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heyo pups, not much to see this week, we're still preparing stuff for making the first day/night playable asap. In the meanwhile, this week i worked on a couple animations that 'll signal the player a new day is startign...

or another night, with all the dangerous and naughty stuff that it entails | 3

anyways that's it for this week, more to come! stay wild, pups! awooo! 




oof that sunrise reminds me of the one near the end of Monster Smash, when that thing [spoilers] happens


Neato ;3


This is awesome. I'm so excited!


Very nice transition screens. I wonder if we’ll be getting any stormy days/nights. Does a lot to increase smell capabilities. Love the steady progress you and your team are making.


Such lovely animations, and i can't wait to see the demo.


No need to rush anything man. You and banana need to take all the time you need. You have been doing great job so far, and there is no reason to stress yourself. Game dev takes time, and you guys have shown how dedicated you are to it. All your work so far is really wonderful ^w^! That nightfall and sunrise, just amazing XD!


How do you do such beautiful pixel art???