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update time! hope you like it, peeps.




That is a sexy tiger. One of them should give them moobs a squeeze


Damn it tiger hot but he's a pig, lol. To Agent Bellows: He's coming off as extremely suspect. If he pulls out a lighter or light avert your eyes right away incase he's one of the cult.


Agent K will carry/shoulder the Director with his bear strength, if he doesn't mind. I'm not exactly healthy enough to do it. "I really don't wanna go back to the hospital," my agent says. If Agent O meets me there, I'll say, "I'm taking the Director topside. Break the control panel for the elevator no nobody uses this thing, code or no code." If the Director resists being taken to get treated, pull out my gun. I'm not asking.


I'll go with you then, I'll help watch your back and make sure the Director is safe too.

Robert Smith

Agents Allister and Frank, Field Team A- There is a crisis here at the base, I can't guarantee our maintaining contact, and we may be compromised - do not listen to any commands from Agent BN. Additionally, the Hospital team have potentially encountered another Agent and t... AH THAT WAS A CLOSE SWING. After transmitting the warning to the Field Teams, and keeping away from Agent BN if he tries to get in my way, I hurry to Agent T's location at once, though saying - 'Try and keep him away from electricity! If his M.A.D. chip is going wild it could just make things worse! If I get time, I will transmit the message to Frank - You got really close to the Sherrif right, could you smell his breath? He mentioned a BBQ, so it could be like the one you and Allister were forced into


Oh shit, Agent BN has gone crazy, I need to do something about it! Much thanks to Agent RK for making me come to my senses! I come to my senses and realize that Agent AW is in danger and I move to restrain Agent BN using my apex predator strength. "I don’t knoweth what’s gotten into thee Agent BN, but thee shouldn’t beest playing 'round with yond bodkin, thee couldst did hurt someone! Agent AW may has't been a dram pervy, but that’s nay reason to tryeth and killeth him! Prithee don’t intermit, I don’t wanteth to did hurt thee." "Art thee good now Agent AW?" I noticed that the Rhino also has the initials O.B., coincidence? I also already love the sheriff!


I knew from the first panel that sheriff wright was a good ol boy asshole. His connection with the barbeque definitely tips him as a cauterized.


Oh God. Donuts

Robert Smith

Damn things are really exciting- interesting that the tiger seems to be obsessed with the same kind of details like the ones mentioned in the spell, about hunters and farmers. And he is probably heading after Field Team A now... if only things weren't going to shit and they could be warned!


Wonderful! Exquisite! Now this is the good shit.


((As the real me is likely lost in the mind of a horny mayor candidate. I have to give you all ooc info. Beware the Rhino. He also carried the OB name. His name tag reads Omar Baoir. much like others known to be under the cult's control like the taxi driver and the elephant doctor. Also. loving all the naughty and action this update. plus the taxi Screach is on point.))


Ricky's dad fits the pattern too, named Olsen Also, is that name Baoir or Badir? I read it as a D, and Badir apparently means "full moon" in Arabic..

Bryan Whiteman

So... Is that a tiger...OR is that a Rakshasa? Asking for a friend~

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Agent N: "Wait, were those Agents A and F?!?! They can help us out with Agent I!!" *Agent N will turn the car around and park somewhere nearby* *Agent N will leave the car but not before reminding Agents H, R and I that pain broke Allister and Frank out of their first TF, so we should try that for Agent I, and knock him out simultaneously if possible. "Just punch him in the face" he will suggest* *He will walk up to Agents A and F and speak* Agent N: "Uhh, Agent A, Agent F, idk if you remember me, I'm Agent N. Could I trouble you for a few moments? We need to discuss our plans for this investigation." "Also uhmm... we really... REALLY need your help with Agent I. He got uhmm... compromised." *he gestures nervously back to the cab* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That one scene where Filed Team A does a drive-by was pretty damned funny! I really liked that xD To the other members of Field Team A: so now what? we're in town. Agent I is getting corrupted, and we need Allister and Frank's help with that, but we also need ice to help him out AND visit a store to start our part of the investigation. I think we should stop by Agents A and F first, since we haven't tried inflicting pain on Agent I, which is what we know worked for Allister and Frank. I want to point out that nobody should trust the rhino dude since he's part of the cult, or at least was daddified in some way. He's named Omar Boair, another one of the standardized O. B. names. So whatever he's saying, you should still subdue, restrain and question him in some way. Hopefully away from the hospital. Also, about Agent BN... I dont think he's being murderous on purpose. He's being controlled in some capacity. And its not related to the chips, as Agent F5 has checked already. Its either the big dude himself or something else entirely. I'm just gonna put this out there, what if its the VOICE from the Monster Smash comic? I don't necessarily believe that to be the case, but I just wanted to put this theory out in open air: we know the VOICE became one of the patrons, so like one of us, the people commanding and controlling our characters in this comic. Could he be the hacker? Or maybe he's controlling Agent BN? I find it hard to believe, but its possible, and murder and suffering is their MO.


Since the director is hopefully being handled I want to take out our lovely panda agent before anyone tries using the mad on him. Who wouldn't be angry that someone would hurt our director?


(May as well give in to the horniness...for now. Not like I have many choices at the moment XD) Agent S - Still under the M.A.D. Chip's command, make my way towards the pile of hot men, hoping to take part. Maybe stumble and regain consciousness from the pain of the fall.

Shiny Skunk

Frank! Kiss him!! Kiiiss hiiim


(So the Bolt Bunny Diner seems to have some kind of contract providing our boys with food, or at least the "APEX" have some very busy interns making coffee runs somehow. Soda and donuts don't stay fresh for long meaning its unlikely we're been isolated from the surface for long. Also am I dumb, what does Cimany mean? Is that a name?) <b>Agent C</b> : "Rulk's Bones! What the fresh hell is going on?!" Chaos, BN has gone off the deep end, this is what happens when there's a breakdown of the chain of command. You'd get up and subdue this mad panda with your extensive military combat training, but... you can't for some reason? Hwha?... Getting a mild headache. Can't stop working at desk with RK. <i>Agent C leans over and sloppily kisses him, licking some frosting off of his muzzle.</i>


Agent SK acts fast, seeing BW bloody and attacking people and seeing Agent O heading to the elevator, he quickly sends a message to B team “we can’t confirm he is or isn’t a agent, restrain them tell we can confirm” and then goes to follow and protect the small hamster bodyguard style. If Agent BW manages to get near us agent SK would pick up a chair and slam it on top of them as hard as he can(in an attempt to knock them out), then proceeds to fix his tie “shall we?” Asking as they move on


Agent U doesn't know what's going on with this rhino, but he's not letting go until they get some answers. "An agent? Who sent you? What department are you with?"

Lee Evergreen

"Like we buy that for a second. You're way to beefed up, even for a rhino, and your initials are O.B. Don't let go boys it's way to likely he's part of the cult!" L hangs on to his arm as tight as he can, and tries to tangle his legs with the rhinos to trip him up.


(Oh no, my precious boy! Save him! Oh god how am I gonna be able to wait until next week now.) Agent AW - Help!! Oh fuck!!! Every animal for himself!! Grab one of those half empty sodas and throw it at BN's face, then scramble your ass away as fast as you can. Just run out the fucking door and keep running. Huff... huff... Fuck, where am I?


My hero~ &lt;3 Sorry that AW's a bit too much of a scaredy-cat to hang around and thank you personally, heh, hopefully he can return the favor sometime later


It would be insane if the Voice was the one controlling Agent BN.


Thank you for this update BC, I hope you had a relaxing break. Hmm, I am coming up with a theory now that we've seen the Sheriff (and hoo boy, fat tiger is hot as fuck, even if he is a creep). So we have hints that whatevers going on in Dusk Acres, it isn't by just one group, there are factions probably fighting each other. The tiger is very specist against herbivores, Frank is an Omivore and he still looks down on him. I doubt that he would be willing to work with Otis and Rahul Mammen. Meanwhile, BN, a herbivore panda, is being controlled by somebody and has killed (or at least tried to) a lion and a fox, both predators. (And rhino guard!) Could it be that there is a faction of predator hating herbivores we don't know about yet?


((For some reason I've been imagining Sheriff Wright as a heavyset Stallion also does the Sheriff's Badge resembles the alchemical/astrological symbol for Sun or the Protection Sigil to you guys?)) ————— Agent F5: *Pitched a coworker's Monster Smash-themed paperweight like a softball, targeting Agent BW's wrist just when the knife is about to strike AW. Once the rogue panda has been restrained by the larger Agents, F5 then collects the knife. Upon inspecting the bloodied blade, a strange light glistened over the opossum's eyes soon the very sight of fresh blood on metal invoked a yearning desire to sample a taste.*


the cimany is supposed to be like dynamic written vertically ^_^' the lower part of the giant B functioning as a D for dynamic diner? i'm not that good at graphc design unfortunately hah XD


Ok i didnt think id end up as a villain scenario. Agent BN get a hold of yourself! This isn't you! You'd wouldn't hurt anyone as much as a fly! Whatever is taking control of you, you have to resist! Drop the knife and let the other Agents restrain you. Hopefully after you calm down you'll get a clear mind.


Agent Allister/Frank, Agent N/R/H - Its time to continue the investigation. And there are two locations of interest that haven't been examined yet, the Manmal Retail Store and the Church of Alliance. You guys should pick one of these places and meet up there, instead of hanging around the Inn lick a bunch of sitting ducks. Given the time of day, the Retail Store is probably closed... but there may be a back entrance, and investigating the place while nobody is around might prove more fruitful. The Church of Alliance is probably still open though, so it'll probably be less risky and you can find out what their deal is. Agent RF - This Sheriff Write is more of a hog than Frank is... the way he speaks reminds you of your studies on various pre-Alliance cultures. Farmer versus Hunter. Cannibal versus Prey. But focusing on just that dichotomy is insufficient if you really want to understand society, just as big a factor is the role of He Who Eats and He Who Feeds. Throughout history, cultures of herbivore and carnivore alike can be divided into societies that either believe the Strong should feed the Weak, or the Weak should feed the Strong. Each philosophy helping spawn their own religions and mythos. Cattle verses Kings. Fat versus Muscle. Feeders versus Feedees. Even Rulk is said to have fed his own body to a starving Leopard in that famous psalm. But judging by Sheriff Wright's attitude... and waistline, you're pretty sure he falls hard on Weak Feed Strong side. Take out your history book on ancient gods and demons, search for any deity or cult that matches the details of the case, some kind of light worshiping, cannibalistic hunters.


BW could very much use a computer to the head, to knock him out. After all, government property can be replaced, but agents should be protected at all costs. If those affected by the flame zonk, why not test it out by showing a bright flame to the sheriff and see if gives you all time to escape. After all, the weapons of our enemies can be used to our advantage, and if fire is the catalyst, then maybe it'll work on others.


OhmyalliancepleasehelpmeIdon'twanttogetstabbed. If I do get out of this trance I want to use a M.A.D. command on Agent BN to stop him and try to play back any footage of his last moments with Agent Y from Agent BN’s own chip. If the system can’t tell us what’s going on then maybe his own memories can give us an idea. It really looks like he isn't aware of what he's doing. There has been talk about how the chips might be causing us see and experience things that aren't really happening. (On another note, we have an Omar Baoir claiming to be on our side and a Sheriff Wright who is highly suspicious. I knew BC was going to have a twist like this when I threw out that O.B. theory. Of course, the easiest way to check if Omar is telling the truth is to give a direct command to his M.A.D. chip. He should have one that we can access if he’s really an Agent like us. Got to deal with Agent BN first though.)


Agent Allister/Frank: Press the sheriff for details on that barbecue. In the photos of you two as the pastor and coach, you were at a barbecue as well. Infiltrating or spying on that gathering might provide valuable evidence of the cult's criminal activity.


Agent R.D., a stout pudgy Tasmanian devil walks in the room with the rest of the agents. He's wearing a blue shirt with a black tie, with sleeves rolled up, showing off his protective celtic knot tattoo on his left arm. He's wearing blue bandanna and smoking a joint, his eyes red from it. Agent RD: Woah, did i miss the party, or does everyone seem hazier than me? (he says so coming staring at the stabbed computer screen and the mayhem.) Agent RD to Agent T: What in the Nine circles is going on, i'm filing reports and hear this, was the last donut taken again? (scoffs at the group trying to meddle with the systems and confusion knowing something amiss around, raises an eyebrow on who could be next to snap, thinking about looking into agent BN file)


Am I crazy or did BC remove the last panel?


I think the last two panels were in the wrong order originally - first the car, then the sheriff mentioned the BBQ. I originally read it as the car blowing past them without stopping, as a beat panel tbh


I know a distant cousin of mine got involved with those μ-anon truthers.. she spends her weekends giving out pamphlets in the city square claiming that there's a cabal of baby-eaters secretly running the Alliance. Honestly she's the shame of the family.


Yeah, I thought the car had rushed passed them too. I guess its coming to a screeching halt now. Good to know I'm not crazy.


Not to mention the sheriffs oddly sharp claws. Surely that has to be something more than just aesthetic and appearance


AGENT M: He seems to lack the smarmy confidence of the other cult members, and his name could just be a coincidence... but the risk is too great. Keep him in the hold until he passes out and find a closet to stuff him in. Anyone in the control room reading this should consider trying to command him using his chip, or at least access his mind. If it doesn’t work, then we can guess he’s part of the cult. If it does, then oh well better safe than sorry.


( Btw, small notices that mind come in handy for those that might be interested to check them out (and in case you haven't already talk about them). 1st, I have a feeling that the civilians that have a chip inside them, are only those that have smoke the Manimal cigar's. The rat kid was given a cigar as he said, once his father tried to turn him, and Damien, the hippo, was given one once he was attacked, during the first pages. So whoever is behind all this, could have been using the cigars as a way to unsuspectingly put into them a chips. You could try and locate a way to control the rest of the chips too. Might help with damage control, or to get some allies or countermeasures for emergencies. 2nd You could use Alister's powers to "heal" the rat kid's dad. Even better, if you attack and get the tiger, you can use on him to try get some answers. Also you might need to heal our current new "mayor" agent too. I have a feeling that he will need it very soon. But do keep in mind on more thing. The taxi just arrived, and one of the agents is down for the count, but we haven't seen what has happen to the other 3 as well. Hoping that they are fine, but you should be ready for maybe 4 more corrupted agents as well...! It just a thought really, but since we haven't seen what happened to them, i do suggest you should be wary -w-...!)


Agent AZ: Oh wow agent BN seems to have really cracked! But what was that he was muttering about just now, because it sounded logical enough but i cant tell if its because he crazy or not... Agent AZ: Anyways If its not the chip that's making him act weirdly close to homicidal then what could it have been... wait does any one know where BN was at before he came back with a knife and blood on him? Either way its best if we try to disarm him AZ would try to help restrain and or more so disarm BN With the help of others if there are any others available/ willing to help.


Agent R - Wait in the car; don't let anyone leave, not until the Sheriff leaves. However, if the Sheriff does come over to investigate, quickly lie and say that the cabbie had a medical emergency while driving us around, and we were just taking him to the hospital. If Sheriff Write asks about the window, claim it was broken like that when Oliver picked you up, no need to mention any crazy forest men. If he presses us on who we are/why we're here, just claim we're a humble group of businessmen looking at a potential investment in the Manmal Corporation. And if he discovers Agent I, and presuming he's fully turned by now, say he's your local contact who offered to show us around. After all, if this Sheriff is part of the cult he's unlikely to dispute that Agent I has always been Orville Brennan. Just gotta smooth talk this fat pig and hope for the best, emphasize our feline camaraderie, compliment his immaculate claws and perfect teeth. Offer him a smoke. If the Sheriff decides to ignore you, however, breathe a sigh of relief and greet Frank and Allister when its safe to do so. Maybe chain up Oliver with Ricky’s dad.


And if you find out something has happened to your precious Himbo Boss, try not to have a complete emotional breakdown.

Yoked Coder

I wonder what happened to the lion chief, I know he was probably assaulted by Agent BN, I hope someone would go check on their status if only to reconfirm what has probably occurred.