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sorry for the short notice, but i want to know in whose body you want the corpse from where all the beings spawned, in control of the power of space, to end up.



I vote Keith but can we ask him first. We should end force anything on him. Or at least warn him. So I guess to Keith "our sweet little demon we have an important job for you. We found someone helpful but he needs a place to go. Can you/will you house him in your body for us? We or at least this part of us refuses to force anything on you."

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Is there the possibility that we could vote for "none"?


I know we need this things help but I'm not sure how much I trust it yet. And I really don't want it taking control of any of our monster pals with that thought of perfectionism its still obsessing over.


I'm in favor of having Pepe being the vessel for Void due to his immunity to COMMANDS and how the mummy places his full trust on us. Plus Pepi is an ideal candidate in a thematic sense e.g. Light and Space. -------------- Roro might do if we have his brain transferred to another body. Lucas is human which means his body wouldn't be able to contain the essence of a BEING. We want him to life a normal life after surviving this horrible ordeal. Red is a double-edge sword due to his Chaotic Dark Magic tossing the Law of Probability out the window. Harvey is too much of a wildcard, I love the guy but he'll go mad with power. Jack is a HELL NO even if he is a tragic villain. That wolf could turncoat us once again if the opportunity presents itself. Keth is too innocent and it will hurt us immensely to see him lose himself. Monilius does know a lot about Science Fiction but he'll abuse VOID's power via self-serving means. Gastro finally accepted us in his pack so we better to not shatter that trust after all the progress we made. As for Yang still wanting to learn more about the guy.


I vote Legion. Perhaps, that way he could get back his copy. Kinda tired of his weakness that he could die, if even one of his doubles hasn't returned.


What is this for?


Im Pepi as he seems the most grounded and trustworthy to house Mr. VOID. Opposing vote is Keth, but either way its best to ask if they are okay with taking him in. No need to force either of them into something like that without warning.

Star Ringer

This is going to end in tears.


nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I knew it was a traaaaap


Why did you guys pick Keth???? Whyyyyyyy stop, you’re gonna kill our special little guyyyyyy!e


Huh, I was gonna suggest putting him in that empty vessel on Floor 2


I love keth a lot, and I would consider the story pretty much wrapped up if something drastic and unrecoverable happened to him, but considering that, the thought of giving him such power and responsibility just feels natural, I hope we don't end up regretting this decision :(

Lee Evergreen

Okay so it looks like Keth "wins" but I'd just like to say to Void: Be aware that this is a temporary situation, if Keth is harmed in any way we will be very upset. We dont care where you go, but once we get our boys safe we want you out of their heads.


If Keth gets harmed by this decision I'm so joining up with the Voices