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hey pups, another small update this week since we're still fleshing out the school in itself and populating it with props and stuff for the player to interact with Right now we're working on the first floor hallways, and as you can see they're still a bit bare, but that is soon to change. We also managed to put a bit of fog of war back in the game after the last game maker studio update messed things up, so things are looking a bit less flat. One step at a time!

beside the hallways i'm working on the school's cafeteria and let me tell you i had a blast making the pixel art for all the various food trays of the counters XD

so, the game is set during a summer break, so most of the students and the staff are back home enjoying it. So  who is manning the cafeteria? well initially there was an old lunch lady named Olga but she apparently quit the job in a rush and now there's another cook / server in the kitchen. Meet John! 

he's a very friendly and enthusiastic guy and ABSOLUTELY NO ONE WE'VE ALREADY SAW stalking the corridors of fenris high! 

anyways that's it for this week, sorry again for the lack of sexy content regarding the game, but we have to build the necessary things to make the game world believable and solid, and that often doesn't make for exciting updates, but be sure we're working hard on it! anyways, I'll catch you pups next week, stay wild! awooo! 




"John have you ever heard of a magical place called Flavor Town?" Lol


AHHH YES!!! Holy crap I’m even more in love with him now that I’ve seen his human form!


Damn John hits all my buttons! He's my boyfriend wish list!


Hello Suspiciously Hot and Thicc John, nice to meet you for totally the first time ever! 🐺


I love his guy fieri shirt. Also his food isn’t the only thing i want to eat.


...This is so unfair, i want him in my bed now not later! Dx>


Lovely design and cool dude we have never seen before!


(I'm so sorry! Don't know why, but my previous text got mixed up and wrote a bunch of stupid things!! Sorry TxT!! This is what i wanted to say...) Blaze, man, it's really good! And please don't worry about it. You guys need first to build the world that this story will take place. It's completely understandable and i have only to say it's looking really nice so far! Please take your time both of you while you guys create the game. All good things need time to be made and you two are doing amazing job so far! Please take your time making the game, dont rush yourselfs, and will be looking forward for the final piece XD!


What a bear of a man John is.


I don't know... something about John seems familiar... I get the feeling I might have seen him in a Sketchy Sunday once...


Wait... Sunday... of course! It has to be Pasticcio! It's the only thing that could possible make sense!