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Hooray, we didn't fuck up as hard as we could've.


((Sydan you fucking fuck omfg. Like there’s probably more going on but holy shit that dude has got a problem. Seems like the first order of business after we save our friends is to change their blood enough to remove his influence, since it’s clearly a hugely exploitable weakness of his- I’m assuming whatever’s up there compelled him to do it, but still :/ In any case, thanks so much for another great chapter! This has gotta be the most interesting story, both for content and method of delivery, that I’ve read in a very long time! See you in chapter 3 ❤️))


I hope Pepi and the others are ok. What is Sydan doing? I thought he controlled his bloodlust. God I can't wait to see what happens


Oh yeah, I never know when or if to reply to these end-of-chapter posts. But if we're still taking commands, can we make our skin impossible to bite or slash? Soft, fuzzy, but impenetrable.


Demons and Devils on level 3? Hell yeah! Can't wait for the gang to do their part to "Improve Infernal Relations".


Aww, I'll miss Lucas

Yoked Coder

I hope everyone is alright


Well, with the others having been possessed/corrupted, it seems like it's our turn to save them and hopefully win their trust... Maybe... >.>


Some nice exposition, not sure to write a suggestion but if so increase our mental fortitude to protect us from any mind tricks the entities on the next floor may possess - think they might have gotten to Sydan...


To the one that was fragmented: What were you like back in your prime? I know you consider us to be lessers, and from you standpoint we probably are. However, I'm curious about what lead up to your breaking into pieces. You mention that some of us latched onto you and pulled you apart, and that other fragments grew complacent, but why even bother with us in the first place? Were we research subjects, toys, or just a passing curiosity? And perhaps my biggest question, what do you plan on doing once you become whole?


geeze just another shit storm after another. we should definitely try to help the others.

Star Ringer

We can handle this.


I don't know how to adequately state how bloody fantastic this story is. Every time I think I know where its going you throw in a curve ball that completely turns the story on it's head! I'm so excited to see what happens in the future, but most of all I'm just so so pleased we managed to get Lucas, Jack and the other scientists to safety. I can hardly wait to see what happens in Chapter 3, demons have always been a favorite of mine.


maybe Sydan drinking our blood wasn't such a good idea


So maybe I missed it, since I didn't start reading this till a couple weeks ago but do we know why the Werewolf Gastro or The Fingers were imprisoned with the corporeal undead? It strikes me as odd considering everyone else makes sense where they were stored.


If encountering hostile entities or creatures in physical conflict, de-escalate or resolve the conflict based on which is more expedient. Upon encountering friendly entities explain we are sealed within a body, which is wierd for us, and that we have healing abilities.


Just setting up a flow chart so we have default options when meeting characters.


Gastro is considered undead on a technicality, since he had to 'die' to be reborn as a werewolf. The Fingers were from a few floors above, and traveled down the elevator shaft to the undead level.


floating lips - listen here you crusty ass, betty boop with a wild side ass first of all Duchess from Fosters wants her lips back, second do not try that shit will us. from your own story that was clearly about you, we seemed to have dizzy dicked you into submission before whats different now? you're wiser? you had eons to be wiser but a couple of voices that aint more than 100 years old still clapped them cheeks to shreds. Like, stay in your lane. please and thank you. maybe use your brothers power and create some lip balm. Maybe a tic tac too? i can smell the desperation. Minotaur - alright... so when you get to 2nd second floor, don't do anything until you've located where everyone is, using your shadow. if anybody's set up an ambush you gotta know to get the drop on them. If anyone does try to ambush you, do take command over them using your voice/touch. if theyre somewhat impervious to your voice and are hard to grab, use the 'Shadow' to take control of them while they arent paying attention. (also grab them and make their nips puff up, sensitive to the touch). Get to sydan, see if he's the cause of this and take control of him. make him tell you whats going on if he won't willingly. then make his nipples puffy ans sensitive too. if there is a 3rd entity at works, ask them why they're doing this to the guys. subdue them with your speech and make them obey you. once everyone's under your command... well we have to have some fun (Mainly because we haven't seen alot done with red or yang, they need action!) Red: develop a foot fetish that thinking about sucking and cleaning the feet of your friends with your tongue. Yang: offer a trade. Allow red to suck and lick your feet if he plays with your nipples (maybe them both lying on the ground in a 69ish position or red on top of yang, Yang's feet at red's mouth and red's feet playing with Yang's puffy nips for a possible pose if you go with this) once they've gotten in on the sufficient action, erase their memory of their "trade" with your touch and give everyone their will back. Explain to the group/ask sydan or the third party who had done this to explain to the rest of the group what happened. (but do let red keep the foot fetish). If they still decide to not have you around, remind them who it is that saved them? Also if Sydan isn't the culprit,but it looks like it was him,make sure to defend him/comfort him and find out who actually did it. (sorry that im writing so far ahead,idk how far i have to play this. also sry for repeat on the puffy nips/feet stuff... im just horny. and want action for those two... and am horny.)


okay, so when we catch up to the party again, it's safe to say that they will try to attack us. So best have a plan for when that happens. Don't want to spend another update comatose. Chuck has yet to do anything vaguely violent and i don't think he's about to start now. He can largely be ignored. Gastro and Harvey are of absolute least concern. They have to make physical contact with us to leave a dent, and if they do that then they're setting themselves up for failure. Roro's lightning shouldn't be too much of a threat to us, but we should be on the lookout none the less and try to avoid it if possible. If this body is anything like the tentacle monster's, Red shouldn't be able to harm us outright, but he can stall us and make it difficult to continue. Keep a close eye on Sydan and Gounden. Sydan's mind control is proven to remove us from the picture. We haven't seen Gounden do anything dangerous yet, but as a ghost we can assume he can possess people and we're not sure if this vessel is possession-proof yet. Yang's a total wildcard and we have no clue what he's capable of. We should treat him as the same threat level as Sydan and Gounden. Lastly Pepi. very scary. Treat with care, he can probably disintegrate us. That being said, i don't think he will unless we make ourselves an active threat. Avoid bloodshed if possible. Deescalate the situation if things get violent. Appeal primarily to Pepi. Don't be afraid to use mind control if things get hairy. Grow back Gastro's arm. Just food for thought.