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kind of a slim update this week too for zap and andy. Still finishing and touching up things for chapter 2 while programming catches up with art. 

worked quickly on a couple animations featuring zap talking while blushing and gary talking outside cutscenes

other than that i spent most of the time this week working on the animations for a particular puzzle in dab's lair.

basically there's a lock that stitches up sid's memories in the lair, and that's the key to end the hold the dream demon has over the motel. The lock has a system that checks if people approaching the stitched up door are dab or not  by feeling for their heads. If the lock doesn't feel dab's hat on the head of whoever approached this is the result:

i animated the claw recognizing dab's hat too, but i still have to include the cherub , that is used to stealthily grab the hat from dab's head:

aside from these two animations, i worked on a new background for chapter 2 : we're about to implement the puzzle where andy has to check various mushrooms to check what exactly the shaman needs to enter the dream realm. Initially we wanted this to happen outside the motel, in the parking lot, but we realized that we needed the selectable mushrooms to be big and visible enough for the player to choose, and we didn't want to do an overlay or a separate screen for that, so we decided to have this puzzle happen in the shaman's room , aptly named the mush-room :

the layout is similar to zap and andy's motel room but of course everything is invaded by mold and giant bioluminescent  hell mushrooms. The right combination will let you have enter the dream realm to confront Dab.

anyways, that's all for today, more news next week! 




The colors on the mushrooms are so beautiful and groovy!!! The tact focused gesture from the mechanic hand is very pleasant to look at, it honestly has a menacing movement when it's slowly taking its conclusion on the identity, but it's satisfactory when it pays off being so friendly!