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Pepi/ghost: enjoy some sex with the guard named Jack. Let him do what he wants for now. Enjoy you mixed body as he services you. Jack: take the changed king to a lab. Bind him to a table and fuck him hard. Woreship his larger pecs but know the ghost is in their, plotting. Harvey: fantasize about being fucked by the others. Stop repressing your gay urges. As you have been for the rest of your life. Enjoy being the protective bottom Bitch for your werewolf lover. Gastro: follow the promethean to the medical lab and with the help of Charles fix our scientist friend.


Sydan: Get away from the monstrous former guard, it can’t be good to stay near him. Like seriously do you remember what happened last time you got that close to the tentacle monster? This thing was TOUCHED by it, get the hell away from it! And get a hold of yourself, increase intel reduce lust! Harvey: Just because you have been bad in the past doesn’t mean you’re not redeemable. These people aren’t going to give up on you, don’t give up on them! Try to talk with Gastro more, he seems to at least be good company. Share some of the paste with him, he really appreciated it last time! Gastro: Maybe Harvey is lashing out for a reason! He probably has a past that he’s not proud of. Give him patience, and try to be a friend. Share some more food together. If he doesn’t want to talk about himself then don’t pry, but don’t let yourself be spurned away. Also just FYI Pepi is possessed by the ghost (who is a murderous serial killer that we can’t control) and has gone off with Jack to a lab. Jack might be in grave danger. But please DON’T SPLIT UP. EVERYONE: Do what you can to keep the human alive but DO NOT touch the knife. If you can move it without touching it, then put it somewhere hidden, and don’t let the human or Pepi find out where. Keep away from the knife as much as possible.


If you leave the masked guard with Ivan, you'll find him in pieces. If you wait much longer, the other guard will bleed out. Split up, you'll lose them both--and become easy targets for our tentacled friend. So everyone should go to the lab. There's probably some tools to work with there, and you'll at least guarantee one human lives.


Chuck, Roro, Gastro : Follow Lucas' advice, take him to the med bay NOW, there is NO ROOM for error here! Unless you wanna try turning him into a werewolf for rapid healing eh Gastro? Chuck : We know you're thinking 'Why should I help dis bozo?', you are doing it because you need all the help you can get to escape from here, and if you complain we'll turn you into a cock slobberin idiot like Sydan, understand?


Sydan : Now THIS is who you were meant to be, a dumb horny stud, lost in a white sticky sea of pleasure. Only running on the primal instinct of filling your current cum dump to overflowing, and seek another hole for your needy shaft. This is how it should be, don't you think? Oh wait, of course you don't, your INTELLIGENCE drops and your LUST skyrockets.


Harvey : Take Sydan and get your butts to the Lab "to look for Pepi and Jack" (AKA partake in 'the best sensations you've ever felt'). We grant you a vision of the path you need to take to reach them, let your ROCK HARD boner point the way. Do whatever Jack says when you get there. Ivan: Do what Jack says, it'll f e e l g o o d. JACK : Show these dumb horny monsters that a lowly mortal like you can be their daddy. Tie them up, nice and tight with monster proof restraints, and submit them to COCK MILKING. Surely the lab has a device suitable for the job. Make sure to use as many experimental potions and rubbing balms as possible to increase the monsters' LIBIDO, SENSITIVITY and CUM PRODUCTION. We grant you the knowledge to pick the most potent drugs. Oh, and be a good lad and make sure you fuck the mummy until he sees stars.

Star Ringer

Ah. My mistake. I took entirely the wrong approach. Sorry Ivan. It's time for a career change. Ivan: In life, you were a prison mole. That was your one-and-only job. When your friends got arrested, it was your job was to get arrested too, taken to prison, and then help your friends escape. You remember it all clearly, and you remember how good it felt. You still want to do your job, and it still makes you feel good. You still want to help your friends escape prison, because that's your job, and it makes you feel good. It's a good thing you found friends, because now you can help them escape.

Star Ringer

Harvey: You can be that person. You want to be that person. More than anything, you want to be the kind of person Gastro thinks you are. (Because there's no way that could come back to bite us in the ass, no sir)

Star Ringer

Sydan: You taste blood. Suddenly everything snaps back into focus and you realize what's happening.

Star Ringer

Endless? Laughable. You don't even properly exist outside of context. A story sustains you, a story can doom you, and above all, a story will end.

Star Ringer

Lucas: Do you know anything about the knife?


Gastro: The ghost has possessed pepi and he may be in danger - remember you owe him one. Do what you want with this knowledge but be warned he's a dangerous foe... Chuck: This is your chance to shine. Increase intelligence and take leadership over the care of lucas Sydan: Because of this guard distracting you pepi was taken - that calls for punishment. Take control and pound him like a mad man


Harvey - You're still inexplicably hungry, even hungrier than before if you can believe it. You've got to find Jack, that mortal seemed more than willing to help you fill your guts. Head immediately to the labs, and remember you are a stud, a sculpted Adonis of muscle and fitness. Jack - Your favorite fatso is here for more treats. Tie Harvey up and stuff his face. Feed him the most fattening stuff available. Stuff his face.

Shiny Skunk

Roro & Co: Just let the vampire and the scientist be, your priority is getting to the Med Bay, you can come back for them later.

Shiny Skunk

Sydan: Doesn't it feel good to let go like this? You're nothing but a stupid, horny stud, don't let it stop. Look at the abomination next to you. Your LUST is still increasing - look at that huge throbbing cock and tentacles - you want it to join you in your ecstasy.

Shiny Skunk

Ghost!Pepi and Masked Scientist: You're ready for a session of worship - don't you think the Med Bay would be the best place to do that? Think of all the fun you could have with all those bandages and probes and whatnot. Find the Med Bay and get down to it.


Any mortals in the laboratory, stop what you're doing and assist Captain Jack to fuck these monsters silly.


Harvey and gastro: Go to the lab. Use your noses to smell out the sweat to stop them before the ghost gets them both killed. Quickly, before they die. Or kill. Jack: Leave. Leave the mummy. Flee for your life back to the others and for the love of god, don't let him grab you. Feel a visceral fear that propels you back to the group


The abomination of a man should really make a grab for the sexy monsters. Some variety is always nice. Harvey: Aww, I really wish you still that tasty six pack. Try some more lust to work off that belly fat. Do some squats on that werewolf's dick. (Increase lust.) Everyone, move forward and look for the other humans and monsters so that we can see what we're working with.