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(Oh shit its the other guys! Fuck, I love their designs, especially the frat boy Jiangshi. They going to be fun to play with. Heh, I figured fucking Ivan silly would be the best way to stop him, at least temporarily...)


Chuck, you're our most obedient puppet. You can enjoy serving. Pepi certainly reveres us, but he's wary. Obey the voices and be rewarded. You're our slave. Eagerly so.


Ah sorry Gastro, if you wanna cum with Harv and Sydan you're going to have to think like em too. CALMING euphoria WASHES over you... suddenly all your problems seem so... distant... your intelligence drains a few points, not as much as the dopey vampire, but enough to feel boozy... your meaty cock twitches, hardens, and your large juicy balls feel perceptively taut, filling with potent musky seed as your LUST rises dramatically. "LAB" blasts though your dimwitted mind, you've got to get to Lab 2! That kind, sexy guard with all the treats is there, and the mummy, you were going to find them right?... it's kinda foggy why now that you think about it, maybe they'll give you more treats... didn't they promise to suck your cock?


(If Gastro and/or Harvey make it to the lab). Hey grab that thc juice, dont think, take a big gulp, have a nice trip.


Wendigo : Listen up you greedy putz, wipe that drool of ya chin and politely introduce yourself to your fellow undead, they're your new best friends... don't worry about the details, you'll get ta know them very 'intimately' soon nuff. Unfortunately, you've just stumbled ass first into a little game they're playing, aka "which monster is the dumbest, randiest cock slut" and they need a forth. So lock arms with your newfound comrades and march yo skinny butt 'Wizard of Oz' style to Lab 2, your Intelligence DROPS sharpy, your LUST and SUBMISSIVENESS rising dramatically. OBEY the humans in the lab, they'll take care of you.


Harvey : Mellow out. False alarm, turns out this freaky bozo is s'alright. Could use some meat on his bones though, you tink... maybe some massive, thick ghoul 'meat' in that tight ass too... no more distractions, get to the lab, quick! You're starvin, craving more... MORE, more food, more pleasure and more chumps worshiping your hunky body and huge, leaking cock. That mummy is hogging all the fun, time to show em how to party. Jack / Ghost Scientists : You've got some new guests, treat them as good as the pharaoh. Make them squeal.


Harvey - ignore, escape or befriend the wendigo. You're strong enough to hold Sydan with one arm, use your free paw to give the horny vampire a handjob, he'll owe you one. Your 'Lust', 'Sloth', 'Greed' and 'Gluttony' rises. Your biggest priority is getting to the labs, you (and your wolf boyfriend) need food! Cravings for sweet sugary treats and greasy fast food to fuel your jock bod. You don't care how, you don't want to work for it, you want to lazily sit back and let Jack feed you, suck your cock and service you like all mortals should.


Jack - Some more monster boys are coming, plus your favorite fatass ghoul, you gonna tie em up and fuck em silly too. Milk them like dumb horny cattle. So make sure to save some compounds and use all of em on them too, and see if you can get one of your underlings to fetch some junk food for Harvey, inquire if any of these compounds will help fatten up a monster good.

Star Ringer

Jack: Take off the helmet.

Star Ringer

Chubby Guard: When you finish helping the stab victim, offer to re-stitch the Promethan's skull cap.

Star Ringer

Possesors: Hi, how's it goin. Where'd your cigars go?

Star Ringer

I am bound by mortality. One day, I will die. But you are implicit. You are less than dead; you never were. Such a concept.


Testosterone! Testosterone! Testosterone! Testosterone! Testosterone!


Hey scientist dude? The one Sydan was just fucking? You need to move NOW. Reduce lust, raise intelligence and perception. Get up and RUN to catch up with the werewolf and co. Or, if they’re too far ahead to follow, then use your knowledge of this facility to get to the med bay, or wherever it was they were headed anyway (it was the medbay right?). Don’t stop or get distracted or lured away by ANYTHING, don’t get in arms reach if the monstrous former-guard. Just go go go. If you do happen to run into the werewolf, the wendigo, and the ghoul, then just link up with them- but don’t try to seduce anyone this time. But don’t stop for any other familiar faces- it’s probaly just a trick. Otherwise, if you don’t encounter those three, then don’t stop until you reach the med bay.


Wendigo, remain at your current intelligence and keep your lust low. However, you are not under ANY circumstances to attack or use any violence against the werewolf, the ghoul, the vampire, or anyone else they’re friendly with. You will physically be unable to attack these people or their friends unless specifically instructed to do so by Gastro, the werewolf. Beyond that, try to cooperate with them, speak with them if you can. ALL FOUR OF YOU GUYS: Continue on to the medbay (or wherever it was that Roro has arrived at, I think it was the medbay right?) don’t stop for anything and keep your distance from everyone you encounter until you get to your destination (if a certain disheveled scientist with a wrecked ass comes chugging along then take him under your wing but otherwise avoid everyone else)


This is directed at the new characters: Be aware that a) the voices beyond the screen now have their gaze on you. Don’t trust unfamiliar or sudden impulses or thoughts, they likely aren’t your own. b) An eldritch being simply called the “tentacle monster” is hunting all of you, seeking to touch you. If it does, it will consume your body and your mind, effectively killing you and turning your flesh and abilities towards its own purposes.


The wendigo is just consumed by an eternal hunger is all. Give him some food paste if you have any left and he'll probably be cool

Yoked Coder

Gastro you're so cute and fluffy I just want to smother you in hugs!


Ghost: Give into the lust. Forget your past. only live to be fucked. make those you posses into cock sluts just like you. maybe take one of these new scientists after you get plastered as this ruling mummy. and turn them into a cock slut as well.


Gastro: stay calm, you dont know if he hostile yet. Try introducing yourself?


Jack: your Pharoah wishes to bless you with his virile gift. Use the cum enhancer to enable that.