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Crimson Claw

I told you all the shock would kick them out of it! Should have used my plan to sneak them put as sleepers. Now we just have to worry about side effects of doing so while they were under hypnotic effects...

Robert Smith

Damian! Thank goodness that was FAR TOO CLOSE. Thank the heavens you were there- please give us a debrief on what happened to you! Allister and Frank: When you wake up, we need you two to keep purging your stomachs until they are empty. Your appearance looks like it has returned to normal, so it seems the food was the 'kindling' that can be set alight... we need to get you emergency supplies too, and fast, we can't trust the food in this town. Allister: Don't panic. What happened to you now happened to the Director when he came down from his MAD chip command (I think...) Just... recite something calming. The first memory that comes to mind. Centre your mind and come back to us. Frank- this is going to sound really weird but... try and keep a sample of what you threw up. We might need to put you in disguise as your priest form and I don't want to lose that option. Allister's form is... less intelligent Agents in the Hospital- Don't eat ANYTHING. This is an order. Director- You have a name for the elephant, let's cross reference. We MUST have employment files here we can use.


Fantastic update as per usual! Excited to see where this continues! Good job! <3


Agents: It may be difficult, but you need to eat, shower, and put on your normal outfits. Whatever's going on, you'll feel more stable if you look and feel like yourselves and aren't running around in trash bags.

Lee Evergreen

Frank, Alister, we are relieved to see you're safe. Evidence seems to point that the meat you were forced to eat does have an affect on your transformation and purging yourselves reversed the effect. From now on all agents should make a point not to consume any food that wasn't made in their sight or by their own hands.


Director- Try and contact your secretary, the blue panda. If there's any files regarding the elephant he should have them on file and report them to you.


Agents Allister and Frank; the next thing you should do is head to the inn and feed yourselves some regular been burgers and precautionary hunger treatment. Next order business would be to talk to that clerk, the inn is a definite safe zone as we can tell by Damien’s safety. He will have some additional leads.


Agent H: Try to contact Agent A or F, set up a rendezvous near the hospital, we already lost 2 whole hours in this place, we should just get out and try to help them/do our jobs, somehow.

Robert Smith

Right mad theory o'clock! 'Breathing' fire - that explains the power of the smoke, it's connected to the imagery of the fire and light we have seen. And we can assume it needs 'fuel' to work, to have permanent changes. I think that means it is disconnected from the MAD chips, those seem to have different limitations. And squuueeeee I think I saw me in the picture :3


<b> Director </b> : Sir, this is very important and if anyone would know its you, is there any way to reduce the exposure level for the MAD chip commands? Allister just fainted, and before you... well, we thought you were a goner. This is especially important if rogue agents can hack into our network and issue commands, by my calculation you're only two commands away from 100 percent. <b>Agent Frank</b> : Find out how Damian escaped from the factory, its a little suspect that your captors would just let him leave.


Agent S - MAD COMMAND - sneak away from the control room and go into Dusk Acres via the elevator. Investigate Agent R from a distance Frank- we have seen this nosebleed before that Allister is suffering from on the director. Get a sample


*As Agent I to the other agents* "Ow.. okay.. Come on.. Let's go.." *takes out his tarot deck and shuffles.* "Guys.. take a card.. for our futures.." (OOC) Holy hell.. this was a sexy update! and is it wrong I want.. to be kidnapped and changed. or chipped to 100%? so we can see how that all works? aka. you have my permission to use and sexually abuse this newb penguin.


Agent (?) Allister, you've been kidnapped! Escape at absolutely any cost, you can not be in there with them. Get somewhere safe as soon as possible.


Director: this really isn’t a good situation, according to Agent N the elephant is the head physician in this hospital, theirs a very real chance he and the vault know where down here Agents: it maybe useful to take up disguises and look around the hospital to gather info, and potentially supplies. Just be careful this could be a cult hotspot Frank: You should keep a close eye on Allister tell he wakes, use you snout to give him a once over if your up to it, see if theirs any odd smells (maybe smart to see if any are in the van as well)


(Aww no aliens?... Well at least we got a sexy cheetah &lt;3... but, a very UNsexy end to that little party :s )


Agent RF - Call the Dusk Acres police station, report a criminal cult operating in town.


Agent E: We need to pull any files we have on the elephant. We should try our archives to find any information about him. I have the keycode for them since our information needs to be under tight security.

Robert Smith

I don't think we can trust the police. Remember that the CCTV footage from the bar clearly showed an abduction, but wasn't followed up on. I reckon the cult will already control the police force - phoning them to try and wring more info out of them, and reporting false leads, could help protect Allister and Frank tho?


*Alright so MAYBE Agent M has been slacking off in the corner instead of doing his job and MAYBE he was slightly titillated by the big men and daddification. But all this nonsense upstairs is getting on his nerves. Who knows maybe they could use some extra muscle. Worst case he can smoke a cigar and slack off a little more.* Agent M: Righto mates yew ‘ave fun wit’ all the gadgets, I’m off to throw me weight around. *Yanks off his tie, leaves his suit behind, and pops open the first few buttons of his undershirt, rolling up the sleeves. Then he gets out of his poor overburdened office chair and tries to lumber his way out of the room, looking to join the others upstairs.*


DatBurrSteve. Subtle. Also, hope Allister's okay.

Shiny Skunk

I don’t really have any commands to add, I just want to say that this was hilarious and I’ve absolutely had hookups that have gone exactly this bad.


I've been just reading the story so far and honestly I still have no idea what to do or add. But it is interesting to note that our elephant must be the same elephant as the one in the alley due to him wearing a stethoscope


((This is the second time Damien helped saved the Agents)) Damien: *Sent as phone text* Mr. Potamus, We are grateful for your selfless contribution to this investigation. Agent Allister and Frank will need time to recuperate after the traumatic ordeal they've been through. Assist them as their Apprentice until the case been solved. Our Organization may pull some strings to have your future financially secured should you accept. To show our appreciation, this amount should cover potential missed work days. The choice is yours, Mr. Potamus. *Sends a direct payment to Damien's bank account that's equates to 6 months worth of pay from The Diner*

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Agent N - *I will leave the hospital, following the signs and directions.* Lets head to the Inn and rendezvous with agents A and F. Agent N - *When there's nobody around, I'll contact the director* Director, the elevator leads up to a hospital, but people here believe it leads to a boiler room. Furthermore, it would seem Orlando Barry is the head physician in this hospital. Since he is a part of the cult, it wouldn't be a stretch to assume he knows the Apex is in the basement to the hospital he helps run. Agent N - *to the director* I don't remmber if we told you, but does CODENAME: AUTOTOMY mean anything to you? It was on one of the monitors in the MAD chip control room. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (I don't know if its possible for a person who's not in the control room to issue a MAD chip command, but might as well give it a shot) (This is purely to push Agent I further along the MAD chip readings, by the way) MAD DIRECT CORTEX COMMAND AGENT I: - FORGET ALL WORDS BUT "I OBEY, SIR" - WHEN TOLD TO DO ANYTHING, SPRING A BONER - WHEN YOU HEAR THE WORD "SERVE", NUZZLE THE NEAREST CROTCH - DO NOT CUM UNTIL YOU REACH THE INN EXECUTE

Neth Rusiki Azhti

I LOVE how the comic has been evolving so far! Since us patrons are now supposed to be agents for this shadow organization, I think it makes perfect sense if its a mix between what's happening with the Apex and what's happening with the main character. Which means on top of being super invested with the well being of Allister and Frank we get to play around and try and help them with our own agents! ITS SO COOL!!! For me specifically, I'm really really happy with how BC's been portraying my Agent N! Those are pretty much exactly the feeligns I have towards the people I was adressing, which is super satisfying and validating honestly! Now for my theories about what's happening...: So, CODENAME AUTOTOMY. We haven't figured out anything in regards with that. The word itself means the casting off of a body part, like a lizard severing their own tail. Considering we found out that us, the Apex don't have any memories and we're also located in Dusk Acres, its pretty safe to assume WE are the severed body part. But... what's the main body part??? The Apex? The SNF? The cult? We really don't know. But I do think its weird and convenient that this section of the Apex situated in Dusk Acres ONLY BECAME ACTIVE when Agents A and F enter Dusk Acres, and we start giving them directions and orders. It becomes extra weird and convenient when you consider that we're under a hospital run by a person in the cult. Are Allister and Frank that important? Is this all because of Otis?? We also know that the chips and the mind control from the fire are connected in some way, since they both turn people's eyes red. Maybe its different people tapping into the same power from different angles, who knows, we can only speculate. We need answers and we need them fast. ANOTHER THING that is kind of important is to figure out what happens when someone reaches 100% on their MAD chip reading. We've seen people get close, and blood explore out of their noses and smoke coming out of their ears, so we think its bad, but we don't know much more besides that. Maybe it'll free people of their chips, or maybe it'll kill the people who get chipped. I kind of hate to do this... but I really love experimenting and testing things in these comics. Agent I VOLUNTEERED to get tested on, to have his MAD chip pushed to 100%, so I'd wanna take him up on that offer, for the same of everyone else who has a chip.


Thank you agent N. I will happily take being a slutty test subject to let us see what happens to 100%. And if you work it right. I'll happily be your pet pengu.


I dunno what to write yet but BC you GOTTA make a commentary track or something when this is done. I am dying to know your thought process and what you expect.

Robert Smith

Can I make a suggestion regarding experimentation on Agent I? If they are willing, iiitttt might be useful for us to try and figure out the breadth of the MAD Chip's control functions- so experimenting with memory manipulation and implanting triggers? With that information we could be of more use to Allister and Frank in danger. Thus can I suggest the following commands- CORTEX command- Agent I, forgrt how to use any words besides 'I obey, sir' - When you hear the word obey, spring a boner'

Neth Rusiki Azhti

I like that suggestion! I would still prefer that someone try it, since I highly doubt I'll be able to issue a MAD command if I'm outside the control room. But considering Inner wants to be taken advantage of and dominated like this, I will try my best to accomodate!


Hey, it just donned on me, but if the elephant is another agents that’s been corrupted by the cult, then doesn’t that mean he has a MAD chip? And if so, doesn’t that mean we can snap him out of it with a command like with Allister and Frank?


(Last time Allister and Frank got knocked out we were able to look through their memories. So, I would like to try that again with Allister.) Allister: Why don’t you remember what happened to the S.N.F.? Director: Sounds like you’re regaining your memories somehow. We gave Allister your description and he named an Agent Yasir of the S.N.F. Does that sound familiar at all?


Agent R - "Smooth moves, mouse, one foot out the door and you almost got our cover blown." Buy some snacks from the hospital vending machine. Take out another cigarette and call a cab. No way should we walk. (Agent R makes sure to grab the front seat, Agent I &amp; N can squeeze up against Agent H's bulk, heh heh.)


Staying at the hospital isn't going to move the case forward. If we're going to meet up with Allister and Frank, it should be at the inn or one of the locations on the map that hasn't been investigated yet, like the church or the Manmal Retail Store.


(Probably too late but...) Agent AW - "That elephant kept mentioning a "fire bearing chariot", what does that mean?... like the tarot card?? A Major Arcana usually depicted with a ruler, some kind of princely figure, maybe the prince is the ruler of this little cult. But is sounds like more than just a title..." Agent AW - Research The Fire Bearing Chariot, and cross reference it with anything the mentions Fire Touched Flesh.


Oh, BC, I just noticed that you tagged this one as "dusk acres" instead of "Dusk Acres" and apparently the tagging system is case sensitive so this post is the only one linked to that tag


Ok, I can see this one on the site, but still didn't get any email telling me this comic was ready.