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it's time for some more spooky shenanigans! here's page 9 complete, we move away from casa del bowler and back to elmwood cemetery, where the  usual three stooges are waiting

but they won't be alone for long, it seems the circus is coming to town, and the freakshow is close behind!

Boss keeps flaunting the upgrade he received in the last story with a menagerie of freaky bowler hat creatures, including the poor mr henderson that we just finished meeting in the last page. At least he seems less melanchonic now ? 

anyways that's it for this week, hope you liked the update! as usual you can find the files attached and i'll proobably finish this page on stream this sunday. til then keep being awesome people! see you later!



Bryan Whiteman

When shooting the messager isnt rude enough. I am both disappointed and intrigued. Where are you going with this tyrannical side of him?


That was unusually ruthless of him. I feel like the boss would have let him go unscathed if he didnt monologue in the second and 3rd panels. Does the boss envy him?

Rodney Talon

I think it's meant to show that he's onto something because his smile doesn't waiver quite but he bites his lip and the big head of his emotion is coming out of his chest. Rich was kind of weird I never noticed that sort of happening before. And yes he's been tyrannical remember what the previous part was despite the fact that he has set things up so everyone was safe and everything he basically tortured and misled the guy who had him killed and the guy who helped him finally get his ultimate Revenge. And that's ignoring the fact that he drove his ex to suicide. He's like a junkie who needs everybody to be high around him so that that way he doesn't feel bad about how he copes


I’m in love with panel with the close-up on Boss!

Shiny Skunk

Any idea how many pages this is gonna be in the end, or is it kind of a makin-it-up-as-you-go thing?


i mean, boss has never been exactly merciful to others since he came back as a ghost. He drove pudgy and Dan to suicide and killed a bunch of gangsters before this. The fact that it was revenge doesn't make it less ruthless. But this specific kind of petty cruelty has a reason, you'll see!