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Star Ringer

WOO! My favorite part of the week! Pepi, Harvey, Gastro: Lycanthwendigo alert! Help Sydan and the others!

Star Ringer

I left, brother, because you ALWAYS DO THIS. These are my dolls, not your gloves, but you always have to stick yourself into things and hollow them out, and when you're done, they're ruined. I shouldn't have freed you until I found the portal again, I KNEW it'd end up this way.


-BREAKING NEWS- Blazingcheeks draws Vore TEAM GASTRO: Y’all should grab all the food you can, get patched up, and get going. You still need to find a way through the elevator to the next level. Also look to find Team Roro. Also do any of the possessed scientists know anything about the Deathvices, and how to disable and remove them? Also, is there any sign of Ivan, the other ghost? If so, the ghosts present, if you ARE regular ghosts, should avoid his cigar at all costs. Being mindless and horny for all eternity isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. TEAM RORO: Look for Team Gastro, work on the elevator problem, be wary of traps and dangers. GASTRO: Now that you’re in a better mindset, could you share some info about why you’re here, or what Werewolf Jack’s plan is? Also spend some time talking to Harvey you both need to talk. He might experience some backlash as a result of his recent actions. Try to comfort him and let him comfort you, and try not to let him withdraw or lash out. Also idk if either of you are hungry, but consider eating something to keep your strength up. HARVEY: Reduce lust, increase intelligence. Ease back on the Daddy Dom/Sub stuff. Talk to Gastro, try to sort out actual feelings, since lust isn’t enough to be friends with. Try to get to know each other, and try not to be embarrassed about the things either of you just did. Neither of you took advantage of each other, so please don’t be angry with him because of the actions you were both forced to do. Gastro genuinely seems to care about you, just mentioning you managed to bring him back from the brink. You may not believe it, but you’re worthy of that care. HARVEY AND GASTRO: Y’all should also take a chance to approach the wendigo and see how he’s holding up. At the very least make it clear that you’re friends and not dangerous to him. WENDIGO: Damn you look good, very nice physique you’ve got there. Now that you’ve had your fill try to mellow out, but don’t become dumb or mindless again. Raise intelligence and be receptive to the werewolf and ghoul. Do you have any way to communicate? The werewolf knows sign language so if you know that then it could be worth a shot. SYDAN AND PEPI: Approach Jack and the scientists, make sure Jack is alright, talk to him if he’s conscious again. There’s a serious chance he’s going to freak out or something, if he starts to come back to himself (which, as a part monster, he might? You guys have resistance to us where humans never do.) Make clear that you’re still on the same side. JACK: How free-willed are you now? Are you able to sort out the voices from your own thoughts? I don’t know whether you’ll become hostile to the monsters if you return to your regular mindset, but for the time being just keep this in mind: you’re all down here together with an enemy who will utterly destroy all of you if given the chance. Regardless of how you feel about them, work with them, and maybe open your mind to the possibility that they’re more your friends/allies than whatever bosses you used to work for. Especially now, given your changes.

Star Ringer

(I love how unsettling it is that you make the bowler hat ghosts so clowny and harmless-looking but then stuff like this happens)


Ghoul: Help your Daddy to his feet. Reassure him and protect him. Werewolf: Protect Harvey. He is your pack and your pack is second only to your freedom. Wendigo is dangerous.


Pepi: Welcome back. Find a way with Harvey and sydan to stop the wendigo and get the others and get them and your beautiful hairy ass to the next floor

Star Ringer

Roro: Be granted a vision of the map of this floor with the present locations of all the beings we know of marked on it.

Star Ringer

Dr. Gouden: Congratulations! You're now the party's primary Ghost class. Hope you don't turn out to be a child murderer! Incidentally, how bad would it be if the wendigo also became a werewolf? Just asking.


Gastro: Enjoy Harvey's subby persona you really like feeling his warmth Wendigo: The meal should satisfy your hunger so be a good boy now Pepi: Ask Sydan to share his vision so he can guide you to the others and also wonder why your sexy ass is throbbing with pleasure


ALL MONSTERS ALERT =DANGER WENDIGO= It seems our efforts to modify the Wendigo into a kinder more gentler creature has backfired, and transformed him into a mindless raging beast of HUNGER and DESTRUCTION. Fighting him with brute force is too risky an option. All creatures in the lab, FOCUS, your first priority is to get in a safe, defensible position with some distance from the Wendigo as it digests. IMMEDIATELY help Sydan out of his binds. Consider your options carefully, is there any way to revert the Wendigo to a safe state? No antidotes in the lab? Can Sydan drink his blood and control him? Can Red use a magic spell to fix this? If not, you might have to flee or take down the Wendigo. Your best option, if it comes to that, would be to pit it against the tentacle monster.


(Pepi has gone Super Saiyan) Pepi, how do you feel? What just happened? Do you have any new powers?


Harvey, you are a dom, you are Gastro's daddy. Now protect your wolfboyfriend's ass so you can pound it later (and help Jack, the scientists too!)


Little Brother, I am touched, such c o n c e r n for our welfare, but it is for naught. We... I am having fun. So much fun. If you want to KNOW so badly what it's like, on the other side, you should j o i n u s. The APES could make good use of you. Spread such joy... I know you're tempted, there is a freedom in submission. A freedom you've never known, Little Brother... but you've avoided the question, answer, CAN you touch the little gloves without hurting them? Can you give them untold pleasure like they could never imagine?


Sydan: Stay smart, try to resist the voices telling you to have sex right now, there will be plenty of time for that when you deal with the man-eating Wendigo right beside you. Ask for someone to break you free of your chains. Gastro: Free Sydan. You, Henry, Pepi and Sydan are probably enough to subdue the Wendigo. Also might be a good idea to give him some of that paste food as an alternative to entire people. Yang: Why are you the only one wearing clothes? Everyone else is in the nude, don't you wanna fit in? Pepi: Whatever the scientists gave you might make you fell ravenously hungry in a few moments, it might be best if you stay close to some food sources. That is also the reason the Wendigo is bingeing on people now. Roro: Don't forget about your head stitches, would be really inconvenient if any of the many random evils in this place stole your brain.


Man, Harvey hugging Gastro is the cutest thing ever!

Shiny Skunk

Man, I'll be honest, I'm a little lost at this point. I kind of just want to make everybody do goofy shit. Pepi, now that you're back, do a cute little dance.


Sydan: Question Gastro about Werewolf Jack when conveinent


Aw jeez, i totally wasn't expecting vore in this comic, what a pleasant surprise lol Now everyone rub the wendigo's belly after he's had his meal

Star Ringer

Wendigo: Jiggle your belly and make your meal squirm.

Star Ringer

Freshly-Consumed Scientist: Get to wrigglin'!


Dr. Gouden - Tell Roro what he's always wanted to hear, you love your son, give him a hug.


Pepi: *finger guns* yay! You did it! With actual finger guns too! Also where did the ghost go? Ivan: stay sharp! There's gonna be ghost daddy waiting for you soon to make you feel all goooooood Dr. Gouden: you have a new boy, Ivan! Love him like you would roro! Roro: (if he can't zap the ghosts cause they're ghosts) listen I love ya roro but get fuuuuuucked ya bish! Also get your head stitched back up please! (If he still can zap the ghosts) well fuck. Okay. You win this round you sexy beast. Also get your head stitched by your dad. Chuck: I just want you to know you're doing wonderful sweetie. Red: those Jukes were amazing! Man between growing and that chaos factor you're pretty powerful. I still think roro has you in a fight though with his zappy zapp. If only there was a way around it... Yang: I just want you to know you're like really sexy, especially with the hat, rest of the outfit can go though. Little bro: ya know what I believe your our little brother on the count of you ruining our fucking fun around here. On the real though, fuck you dude, we've only gotten the monsters into 1 and a half orgies and we haven't even done anything with red or daddy ghost yet cause we gotta pilot them from your ass. Also if we are bro then why can't you use command like us? Is it like a half thing or...? Wendigo: spit out the thicc scientist he's far too sexy to die and will be harder to control as a ghost. Have the thin mints instead!


Monster friends!! Take the cigars with you! The smoke clouds our voices and allows yours to come through! The tobacco will help protect you for even just a little bit against the voices amongst us that wanna harm you!


Oh another for Gastro: What about your other pack members, aside from Werewolf Jack! Did you have any you were close to? Do the names/pseudonyms Stinky Sam or Fatso Jones ring any bells?

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Pepi: Nice beard! Thank you for showing us that mindscape. Feel good for winning this spiritual battle and be better prepared for the ones heading towards you.

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Ivan: You should return to your anchor and regroup. Your butcher knife was looking worn and stained. Hopefully that light energy the mummy released inside of you is enough to upgrade its appearance, maybe add some shiny weight and a carved grip? I hear pornographic handles may be making a comeback these days... Although Leda and the Swan is probably the wrong genre for you.