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still working on that fucking second chapter! we've changed some stuff around yet again, and decided one of the puzzles would take place in two separate rooms instead of just the ol plain garage lot. One of the rooms is a medieval torture suite full of chain , blood splatters and your very own iron virgin  in place of a bed. Fancy!

so here's the compressed version for the actual game. I'm kind of regretting choosing such a small resolution for the game, but it's true to the lucasarts games that this adventure takes inspiration from and the fact that the sprites are small allows me to animate them way more easily.

the other room is a room in wich hell, in an attempt to create the worst possible condition for the damned that inhabits it, has spawned a place that is actually INCREDIBLY cozy. Wich would be perfect if you weren't deathly afraid of falling asleep like the two coffee addicts that you free from the sleepwalker orgy. 

don't be fooled: that coffee fountain is 100% decaf laced with nyquil. That's why these guys hold on that pot of pure black coffee like their lives depended on it.

anyways that's it for this week, next i'll start designing one of the final puzzles for the chapter and MAYBE we'll finally be over this friggin level XD




Love this detailing!


Grew up on LucasArts games, love this.


Progress is progress so dont be worried about how long it takes, just know that it looks amazing


It really feels like the fountain is struggling not to close its eye, that's choice!!! Both are very distinct and i love the contrast, cheeks!