle one guy. Agent D same goes for you, take one guy. Agents E and RK you are a pair. Agents Q and F5 you are a pair too. We will place ourselves in positions that allow us to best flank our enemies and catch them unaware. Meanwhile I will use echolocation to determine the position of the enemy and relay that info to the rest of you all. I am counting on you guys to make this work! I will be taking Agent BN with me since he is out of commission. I wish it did not have to be this way, but best of luck to you Agent O. *salute* If there is an agent in the facility that I forgot to include please let me know. Edit: Hopefully we have time to find some weapons and if not we will just have to use the good old sleeper hold. Edit 2: Agent W should keep his eyes closed to help his concentration while relaying orders.


Damn I didn't think Fat sexy Mr. Rogers would be a thing, but guess it is now! Hopefully the Memory Surgery is finishing up or complete. If not maybe there can be a way to rewrite the command to attack and k!ll the sexy neighbors and protect everyone. If it is finished, wake up from Agent D's belly rubs, but instantly wake up from his slap. " OW! Damn Daddy, you can slap me around later in bed. " Agent BN get informed on the situation. Perhaps arm yourself with the knife you previously used, you seemed to have some skill in using it.


If Agent BN does wake up I will suggest that you form a pair with Agent D.


now that's a 5 star meal, if I've ever seen one


Like I know it’s a comic but I hope this whole comic ends on a good note 🙏🏼


Oh man, it's getting intense! :O I see that there isn't an agent J yet. Can new agents be added? If not I'll just think up commands for the established characters.


What a twist! This update is wicked, I love that detailed close up of Agent S, and the Cheetah is so hot... anyone got a guess who the Fireman Doberman is?


Agent E: i dont think its good idea. We know theres only one way into this part of the facility ( the elevator) and that it cant hold that many people at a time. If we get there in time as a group and overwhelm them we have a better chance then small groups roaming about.


I have also been wondering this and would ask Jane when we have a breather!


Agent F5: O' Father Night protect us... *Reinforce his Protection/Warding Sigils (refer to Pages 351-352), anoint the other Agents' weapons with oil extracted from Poisonous Herbs then afterwards arm himself with a gasmask and the KNIFE. * *If the Neighbors manage to reach the Control Room: Grabs a military-grade laptop, two external hardrives containing the backups of the Servers then hastily makes his escape into the ventilation ducts* Agents M, L, U, N and Damien: *Send pages from Sir A Ravenly's Red Book, images taken from Al's POV, directly to their phones*

Hirsute Porcine

We know these cultist have an affinity with fire and smoke. Does this facility have some sort of fire suppression system we can use? Who has the schematics? Let's gather up any water we can to douse their flames, any rudimentary masks to filter the smoke!

Lee Evergreen

Just start putting in commands for your own character and BC will try to add them if it can fit organically into the story. Most of the agents are peoples sonas so it would be weird to put in commands as them. But remember, right now you can "command" other agents and they will be forced to obey you.

Lee Evergreen

Oh and since we don't see L's headphones this update, let's just say he hooked them to his belt cause now I want to keep them.


(Agent RD dusting himself off in the elevator raising an eyebrow,noticing hes alone) Agent: once again, it seems the piggly wiggly cult is rearing their ugly heads....this cant be good... (takes cell out, texting agent M) agent RD: Oi, anyone there, we just got plugged by the pork loin brothers association over here, is everyone good where you is, they got the director!!!!


i think one of us survived that blast, mind lending a Tasmanian devil a hand XD


Agent J: *enters the room where the other agents are* "Just heard the alert. What's up?" (Agent J then gets put up to speed on the situation and follows everyone else's lead.) [OOC:Agent J is a chubby dark-brown grizzly bear, just like my icon but without the weird eyes. Has a black diamond piercing on each ear. Here's a simple intro I think. I want him to also have weak, untrained telekinesis but that might be pushing it x3]


Agent R - Jeez... alright, keep cool, a lot of new information to work with... urk, but it's so hard to focus on a plan with all this smoke and musk in the air... Agent S... what a dupe, he can't seriously believe the cult is gonna let him keep his identity, right?.. Maybe... You still have no clue what half of this shit even means... talk about "Lights" n' "Scared Nights", it sounds nuts, but... you can't deny that stuff about pleasure and carnal delight speaks to you on a certain level... Well, its not like you want to fight a room full of beefcake cultists, so its probably a better idea to indulge them a little. You slowly begin to undress, wet clothes is weighing you down and somehow you doubt this crowd will mind a little nakedness. "We're still friends right, S?" you say hopefully, though you don't wait for a reply, "Mind if I get a little comfortable? So uh... this organization, er, brotherhood, sounds like a pretty sweet deal.. you think this uh, Orlando guy might have a spot open for a cat to join while keeping his identity, I'm kinda attached to it..." You think for a second, if you really want to be convincing, you have to convince yourself. "I'd be willing to do anything for the job, on one condition... I get Himbo Boss." You take a seat as Agent S suggests, "One thing I'm still curious about though, why'd they kidnap these guys?"


(damn that was a great update. Gonna try again to get my agent in there, but I can understand there not be a good way to squeeze him in) Agent B: shit shit what do we do? they're coming straight for us!!* panics, trying to find away to prevent them from getting to us*( Agent B is a big brawny brown bull, with square glasses perched on his nose, act very anxious despite his big size)


Rofl, Agent R just can't get enough of the Director it seems. Maybe it's a feline attraction? Let's be honest though, who wouldn't want to get with the Director?


M.A.D. reading Agent RK: Damn, we were so close to finding some answers, but I can't leave BN like this. MEMORY SURGERY SUITE: AGENT BN - 2 - REMOVE MEMORY OF EXPOSURE TO SUBLIMINAL COMMAND TRIGGER. Other Agents: OK, I'm deactivating the memory surgery suite on BN, get ready. He should be alright for now. *Checks for any kind of security system in the base and switches it to Defcon 1. He then gathers protective gear and available weapons. (I'll just follow Agent W's lead)


Caught up on this in like 2 days and damn is it hot. Would love to insert a character but I feel like it would be too intrusive, keep it coming though &lt;3


Why do i feel like that even with the deal Agent S made with the leader that he got to keep his mind but wasn't told for how long? Like he'll just start changing because nothing was said he'd stay himself indefinitely? Maybe im just crazy thinking that, but wouldn't that be a twist!


Good luck to everyone still in the bunker, this could get wild.


ooc // tfw your boyfriend is also another character in the story...huff...this'll be fun.


If Agent SK breaks out of the trance he’d do his best to follow along not to look suspicious, probably by staring at the PN’s Ass’s, tho if he sees that Agent S betrayed the agency he’d prob go blind Mad and ready to throw hands and hit people with the closest thing in hand. That being said if others broke out he’d try to help them escape and knock out some PN’s


Also if he knows they are heading into the facility he’d look for a weapon and a medical mask in the hospital, preferably a hammer and would go back to help Agent O. “This is not a lucky day”


Also, gosh, the Perfect Neighbors are so cool! I WILL take one of their masks at some point

Robert Smith

You have no idea the amount of guilt Agent O is gonna feel the moment he comes down from the adrenaline... it is his fault Agent SK is even in the elevator, after he constantly said he would protect Agent O


It’s not really really agent O’s fault, agent SK just didn’t wanna leave another small, easily snackable agent by them selves UwU. That being said he’s gonna protect his friends so they can oogle over polar bears and warthogs again &gt;:3c Or get eaten or daddify’d, If lady lucks cruel


Ready for the whole cast to be destroyed and converted into huge sexy cultists!!


Those pigs are god damn hot as wellllll. I would be asking for a swift and speedy conversion into their ranks if I were there.


I hate double posting, but backtracking through the posts is becoming tedious on mobile. Agent S is still with his chip, presumably. Couldn’t we use a command to get him to take R to a secluded spot away from the other cultists and explain what’s going on that we don’t know about? It’s risky, and he may be defended against it, but it’s decidedly less risky than leaving R to the entire cult like he is right now. Or is this more of a bad faith/abuse of the system sorta thing?


Agent S is sure making that suit look good. treachery never looked so hot!


I actually have a curiosity here because out of all the men in the bar, the Doberman seems like the only one who isn't to happy to be there, while the others are smiling and grinny and being horny he seems more.. quiet and not really wanting to be there. he's more than likely a person of interest, at least to me.


he's also in thirds in every panel he's in, which stresses importance by artist principles.


Not to mention he's the only one we don't recognize, he's not in any of the files we had from the beginning of the story.


Agent R: Keep calm, S will pick up on any sort of distress or discomfort. Agent Q: Your base is compromised, make sure to store any sort of vital information in a place the enemy cannot find it and evacuate the premises.


Oh no, we're in danger. Agent RF - Enraged by Agent S's treachery, Agent RF rapidly spams chip commands at him Implant Subliminal Command - From now on you're constantly craving cocks and the sight of a boner makes you dismissive and needy. Edit Memory - What does Agent S stand for? Oh yeah, Slut! You made a deal with Dr. Orlando Barry, to join his brotherhood and keep your identity you agreed to be his whore. Now you're a slave, the cult's personal cumdump. And secretly this is what you've always wanted. MAD CHIP Command - Get on your hands and knees and take every cock in the room, Slut. Fill every orifice, and make use of both hands to pleasure as many cocks as you can! Agent RF, still a little sweaty and horny from issuing such commands, gathers up his history books and starts looking for an alternative exit from the elevator. Some kind of fire escape or secret door.


[Agent RF is a well hung kangaroo with a big belly, he's unusually tall and wears a scarf everywhere. A bit of a booknerd, and a little posh, he's just enthralled with the paranormal, and has tried (unsuccessfully) to summon demons on numerous occasions.]

Yoked Coder

New enemies lookin great!


Agent K ~