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oh gosh this is so wonderful, I wonder what could be in that big looking book! Who knows what sort of dark temptations and delights dot its condemned and consigned to oblivion pages!


To the other agents in the bunker: I'll start barricading the exit. If anyone we know wants to get in or out, they can contact us via their chip to open it. The more secure we make this place, the better. Now that there less people, we can survive off the supplies for longer. If need be.

Robert Smith

OH YES TIME FOR SOME RITUALS Allister - We will keep an eye on your M.A.D. readings throughout this- if anything looks to be going wrong, we will issue M.A.D. Commands in order to prevent any further transformations - we have your back here. And make sure to keep it dark, you changed in the light again! Frank - Stay calm, you have this. I know this is panicking, but the priest isn't you. Believe us, and we will guide you through this. You are in great hands. Just go with what Allister says, and we will keep you stable here. If Agent O can record any fluctuations in the mental states, and bodily states, of Agents A and F whilst this takes place, this might give us an idea of the physiological changes the cult are enacting. Agent I - You might be needed at the inn ASAP, due to your occult kit and knowledge, please get there as soon as possible. The transformations are ongoing amongst Allister and Frank, and any assistance you can get is important. Also, please submit a MAD reading- if there is anything in the cut, we *should* be able to pick it up. I have some questions for Yasir, but they can wait until he has had a nap. Specifically, I want to know what he can recall about Otis and Orlando and their roles in this organisation

Robert Smith

Poor Allister and Frank- someone needs to give them a hug, they deserve some happiness with each other!


Allister so hung <3

Lee Evergreen

(I'm reinforcing my bait plan) "Alright Agent M, I'd like to set myself up as bait for the cult. My hope is that they take me into their main base. Unfortunately it seems that once an agent is taken by the cults mind control fully their tracker is shut off. So my proposal is, once we get out of here you follow me from a distance and keep your eyes on me. Even if you can't keep up and can only get as much as a license plate, we'll get a huge lead we didn't have before. Might even get to bash some heads if you get a chance to rescue me." *L gos to shake his hand* "Partners?"


Agent Allister: Check for similar incidents involving that Lilian wine you kept running into and anything that bodily fluid sealing rituals to look for interceding paranormal entities. A good place to start would be the vintage year of the "sang amer" wine working back from there, Mass hysteria seems to be a goal they are trying to achieve. Let's see what your agency has to offer Crawley.


Agent S - Once we get into the hospital, use the orderly clothes to give the others the slip by entering a break room or equivalent - I don't need them slowing down my newfound mission Send a message to Frank saying - There is no need to panic, this is natural. There is no need to worry, this is just you being given the power to accomplish what you always dreamed of. You are achieving your dream. This is what your Father wants for you. What's best for you. Use Allister's fire to fan your own


Didn't get my hug, but it's nice seeing the director stress get lowered somewhat. I did want to ask everyone else how exactly did they join the story? Because I've been quietly watching for the most part and still don't get it. 🤔


Its like an honor to be draw by BlazingCheeks Agent BN - If the Directors ready, join him in finding the beds/barracks. If you run into the group that left to town, warn them about the entrance being monitored. Even if they know its better to make sure they know and keep their guard up.


((Important bit about Monte/Agent M- he’s not actively LOOKING for a fight, and violence doesn’t bring him much satisfaction. But he also knows his own strength and is willing to use it to reach his own ends. It’s not his FIRST solution but it’s usually the simplest and most effective, especially in this situation. As such, if he were to encounter an enemy, his first goal would be to incapacitate them and disarm them of any weaponry (including cigars/smoking apparatuses) and hide them somewhere safe and inconspicuous so they can’t impede him any further. He would be looking to use non-lethal methods though. He’s surprisingly stealthy for his size, when he chooses to be, so he would always look to ambush them from the shadows so they don’t have a chance to cry out or attack)) Agent M: *shrugs and shakes Agent L’s hand* “Your funeral bub. If yew wanna get yer brain thrown in a blender for the sake of the rest of us then I’ll be bloody sure to make it count. Just don’t be surprised if I disappear on you- the less you know about where I am before you’re one of theirs, the better.” *Top priority is finding a bag, some fire extinguishers, and plenty of cloth or towels or linens to serve as masks, bindings, and whatever else might be needed.*


Damn, racking my brain and I still come up with nothing, amazing update, nonetheless. If someone wants to give me purpose in this story, I’m open to it. I am glad that the Director is getting the chance to destress after everything that has happened.

Lee Evergreen

Either BC really likes our suggestion as a means to move the plot forward or it gets enough likes to show we all really want to see it. I wouldn't stress to much about it.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Agent N - "Oh Rulk oh fuck!! I is infected!!! H we don't have much time! Back there in my bag take out one of my electrical cables, pull back I's shirt back and tie the cable as hard and tight around his forearm as you can. That should be a decent enough tourniquet to stop the blood from flowing and should at least slow down his daddification." Agent N - *after I has his arm tied* we can decide what to do about you I when we meet up with the rest of the team. We need to get your hand in ice ASAP. Agent N - *as soon as we reach a proper road, I'm fucking flooring the the car and getting to the city in like, 5 minutes.* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OH WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BC just got back from a vacation and he already drops a SICK AS HELL UPDATE, DAMN!!! There's so much going on! So much to love! Our boys... they're so cute! Allister is so adorable and so hot, with how flustered he got with Frank and with that heckin' knee slapper of a dick he's got! And Frank too! That haircut's still looking so good! And he ALSO looks pretty adorable when he's so vulnerable and afraid like that! (... that might sound a little fucked up I guess, but its true!) I got treated so well this update too! Agent N's "missedmebyaninchalmostwentthroughmyfuckingskillohrulkohalliancewhatthefuck" is 100% a mood. I'd be fucking panicking, and so that is extremely appropriate! His expressions were SO GOOD! I am so happy and thankful to be participating in this CYOA comic ;w; So enough fangirling about what happened... Time to speculate! I think "the Devil" tarot card was extremely appropriate too! That entire panel was just perfect, showing that Agent I is now about to give into his lust and stuff, though it might be the response he's giving to the taxi driver. In either case it fits, but I think its to show that Agent I is compromised, and about to be daddified (which i might be mildly interested, excited, turned on by and very slightly jealous of) Anyone else think its weird that the otter just started rainbow changing colors? It could be that he's just zonked I guess, but maybe its something more? Maybe having his brain zapped affected him and his daddification? We'll have to investigate I suppose. And now we have a test subject! *evil scientist laughter and rubibng hands together* So Allister said "fight fire with fire". Can that be interpreted literally? Like, since we're using electricity to shock people out of their cultist zonkings, can we use other "elements" to interfere with the transformations? Will ice or water slow or reverse the TF? Will grass (weed i.e. or other drugs) accelerate the TF? Agent N isn't the ritual/occult guy, so he wouldn't know. (Agent I, what do you wanna do about being TFd? If you do end up daddified, you'd become our enemy technically. And most likely you'd try and TF the rest of us too (while hot, i wanna progress the story). Should we stop it? Do you wanna just dad out? Should we leave you somewhere?)


Wow that taxi driver is freaking out. Here's hoping making distance from the chameleon might help. Here's hoping Agent I has had his tetanus shots.

Robert Smith

What element are you most interested in looking into? Happy to help you figure out what you want to get more info on the most! The teams are now heading out to the surface, so we have three groups up there - maybe providing information to each group about some of the other's movements would be helpful, and give you a focus?

Robert Smith

Yeah the eye colours were DEFINITELY an interesting mix- especially as he started to rainbow eye after he got tasered. If he has some kind of MAD chip, perhaps the electricity has mucked it up? It will be interesting to see what happens to him next


Agent SK would just look over those notes and share any info he finds with agent O and the others. They may also catch a peek of frank when they can


Is the blade attach to The Chameleon's tongue made of Obsidian?


(What a strong way to start 2021, hehehe) <b>Agent C </b> : Still fuming. You know what you've gotta do, for the good of the mission, when the time is right. You can't think too hard about it though, otherwise the other Agents might read about it on the monitor and try to stop you. Good thing you're an expert at thinking with your gut, them chips can't read that. Go along with the new order for now and help your team out. Grab a donut and head to your console. Check the meta-data of the hack on our system that unlocked the Direct Console Commands. Check who authorized it, if it was local or remote access. If it was Yasir, see if you can access his credentials by any means necessary, after all, if he ain't the boss anymore he shouldn't mind (and if you can get them, other people can too).


I guess I can try to give motivational love advice? Allister: Stop lying to yourself snowball, it’s obvious that you have feelings for Frank. Yes, you are indebted to Mr. Bellows for saving you as a child. But that is neither here nor there at this moment in time. Stop thinking about the approval of a criminal who tried to turn you into a himbo coach, as weird as that sounds. Focus on the connection you have formed with Frank through all the trials you’ve faced in recent times. It will give you the strength to overcome any adversity you may face in the future.


Agent I's actions: *Lets Agent H deal with the tourniquet as he stared at his bleeding hand, his mind going to the card he saw spinning as he was hit. eyes a wide in fear, not saying anything to the others.* Agent I's Mind: "the devil card.. Major Arcana.. shadow self.. attachment and addiction.. restriction and sexuality.. that's upright. but it was spining. so reverse too. Releasing limited beliefs, Detachment, and exploring dark thoughts. and boy am I having some now.." Agent I speaking: "my bag.. pull out.. light blue.. bag.. pull out a purple and a blue pouch.. pour both into white pouch.. instant cold pack.. chemical ice.." ((OOC)) Oh dear lord my flipper! I need a distraction. maybe another mental plug buzing my prostate. something to take my mind off of the card and the pain.


Can we get some research done on the red book and its purpose? Do all SNF agents have one in their kits or is it exclusive to Allister? Also is it related to the laughing god Otis made an offering to for his wife? Man I'm excited to see where this goes and I'm trying my best to figure out how it all connects


(I hope you had a good holiday BC, thank you for this amazing update. Oh man, already so much drama, so much action, so much romance x3 I think everyone else has dissected this update pretty thoroughly, but I guess its worth pointing out that being Cauterized seems to give you superhuman strength. I mean, unless its normal for animals to be able to break glass with their tongues. I would advise against getting into a fight with these ones.) Agent AW : Dang, why did Agent RK have to interrupted the show just when it was getting good. Cockblocked for his BS OB theory... well, he is kind of a hunk, he probably wouldn't mind finishing it off. MAD DCC : Agent C, Agent RK, go sit next to each other, but keep in my line of sight. You think you're just working together, but you keep stealing sloppy kisses when you think anyone but me is looking. Both of you unzip your pants and covertly jack off under the desk, if you can reach (without being too suspicious) jack off each other. Don't alert the other agents.


Commenting as an answer because it is -your- hand after all. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you.


OFF: Ok, the plot thickens, O.B... And puking their guts out didn't really solve it... Great update, though. Lots of stuff going on and I'm glad I only have to deal with the one I actually know how to deal with. At least med school is paying off, i guess. Agent H: Refer to my reply to Agent I's comment. I'll definitely ask around for the things I need, for any kind of cloth, for the holy water and for the normal water if I can't find them on Agent I's bag. The part I said about putting his hand through the window is just so we don't wet ourselves with blood (holy) water, especially if the blood around the wound is already cursed. If it even is cursed. EDIT: Wait, I can't find my reply to Agent I's comment, ugh, I'll just type it here then Electric wires as Agent N suggested are crappy tourniquets, I'll take my tie and use it. I'll tie it on Agent I's forearm until the bleeding stops. Then I'll rummage through his bag trying to find a first aid kit. If there is one I'll just use stuff from there, if there isn't one I'll use any clean-ish cloth I find to wipe the blood off his wound. If I can find Holy Water in there I'll use it. But if not the driver surely has some normal water around the car. I'll take Agent I's hand out of the window and rinse the wound with the (holy) water. I'll dry it off using the same cloth as before and use Agent I's tie as a makeshift bandage on the wound. Then I'll do as he asked, and I'll mix up the chemical ice, taking care as to have at least 2 layers of fabric between the ice and his hand, so it doesn't burn. Then I'll hold it on top of the bandages for 10 minutes, let it rest for 20 minutes, then hold it there for more 10 minutes and so forth for as long as I can. If the wound doesn't heal by magic (which would be a relief, at least there is a chance it's not cursed then) we definitely have to stitch it up when we get the chance. We can't let the tourniquet on his forearm for too long because it will start to hurt, a LOT. So even if we don't solve this in that time, we'll need to take it off.


You need Aloe Vera extract. That helps heal wounds and soothes the burning sensation.

Star Ringer

...I'm still pretty lost, but let's try something anyway. *ahem* Offer up the fire. Raise it to be consumed. Ice. Cold. Winter. Be freed from subjugation. The arctic sun reveals but does not alter. Rebuke that which would change and age, burn and wither. Three candles in the wind, three moons the candelabra. The broken chain below the crooked bars.


Yes, If we can find it it will help, but now I only wish we could find first aid supplies and clean the wound with running water so we can dress it up with something better than a not so clean tie. Maybe even stitch it up. Maybe we should stop at a drugstore on the way to wherever we are going right now... And also consider the magic wound might just close/heal itself. It's magic after all.


To the guys in the cab: It seems a bad sign Agent I feels his hand burning. Maybe you should try to get some cold water/ice to apply to it. We are not sure how cultists' minds are manipulated but chances are they were drugged. Using ice could slow down the spread of any substance in Agent I's bloodstream. Also since the cultists worship fire maybe it's best to counteract with ice anyways for now.


Lucky for us Aloe Vera extract is readily available and can be found in most retail stores. Would be best to get the expensive brand, the quality would really provide aid for Agent I's wound.


I agree. Hopefully they stay off of our trail long enough for we to be able to stop and get supplies


Agent U: You steal a glimpse over your shoulder as the party leaves the control room. C's disappointed glare stings. You're physically not a complete pushover - still have a decent rugby tackle left over from your uni days - but your fight-or-flight reflex has been going haywire for the last couple of hours. Too bad, you thought C was cute if a bit pompous - all bark and no bite - but since the mind-control started everyone's teeth are looking sharper in your eyes. As the group prepares to head up, you nervously finger the small linen pouch around your neck, filled with dried mandrake and a silver coin. You think of the letters inscribed on the coin, the same as those you first saw long ago above the doors of the barn your Grandmother said was built by your Great-Great Grandfather. You didn't know the significance of that until you saw that pattern described again in a dusty book: To Extinguish Fire Without Water Write the following words on each side of a plate, and throw it into the fire, and it will be extinguished forthwith: S A T O R A R E P O T E N E T O P E R A R O T A S


Agent H/I/N/R: Our equipment is detecting an anomaly slowly seething from your dazed captive, Oliver. Is the otter properly restrained?


I’ll try to check the documents to about the M.A.D. Chips and how electrical overload affects it. Maybe we’ll see if it can explain what’s going on with Oliver. It’s not just his eyes but his clothes are also changing colors? (Probably won’t get too much done if Agent AW has his way. Unfortunately for C, Agent RK is a terrible kisser.) **clumsily bites Agent C’s tongue while kissing**


It's best to treat/soak burn wounds with lukewarm water not icy cold water since it can damage the tissue.

Robert Smith

I completely missed the changing clothes! Very interesting- I wonder if the taser disrupted his 'dream' form and we might see what he looked like before he was part of the cult.


Oh yeah. Ricky’s dad mentioned something about being their dreams, right? I’m getting a little concerned with how mundane stuff like a taser or the MAD chips are able to affect this so called magic. Makes me think that’s there’s something else is going on here.


Indeed it's a cut. Agent I feels like a burn though so I suppose they best be cautious about it... that seems rather strange! (totally agree with using cold water but not icy cold water. My bad)


New Dusk Acres! Hope you had a good holiday BC Agent R - Shit, this is bad. Agent I is hurt, there's broken glass all over the car floor and you're beginning to suspect Agent N has gotten us completely lost in this Rulk damned forest... But your biggest concern right now has to be with the squirming Otter on your lap... no, squirming isn't the right word for this... its more like a seizure... and he's... glowing?? What the fuck?? Okay, calm down... you can get this under control somehow... (fuck you wish you had a smoke right now (augh, not the time!) Alright, lets first make sure Oliver doesn't bite his tongue off. Grab those fuzzy dice hanging from the window-screen and stuff them in the Otter's mouth like a gag. Next... kick open his glove box, maybe Oliver has a first aid kit in his cab or even better something to tie him up with (maybe even some fuzzy cuffs, the otter does seem like a pretty big pervert after all)... alright, the MAD chips made your eyes turn red, right? So this rainbow effect is probably because of the MAD chip too somehow, maybe we can fix it the same way. Time to put your claws to use, give Oliver a booty slap he will remember.


Agent RF - Explore the facility for an alternative entry/exit, like a fire door. It would be bad news if we were found out and the only way out was up an elevator, espeshally with a group so fond of fire... while you're roaming the facility, look out for any clue on who owned/used this place before your team moved in. If you discover there is no alternative exit, say so.


Check for air shafts, too. An underground facility holding this many beings would need some way of supplying fresh air and exhausting stale air. There's no way it would stay breathable for long just relying on the elevator shaft, otherwise.