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here we are with more phantasmal adventures in an egyptian's god gullet or hell dimension or what have you! last time we saw boss he was falling butt first in said hell dimension called shezmu's abyss, shezmu's pit or shezmu's vineyard, whichever you prefer. It's a dark , dank place where the blood of shezmu's enemies gathers to allow black, shiny soul grapes to grow, and as we said, this is shezmu's domain, and no other god's influence can reach down there, not even baron samedi's curse. 

wich isn't ideal for boss: stripped of the curse , all the things that being a bowler hat blocked and replaced with sexual arousal (fear, remorse, pain, sadness etc...) come back to him with a vengeance and a question no one asked is answered: can ghosts puke? yes they can! (only ectoplasm tho, they're lucky in that )  

and in this new page we discover that he's not alone. Mr price is there too, robbed of both his newly acquired bowler hat curse and his personal one an..whoa there buddy. what got into you suddenly?

anyways, that's it for this story for this week, tune in next one for more, hoping that drawing all those fucking leaves and trells and grapes doesn't kill me first! XD 

have a good one, peeps! 

p.s. oh and you can find each image in the attached rar files!



Bryan Whiteman

Oh god it's a vineyard! I should have expected this but the sketch version was deceptively serene looking. This a rollercoaster

Rodney Talon

Mm. Why is he kissing g him if the curse is abated and his normal emotions back? I mean the guy just raped/drugged him and they enemies. And thajts a...passionate desperate kiss


This is absolutely beautiful landscape and background art, and I live for the masterfully drawn gay shit, YES!!

Shiny Skunk

i can't help but remember he just puked right before they kissed, lmao. god, every page i'm like WHERE IS THIS GOING though!! i love this comic.