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another page underway. Shit is about to seriously go DOWN in the next pages but don't expect a DROP in quality, just a little change of location.

meanwhile poor henderson is trying his best to announce his new master, but it's a bit hard when your mouth is so full of ghost jizz. The musicians are also trying to sing a nice triumphant song, but what comes out is probably something more similar to this:


anyways, caleb seems raring for a big fight with all the nasties that showed up and is ready to call the reinforcements, but something is definitely wrong with blotto ,and boss doesn't seem to notice.

 Alas ,these pages full of dudes take quite a toll on me so sorry if i could do barely half a panel. But don't worry, you'll see the page finished next week for sure! 

anyways, hope you liked them nonetheless, more to come! thanks again for your patience and support peeps! 




Dude....that bowler hat centaur....hitting my buttons man ♡♡♡


This is so cool! Are these forms permanent or is the gang shapeshifting?

Shiny Skunk

God that mlac stuff in that last panel fulla boys is so exciting. I can't wait to see how this story turns out, either! I love these horny ghost men but I also kind of want to see them lose a fight, too? Like what would that even look like. This comic is so fun!!