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wow, can't believe another year has gone by...and what a year it was >_> thank you all for sticking with me during these incredibly tough times. Your participation on this patreon and all its little projects has been a constant source of inspiration and warmth <3

i'll be taking a break and be back at the start of 2021 (when is the first tuesday of the year... 5 january, i think) so i can recharge a bit. Hopefully next year will be better for all of us! 

love you all peeps, stay amazing 





you deserve a break, happy holidays


Been here since the beginning! Though I don't comment as much as I mean to, it's always a bright spot when you update something. I truly love your work BC.

Lee Evergreen

Merry Christmas, BC! Have a good break!


Please enjoy your break. You've done a ton this year


Finding your Patreon has brought me nothing but joy, I find it so easy to get lost in the personalities and sexiness of your OCs. The next year is going to be great for me and I hope it will lift you up as well. Happy holidays and know that I deeply appreciate the thoughtfulness be hind your work.


I'm glad you're taking a break, I hope it's nice for you! Thank you so much for everything you do for us! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Merry Christmas, thanks for the wonderful content BC!


I hope you stay safe and well


Merry holiday BC hope you get some much needed rest dood


Happy holidays bc! Take a nice long nap!


Lovely pic. I feel the bartender is taking the pic

Robert Smith

Have a lovely holiday! And Allister in that Christmas sweater... 🥺❤🥺


You deserve the break! You've more than bloody earned it~ (Allister is gonna melt my heart &lt;3)


Happy holidays and have a great rest, BC! Thanks for the pic! It's amazing and I loved to see Voxotarur and the Voices and all the new faces (and some not so new like Zap and Andy) in the same place and interacting. Loved it! And most of all I loved to see Keth again. Monster Smash is still my favourite and I keep it in a special place in my heart! Thanks for all your effort and your criativity! Sending you a big virtual hug!


Only now I noticed that the balls in Christmas tree are Arms, Eyes, Heart and Fingers! That's so cool! Also Frank in those clothes are soooo hot!


Merry Christmas! This has been a crazy year but your art totally made it better for us all! Stay safe and enjoy the holidays BC!!!


Happy holidays BC, it's great to see all the boys together in one place! Especially Keth and the Voxotaur, I love them so much! Cheers to another year of amazing art and story telling!


Love you BC, you're amazing!


Merry christmas and happy new year! Thanks so much for all the wonderful work you do to entertain us! This is the best patreon i've ever subscribed to and be sure to take care of your health!


You do so much for us, so you definitely deserve a break.


Merry Christmas and Happy New year


Have a good break dude. Thanks for all the hard work you've put in this year, and here's to the next one being less... 2020.


The Voxotaur from Monster Smash. Basically the self-insert for the Patrons.


Have an amazing and well-deserved break, BC! You're def one of the hardest workers on the platform and you give us so much. &lt;3

Crowbar (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 20:11:49 I wish you the best for 2021 &lt;3
2020-12-29 04:38:27 I wish you the best for 2021 <3

I wish you the best for 2021 <3


As always thanks for sharing ❤️