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working on more animations regarding the end of chapter 2 this week! the first one is Dab chasing the gremlin under the claw mechanism and getting trapped while simultaneously opening sid's dream vault:

also finally tackled a task that was long overdue, wich is the items icon for level 2:

from left to right, we have the mushrooms needed for the shaman's dream potionm the remote to change sid's tv channel, the voice modulator to scare the damned souls in the coffee room, their coffee, sid's cummy underwear, the clown portrait from the boys' room , a hellish snack full of.. probably wasabi and nail polish, and finally a slimy bottle of hell water, dasatani brand.

finally, i worked on the animation of the angel cop zeke arresting dab for not  being a good enough demon. I had tons of fun with this one!

and that's it for zap & andy for this week! hope you liked the update, and have a happy easter! 




Woah man, that sword summoning animation kicks ass, and on that note, HOLY CRAP Zeke has one fucking fire sword, he really is from ye old testament times, punishing the heathens in sacred flames and smiting the heretics, that makes him so fucking awesome!

Shiny Skunk

Ahh I love Zeke, I hope we get to see more of him.


I can’t express how excited I am for this game.


And you enjoy the holiday as well.