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alright, wrapping up the ice cream minigame's graphics! when dealing with the damned the ice cream booth's objective is to trap them with some kind of hellish punishment so you actually WANT to displease them as opposed to the demons who lash out at you if you give them the wrong flavor. 

if you give the damned a ice cream flavor they actually like, the neapolitan demon, owner of the booth , will come up and bonk you in the head, making you lose one of your three hearts.

there's several way hell can punish the damned for their gluttony and their past sins. A pretty innovative hell prank is the food switcheroo, where the damned and the food they're about to eat switch roles...

and who can forget the old  classic, skeletonization? Nothing spells misery like a sad bag of bones!

but if you want to punish the damned for the pleasure of the flesh, and you're a bit of a kinky demon the eternal gimp restraint will teach the damned the virtue of abstinence...not that they can do much else but be caste in that state ,anyways.

and with this (and a few other minor animations i haven't shown yet) the ice cream minigame graphics are complete! i'll tackle the second minigame next, either the shooting range or the lethe fishing.

alright that's it for this week! more to come, catch you peeps later!




I like the punishment presented here more than the previously proposed consequence (damned explode if made happy).


Skeletonization and Eternal gimp restraint are so hot!!!! Can't wait to play this arc; I love circus! Need more fat goofball clowns!! XD