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sorry for the late upload, i fell asleep without realizing it XD anyways, here's page 16 finished, and we can see that while mr price is snogging boss his eyes start glowing green again for a second. The same color the bowler hats have.

but , they're not alone in shezmu's vineyard. Something that was once a man, then a vengeful ghost , and finally a hornier vengeful ghost is stalking the abyss. And it seems all

the bickering and boss yelling has caught his attention.  

not a lot of dialogue in this one of course, and still not much sexy about it, but i hope you like it nonetheless! That's it for this week GGG update folks!

as always you can find the individual files in the rar archive attached if you want to take a peek! 




Pesky grape demons


That's one spooky giraffe

Shiny Skunk

he's just offering you some grapes in this trying time


Yum, Caleb looks mighty fine minus the bullet-holes and cowboy getup. I hope he survives the Grapes of Wrath!

Bryan Whiteman

oh... that's quite the minion.