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new week, new update! hope you like it peeps.




I typed up a character listing sheet that. Ill share it here, and if im missing anything let me know! Ill update it as soon as I can with each new chapter. Also I made it so you can add comments. I hope it helps everyone as well. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nqc4-UbiW2-qPuuG3WJKe4p7XhnfN4FOuqmGraV3qIs/edit?usp=sharing

Robert Smith

Frank, and Field Team - Agent R has taken shelter in the Apologetic Miner Pub, but it looks like the cult is there in full force. DO NOT GO IN UNLESS NEEDED, we can't risk losing you. Frank, you remember the layout right, can you advise a way in and out he could use? Agent R - Stay calm, keep away from flames. We know the security tape room likely still has a broken window, if you can get there do as soon as possible. MEMORY SUITE - Agent C - 1 Edit Memory of being discharged from the army to being transferred as an army attachment to the SNF, under direct command of Agents... with a penchant for your uniform being just underwear... Agent Allister - Now you have... ahem... finished up ~lucky bastard I~ We have learnt that we have been down here since May. Do you remember what you were doing on May 1? Agents RK and E - LOOK AT WHAT OTIS IS CARRYING. That symbol... I reckon THAT could be the black word! It is even called BLACK W-013! If Otis had it... that could mean it is in the hands of the cult. Or if he hid it somewhere in Dusk Acres... that might be what the code he left for Allister is about... 5 1 13... May 1st, and the Black W 013?


((Not gonna lie I'm a little envious of Agent R- seems like he's about to have a real good time. I mean the obvious drawback is he'll be converted but if he had to go at least he got to have it done by some handsome burly working men))


K: I'm not really much for smoking, but I heard that stuff is pretty good for eating. Thanks RD. It seems like the coast is clear. Let's get the director and T to doctor fast.


Ah, there's the chubby stoat! He's really cute *insert eyes emoji* Gotta love a chubby smug crime boy Anyway, I got nothing to do. Let's get medical attention.

Robert Smith

VERY interesting chapter- so we now know what Otis was doing 2 days before his 'disappearance' - and it looks like we invaded the APEX facility... but who were we taking it off the hands of? We clearly expected heavy resistance... did the cult have it? Agent BN's memories might have more secrets to shed... Agent R maybe remembered Orlando as the traitor, that is very interesting, did we know that we were betrayed before any memory wipes? And poor Frank... We could tell him Allister was thinking of him but that might not help...


Well it looks like the ritual was able to restore agent I, but its definitely worth monitoring him and Alistair, agents that have experienced identity transformations might be more susceptible to change.... Are Ricky and Damien able to have their mad chips read? They might be able to assist in observation


Not gonna lie I am also jealous of Agent R, but also he's gonna go from Agent R to Agent RIP what with the five-way zonkdown he's about to get

Robert Smith

Worth seeing if we can access them. Via the memory suite? We know the codes for them - civilian GF35 and 43B


*Gurgles and gulps down all the bear cum. creaming as well before collapsing on the floor. panting with my eyes spinning.* "Holy.. hell.. agent.. allister.. did we.. what did.. I do.. what.. what happened.. I'm.. cum covered.. and suddenly.. wanting my ass stuffed.. like a ballot box... on voting day... where.. where is... my gear.." (OOC) Holy fuck! I got creamed! god I wish I really could be. though.. need to clean up and shower now.. but damn if I'm not horny from this.

Lee Evergreen

"Sorry about that mam, we're with the SNF. *shows her my badge* We have special jurisdiction on this case and are doing our best to ensure the safety of your grandfather. We greatly appreciate yours and Omar's cooperation, but I believe we have no more questions for you. You should get back to your duties and we'll finish our business with Omar." (If she objects) "Sorry mam, but further information is classified and could do you more harm than good. U wasn't supposed to let it slip about your grandfather's case being connected to others. We'll appreciate you keeping that secret for us."


Agent M: *while Agent L talks, M uses his keen hearing to keep a watch on potential threats, or even clandestine meetings in the rooms they pass. It wouldn't do to be caught unawares, and at this stage of the game any extra information could be vital*


Gehehe this chapter was fun! that cum-plosion though too! But man everything after that is foreboding. -------------------------------- MAD READING Agent E: Based off what we saw either this area is already compromised or some of the cultists were part of our agency before we all lost it. The fact that he called everyone by the code names means weve had them before out memories were messed with too. I dont know why but i cant shake the feeling that we have a traitor among us faking memory loss. Best to keep it to myself for now until i can get proof. ( to agent RK and W ) Agent E: Thats something thats for sure.... So Franks dad was with us before hand much like that elephant was too but thats a given. We need to find a time from before our memories and stuff got messed with. Seems we know what a blackword looks like too! Can we look at a time a bit before BN's stress rating was at 50%? (to agent O) Agent E: Hmm..... I think your onto something with date too! Lets try to use that as black word input on that previous memory that was locked. Maybe thatll open it up to us.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

*while in the car* Agent N to Frank: Why did it have to be a sexual cult? Its definitely getting to me. It doesn't help that all our teammates are so hot. Agent A for example, he's so handsome! And rulk he's hung... He's so innocent and pure, an idealist! *Agent N is just gonna follow and help his friends out. he'll definitely stay behind Frank and/or H though, if not just inside the car.* (not much I wanna do this update, I'd be happy and fine with doing nothing :3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The few things that are worth taking away from this update are that: - AW's subliminal command is to "EAT NONSTOP". he hasn't stopped since the first time we've seen him. he used to be a twink, and he's almost properly chubby now! - the ritual is definitely magic, so the transformation is at least partially magic as well. so maybe the TF isn't a hallucination, but something more (hoping for this too, it would be hot!) - I have no clue what the deal with Dr. Orlando is. we knew he was part of the SNF. but there's still a traitor? isn't it just him? I wonder who else could be a traitor and part of the Apex... is it the Director? - (I think we all, very obviously and not secretly at all, wish our respective Agents would get corrupted by the cult and have sex at least once, without them staying that way for good. like, fuck that'd be great xD)


Agent D: Wait. 5-1-13. BLACK has five letters 1 has a sole letter, so that just leaves 013. Furthermore, this happened on May 1st. So there's got to be some kind of numerological connection. Isn't numerology a big thing with paranormal types? M A D Reading D: All these numbers and theories are just spinning around in my head. How long has it been since I've had a smoke? Agent D will continue to keep his tail around BN, so that the memory suite can do it's thing, but moves over to get a look at the screen himself and join in viewing the image. Agent D: I mean, if this code has both supernatural and mundane origins, it wouldn't be a far stretch to say that May Day corresponds, often to Beltane, which is the Summer Solstice. Wait. Bonfires are often associated with Beltane. With all the fire references, maybe there's something relevant. I don't know where all this came from. I just.. know it. Like the concepts are there without having been.. learned? Agent D looks quizzically at Agent E, as if his skunk partner would know. -------------- I just wanted to add that I love this comic, and feel very bad for Super Special Boar Frank. I just want to run and go to his rescue. ((Sorry about all the edits. I had Idears))


😖 Agent W’s sad face is killing me! I am unsure of where to take this, but I will throw out some ideas. Agent W: Doth thee guys bethink I am a potential loose cannon? Thee did see what hath happened to Agent BN, t would beest coequal worse if't be true the same hath happened to me. I doth not wanteth to did hurt thee all, I would feeleth lacking valor if't be true I didst. Another thing I am did worry about is the way I am speaking, I bethink t might beest did relate to the subliminal hest I has't, but I am not sure… Translation: Do you guys think I am a potential loose cannon? You saw what happened to Agent BN, it would be even worse if the same happened to me. I do not want to hurt you all, I would feel terrible if I did. Another thing I am worried about is the way I am speaking, I think it might be related to the subliminal command I have, but I am not sure… If BC wants to make Agent W the next obstacle, then this. *Agent W puts his palm to his face and tilts his head upwards while laughing hysterically* Agent W: HAHAHAHA! Thee ignorant daws, thee has't nay idea about the larger forces at playeth hither! Nay idea about the valorous yond thou art trying to prevent! Regardless, I am going to needeth thee all to cease this pathetic struggle yond thou art attempting. *I then grab Agent RK in a headlock while threatening to break his neck if everyone does not comply* Translation: HAHAHAHA! You ignorant fools, you have no idea about the larger forces at play here! No idea about the good that you are trying to prevent! Regardless, I am going to need you all to cease this pathetic struggle that you are attempting. I feel that if Agent W were to lose control it would be a lot harder to stop him because of his raw strength, but who knows? Admittedly though, I am not 100% on the second one because I was just fantasizing about being a temporary villain and thought it would be interesting.


Agent RC: If the "black words" are physical devices, wouldn't some be somewhere on this site? Bellows mentions Agents H and M in this memory, so they might even have theirs and not realize it.


Agent M: would you ask Jane and Omar if they have installed any chips at the hospital and when this procedure would've started. Allister, I believe that some sort of extraterrestrial object fell to earth to dusk acres and is being used by the FID to mass produce MAD chips for absolute control. P.S. I deciphered what that cauterized chameleon was saying "Give us the Fire, Burn us, WE NEED IT!". What is the fire and this Chariot?

Robert Smith

The Fire and Chariot might be connected to the laughing god- Orlando mentions a lot of similar imagery when talking about the god of the cult

Robert Smith

Agent E, I might be going crazy but... is it just me or does it look like we invaded an APEX facility under Otis' leadership?


(Aw yeah we back and great as ever. I love how fucking big Agent C is compared to Agent 0 &lt;3) <b>Agent C</b> : "Heheheh, ain't nothing to be scared of with a big strong leader like me around. Don't need ta act so nervous, private, I saw ya checking out the <i>-ahem-</i> gunshow... now how can I be of service to yuh?" You bite off half of the donut in your maw, swallowing greedily, and without warning you stuff the other half into Agent 0's mouth with your frosting coated finger. Smirking as he almost gags on the surprise confection. <i>Such a cute tubby gerbil</i>, you think to yourself, <i>but you can't help think he'd look cuter sucking cream from a different eclair</i>. You lean forward in excitement, inadvertently pressing your bulge (and gut) into Agent 0's back. But as you generously massage the hamster you catch a peak of what he's writing on the monitor, s-some sort of command? ...about you??!... you've got to stop him before he hits enter! (if you act in time) Your large paw tightens around Agent 0's shoulder, your claws tearing his suit slightly, yanking him away from the computer. Your other paw around his muzzle so he can't squeal. "You fat little <i>punk</i>" you whisper, "you were leading me on, yer... yer nothin but a delinquent. An' delinquents need to be punished." You quickly look around the room, the coast is clear, nobody looking your way, and effortlessly drag Agent 0 to a private room/broomcloset. Gonna punish this boy like the cadets do when they catch a snake back at the military, place Agent 0 down on his knees and whip out your rock hard cock...

Lee Evergreen

Okay I just got it pointed out that those headphones are like my fursonas horns! So maybe put them around my neck for now. That's really cute.


Agent AW - You try to lift up the Director, careful not to hurt him.. holy shit, this guy weighs like a stack of bricks. Maybe the other guys can pick him up (besides, you don't want to put down your burger). You still feel a little embarrassed, but at least Agent SK doesn't seem judgemental at all. "So uh... what's the plan? I mean, after we drop these guys off at the hospital... I didn't really expect to be heading to the surface, heh... We could uh, go investigate the Dynamic Diner, that was one of the hot spots right? (...and I'm craving some hot fries super bad)"


(Dang. Quite the update! I wonder how R is going to get through this.) Agent Q: -Arrive through one of the doors into the monitor room, next to Agent f5- “Hey man, how are things going? Is- oh jeez, is that agent R? Is he going to be safe there?” -notices the bar patrons- “Hey... aren’t those guys familiar? I feel like I’ve seen them somewhere... an old document or something? Or maybe a porno somewhere...”


(Agent RD handing a smoke to Agent AW) Agent RD: Aight, come along, be fair here and let the biggun's take the big fella, hell knows we gotta be on our toes right now. once we get to the med bay, we should try and figure out a way out this mess, and communicate with the others, i think i got a way of "smoking out" this situation among our pals circle jerking their mind numbing agent away...


Agent RD looks at phone raising eye brow getting a visible erection, puffing smoke Agent RD: not gonna lie, kind of nice seeing everyone getting rock hard nad stroking it, if it werent the "lack of will" thing going on, i agree to this, but then who gonna get the job done? (Looking at the vents) RD: huh, do you think these vents could be connected all over the facility, i got the keys to the herbology lab!!!


Agent H's answer: "Do you think that's why on the SNF application form we had to send full body pictures?"


OFF: Oof, a hot chapter this one. Agent H: I'm definitely worried about Agent I, I hope everything goes ok with him and Agent A. But alas I'm here, I'm queer and ready to use my Controversial Weapon of The Year Contest Winner Stun Gun. I'll be on the lookout for anyone that might be observing or tailing us. "We should do a quick drive-by the park, but he might have managed to either hide or get caught by the cultists by now. If we don't see him we should widen our search area, maybe he ran into a crowded store or something... Hey, Agent F, thanks for the help..."


Wow, lots to process this week! Agent U doesn't have much to do while we hustle down the hallway, so time to take stock of what we learned so far. More questions than answers, but if they're the right questions then it's worth it - there's still more to learn from these two! Jane clearly has come some trust in Omar, but at the same time she apparently doesn't know about the other cases. Seems he hasn't told her too much. Jane is agitated, and rightfully so under the circumstances! But is it an act? We know local authorities can't be trusted. Local media - perhaps either too insignificant to notice the pattern, or prevented from reporting on it. Still, it seems implausible that people wouldn't talk, especially in such a small town. I also look for my ID to flash, and whenever it's organic to do so, ask Omar when he started working at the hospital. Separately, cafeteria slop isn't encouraging, but I am increasingly aware that I don't remember where my last meal came from.


Another awesome chapter, gonna affirm that someone keep an eye out on the team getting medical treatment as an extra measure.


Agent SK: hey to home base, I wanted to run a theory I’d like one of y’all to look into for me *big slurp of the shake* so, am I the only one that finds it odd a secret government base only has donuts, milkshakes, and other sweets? Furthermore how do they get replaced? We’ve been down there for a while it seems and the cult seems to know about us as well. So I have a theory that these foods might have something special from the hospital in them from our good good friend, the elephant doctor. I believe he maybe trying to fatten us up for dinner time. Maybe one of you guys can collect some and test the food for maybe a addictive chemical or Ingredient in it?” All the time he’s taken out a gambling chip from his pocket, rubbing his thumb on it while thinking


I would create an agent but I have no idea on how to squeeze him in to what's currently going on lol. But I will give it a shot. I watch as Agent C flirts with Agent O, a little uncomfortable with his boldness. I nervously approach seeing O’s discomfort. “ hey C he seems a little busy, why don’t you leave him be for a bit. “ ( Checking the guide of Current Agents, I’ll take Agent B, a 6’6’’ stocky shy bull with small square glasses. Has a generally submissive demeanor despite his size)

Yoked Coder

The gangs lookin a bit more serious, and that bar the agent went into look like a great way to kick back and feel a part of the crowd


Agent E: Usually numbers can be and the are very specifically linked to their source as well.... he'll give a quizzical stare at D for a moment after having his own thoughts interrupted by his partners "wanting confirmation " gaze. Agent E: But dont look at me D, your more attuned to the occult crazyness than me im just a persuasive problem solver.


I’m sure their are plenty of cultist are in high places, we know theirs at least a head practitioner at the hospital, and more then likely the sheriff is at the very least involved, and then we has agent I who almost potentially became a future mayor of the whole town


Also, Agent Sk would make a cover story of being a Mr.Heart Esclair, came to the hospital after falling and hitting his head, but saw some of his buds from his poker night and decided to stay with them while they got checked up.(as you can tell he’s not the greatest with cover story’s)


Poor poor Agent R &lt;3 Seriously this update is crazy, Allister is gorgeous as always x3

Robert Smith

Not more competition for Allister's heart ;) He do really be handsome u right


Agent R - Cripes… that's the huge cultist guard from the Manimal Factory... what was his name?... Oscar??... Fuck, and I bet his bar buddies are cult members too... Great, just great, you're soaking wet, exhausted from running and worse... everybody is looking at you... "Heh heh... boy did I pick the wrong night for a stroll..." you sheepishly announce, nervously shuffling over to the bar and taking off your drenched jacket. Rulkdamnit you hate getting wet... Ok, no need to panic. These guys don't know you're a SNF agent, just pretend you're a clueless civilian here for a drink. Its not like you've got much choice, no way you're going outside again with those Cauterized bastards lurking everywhere, hell, maybe with a little smooth-talking you could further the investigation. "So uh, you guy look like locals, what do ya recommend?..." You slide in between the fat stoat and wombat, and order a beer, quickly checking out the pub for any other characters that look like they might belong to the cult. Fuck, you need something to warm yourself up, and you can't help look at them smoke with more than a hint of jealousy, "Heh, those are good looking cigars, where'd you get em? I'd probably do anything for one of those bad boys right now."


Seems like R is about to have his mind on the cultists uh.. 'changed' for lack of a better word. Im not sure if I quite find that a bad thing either :3 I mean who could resist so many handsome men uwu


Agent U: Asked Ms. Brooks for the name of Gabriel's previous spouse, this might unearth crucial details of his past with Dusk Acres and possibly the Cult. Agent R: *Have a Memory Surgery on standby to protect/shroud ALL sensible information about other SNF/APEX Agents and protocols should R becomes enthralled by their Fire or willingly betrays us* ---------------- Agent F5: *After typing in the last syllable in his suggestion, Agent C brushed past F5' station with Agent O on tow both heading to a secluded location away from prying eyes, the Hamster silently pleads for help. Not wanting to escalate the situation, Agent F5 concealed the knife on his person then stealthly trails behind Agent C to the secluded location*

Star Ringer

I hate sitting here. I hate watching these things happen and doing nothing. But what's the alternative? I'm in the thick of it, being manipulated and stabbed and chased? This is probably better. But... ...There's got to be a backend this code is calling to. The red text is just log output. Where's the execution happening? Sophisticated as this is, it still seems to be relying on the human element to interpret commands. ...But what if it's not? What if there's a backend AI, or even an operator, interpreting commands? Will a command the human side wouldn't understand get processed and relayed correctly? ...Let's test that. &gt; (Operative Dubya) &gt; Lumber larboard, &gt; Abaft proceed, &gt; Saltate, &gt; Dexter step twofold, &gt; Sinister step twofold, &gt; Skid portside, &gt; Skid starboard, &gt; Cha cha real smooth;


Allister and Agent I: Frank took the Van along with H and N to save R. Since you two are stuck there, we're going to use this time to investigate the Motel one last time. We got hacked again and the memory surgery suite was unlocked. Some of the agents here have subliminal commands and we need a “blackword” to remove them. It seems like this “blackword” is a black key card type item with a picture of a church like structure on it that belonged to Otis. Our system identified it as “BlackW-013”, which could relate to the 13 in the message left by Otis. Allister, you knew Otis the best, so maybe you can help us with this next part. We’re thinking that the other two numbers point to key card’s location. Room 38 of the motel is the last place Otis was before his chip went offline. 3+8 is 11 and 8-3 is 5, so it’s possible there’s something more in that room. The inverted numbers could be saying to look at the underside of something in the room, like the furniture or the bed. Try to see if Ricky found anything strange when he cleaned the room. What do you say Allister? Is there any problem with my thinking? I’m basically grasping at straws here, so please speak freely.


New pledge here, loving the story so far! I'd totally get involved if I were able to come up with stuff lol


:O I spent an hour jerking off catching up. Umm I bust a nut when Allister did! Are agent slots still open?


Joined recently and I gotta say this story is pretty great! Can't wait to see what happens next


Steadying your paws, you remind yourself you have work to do. You fumble through your notes as you ask yourself. What kind of work? The letters swim on the notes. Decoding the meaning of the universe, of course. No, that's not it. Why did you think that? Your student days are long gone, just like your dreams. All lost when you were whisked away to... at least you have a job, even if you're something like an intern. It's what your parents would have wanted, be a productive member of society. You guess the machine had a slot for a cog like you. However, you can't help but listen to your gears turning. You feel like you're grasping at shadows on the wall, trying to get to the flickering truth like a moth drawn to the flame. Is the Chariot heading straight into the sun, with all of us aboard? ((He is not doing anything in particular, still))


Oh no! This is probably too late ;n; and it looks like the F5 thing isn't happening... Agent R - If you need to make a quick getaway, remember there is Matt Hopper's abandoned car in the parking lot. Agent RK - Can you check the memory of what we were doing a week ago. Frank - You guys need to get inside! The streets are crawling with Cauterized. Abandon search, I repeat, do not try to fight them, head to the nearest shelter immediately! Allister - You should consider fortifying your position, find out from Ricky where the safest place in the motel is.

Warren (Stephen) Rose (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 20:09:52 Agents H &amp; N: Wow, bunch of traumatic stuff going on. Y'all should dish out some hugs to your teammates when safe and convenient.
2021-03-15 16:03:07 Agents H & N: Wow, bunch of traumatic stuff going on. Y'all should dish out some hugs to your teammates when safe and convenient.

Agents H & N: Wow, bunch of traumatic stuff going on. Y'all should dish out some hugs to your teammates when safe and convenient.


Agent O : accept the massage to prevent hostility and to release some tension