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Tame Gastro with the VOICE. Make an example of him, daddy werewolf now our bitch. A nice stomach bulge with our newly enlarged cock should do just the trick. His gang will be useful as well, following their own boss.


Okay, if we're to salvage any kind of trust from these guys we'll have to be honest and refrain from using our voice to control them. Start out by stressing that we're not going to control him and try to convince him that him and all the rest are still deep in the facility under an illusion. Perhaps introduce him to Keth as well to see if it shouldn't ring some bells for him and help convince him.


Brainwash the other werewolves to force gastronomy to listen to the voice. Then make them your obedient sex pack


Listen Gastro, I'm not using the VOICE, but you still need to Listen. This isn't real, none of this is real. The moon, the building, the woods. Those two werewolf pals of yours are probably demons just like this guy right behind me. They feed on truth and in return they give lies. While I may have controlled you, I have never actually lied to you. If you want proof, call back the White Werewolf buddy of yours, I'll show you who he really is.


VOXOTAUR: Deliver a message to Gastro, vebally: "It's been 10 hours since you tied me up, give or take. You're in the facility, held captive in a fantasy by a demon, like our friend Keth here. We both know that Werewolf Jack had a larger plan than just sending you into this facility and having you break out. The portal he drew on you, the VOICE and the Voices, the HAND? How could that just resolve itself on its own without consequence? How could everything have gone back to normal, after all that happened? It hasn't." "You know that I'm at war with myself- if you don't stop living this lie then other parts of me will take things into their own hands. I don't want that for you, but I also don't want you to die here. So come with me and save your friends from their own personal hells, or keep deluding yourself and guarantee your own doom. Oh, and ask yourself this: in a Werewolf Pack that has included people named Fatso Jones, Stinky Sam, and Werewolf Jack, how could packmates with the names Fidelus and Fortus make ANY logical sense? They didn't even try very hard to pretend, did they?" VOXOTAUR: Next, use VOICE on Fidelus and Fortus, but NOT on Gastro. "FIDELUS AND FORTUS, OR WHATEVER ELSE YOU CHOOSE TO CALL YOURSELVES: STAND STILL AND DON'T DO ANYTHING UNLESS I TELL YOU TO. DO NOT LIE. REVEAL YOUR TRUE NATURE, AND TELL ME IF THERE ARE OTHERS OF YOUR KIND HERE."


Voxotaur: I'm not here to control you Gastro, I want to help you and the others escape the facility that you're still in. You're not outside, this is an illusion made by a demon holding you here. Understand that while I am one of the entities, I am not one who wishes to use you like a toy. I want to save you all and be friends. "That's why I need your help. We need to work together, So please, trust me. If you need a good reason to trust me, then ask me anything and I will do it.


Alright gastro's kinda... Different. He definitely lost a backbone. Minotaur: send out "shadow" to survey the area, see who may be hiding in the shadows. check if gastro can still hear us normally, back him up against the wall so he's close enough to hear. Through his hands Gastro: quick question, did you meet Keth behind me or anyone that looks like him? If so you're in an illusion and you're being controlled by a demon who isn't me, as well as everyone else. Do you guys actually remember leaving the facility anyways? If the other demon shows up-- Listen, since we are trying to not reveal our ability Infront of keth, ask keth who the new demon is. If the demon starts talking shit about keth, tell them to "shut the fuck up" "if you have a problem, take it up with my cock" cause no one disrespects our son (we've adopted keth at this point yes).


Compliment Gastro's appearance. Illusion or not, this is a hot look. And before we try telling him the truth, why don't we ask what he's been up to? It may be a good opportunity to learn about Gastro.


Touch Gastro if we have an opening, make his nipples and cock super sensitive to every stimuli


It is clear to you that Gastro believes in this fake life the demons have make for him so you use Keth to help you slowly show Gastro how unreal this life he believes in is. Maybe you will learn how the others were taken away and how Gastro been up to here.


Voxotaur: "Gastro. I'm not here to harm you. I won't SPEAK to you. You've never left the prison; this is still the prison. The floor you arrived at houses otherworldy beings whose sole job is to trap you within a web of lies. You are trapped here, no more free than you were when the whole debacle started. Less even. Take a moment and *THINK*. *REMEMBER* how you arrived here. Does anything seem off to you? Too easy? Too convenient? Going back to your life like Werewolf Jack's plan was that simple? I bet he held you in his arms and exclaimed his love for you didn't he? And he meant it, didn't he? Does that sound like the Werewolf Jack you know?" At Fortis and Fidelis "*STOP. REMAIN STILL. SPILL IT, TELL GASTRO THE TRUTH. TELL HIM WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON AND WHO YOU ARE.*" (caps and * * indicated use of VOICE)


“I do find it... difficult to forgive what you have done to me, but it is what I would have told you to do so I will not ask for an empty apology. Instead I wish to speak of what happened since then. You did leave me behind. You did so yesterday. I ascended a single floor. Now, what was on the floor above where your group left me?” I don’t think we can use the VOICE on command anymore, and telling him he is in a false reality will only make him reject the Voxotaur.

Star Ringer

This must be handled deftly. First, we use our VOICE. "Keth. Fidelis. Fortis. Be still and silent." We face Gastro again, then raise our hand to the corner of our mouth. With finger and thumb pressed together, make a zipping motion across our lips. As we do, our mouth vanishes, smooth flesh where our lips had been. We gesture to Gastro that we can no longer speak. (Our mouth is still intact, and we need only will it to pop our lips open again) Carefully, slowly, we walk past Gastro and pick up one of the cans of paint. We indicate him that we are going to paint something. Near the top, we draw the symbol of Sagitta, as we remember from Sydan's map on page 75. Near the ground, we draw one box, and label it 'Lv 1 - UNDEAD'. We draw a second box on top of the other one, and label it 'Lv 2 - GHOSTS'. Next to it, we draw a crude depiction of a minotaur sleeping, with an arrow pointing to the Lv 2 box. Then a third box, 'Lv 3 - DEMONS', and underline 'DEMONS'. For extra emphasis, we draw ⚠️ next to 'DEMONS' as well. We draw quick horizontal lines above it to indicate more floors. We then draw crosshairs on the Lv 3 box, and write 'WE ARE HERE' next to it. If we've gotten this far, we gesture outward at the area around us, then back at the Lv 3 box, trying to communicate that it's where we are. If Gastro's not freaking out, we hold up a finger, indicating 'Wait, there's more', and move to a free part of the wall. We once again draw a crude sleeping minotaur, then an arrow pointing away from it, and where the arrow ends, we draw a crude minotaur next to a crude cute chubby werewolf with a mohawk. Next to the arrow, we draw a clock face, and write '10 HOURS'. If we've gotten THIS far, on a free space of the wall, (or on the ground even, if we've run out of room,) we draw concentric circles and lines like the screen of a radar, and on it, the symbol of the deathvice. We hold up the tracker Lucas gave us, point to it, and then at the radar drawing, trying to show Gastro what it is. We show Gastro the readout and cycle through the different targets, hoping that will prove to him that the others are still nearby if he's not yet convinced.

Star Ringer

And can I, like, downvote anything that involves trying to command or touch Gastro? Cuz if I can, I do that.


We can spill the beans and tell Gastro he's living an illusion, but before that lets have a TINY bit of fun with him first, lets give him a scare! After all, what did deserves a LITTLE retribution, and he looks so gosh darn CUTE when he's scared witless. ... Our eyes glow an ominous red, our face stern and foreboding, with a hint of rage, even our SHADOW somehow grows more menacing, like a dark aura that envelops us. "HALT!" You roar loud enough to be heard a block over, your voice commanding him to stay still. "Gastro... GASTRO... you KILLED me Gastro... You left me down in the bottom of that wretched squalid prison to ROT, to DIE... did you think that meant you could simply forget me Gastro?? That it'd be OVER?!?" We take a few methodical steps forward, each footstep booming like a clap of thunder. Our arms outstretched, as if we're about to choke out the poor werewolf. "Your friends aren't here to save you this time Gastro... I've already visited them... one by one... I ate their SOULS Gastro!! Like a box of chocolates!! They were so rich and delicious, so SWEET with a bitter hint of BETRAYAL..." Lick your lips as you slowly lumber towards him. "...and now I'm gonna EAT YOURS!!" A deep maniacal laughter erupts from our lungs and we rest our arms on Gastros trembling shoulders... but you can't keep up the charade any longer, your mad laughter turning jovial and kind. Give Gastro a big BEAR HUG and a pat on the back. Wipe some of those tears of laughter from your eyes.

Shiny Skunk

"Fidelis and Fortis, huh? How adorable. Both of you, stand still and don't move. You're both feeling stupid and horny and lazy. Just stand there, relaxed and stiff. Now tell Gastro and I the truth of what you are and what this place is. He'll believe it more coming from you than me."


Do you think he would want to tell us? We're not exactly very popular with him currently after all


It would be in poor taste, out of character for Voxotaur, probably backfire... and I would have no complaints if this was the action chosen.


Split apart and surround him. Give him no room to escape from us any further into the illusion. Then we shall carefully pry his hands away from his ears, so as not to break him on accident. "My my, to think you'd be so quick to abandon your pet ghoul for these illusions. You think you're a 'Tough guy' now? You're a pet lapdog at best."


"Why are you so afraid? Maybe I did manipulate you into performing those sexual acts, but you were enjoying it weren't you? I still intend to help you and your friends; I'm not all bad. And the only cost of that help is having a little fun, does that sound so bad? I have no intention of making you and your friends mindless and sex-addled forever, no, you're too interesting for that." "In any case it's not like you have much choice in the matter, you need my help. There is another entity like me, you could call them my sibling, but they are not so kind. Their power is great and possibly too much for even me to handle alone, so you see, I need you all as well. The only way I and all of you are going to make it out of here is together. Please do not be afraid of me. I understand if you hold some resentment for my manipulation, but it was all for the better, was it not?"