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another week, another area of the circus! going left from the food stalls you'll arrive to the animal cages zone, where the circus' beast tamer is having a problem with a beast he recently aquired (it's the hellhound from the garage) 

i was a bit on the fence about what kind of beasts a circus in hell would have. I thought of putting in there some old political allegorical designs because it's hard to beat old men and generals with the bodies of dinosaurs or worms in terms of creepyness. But it was maybe too obscure of a reference, i also thought of having feral damned souls pieced together to form beasts, but that would've been hard to read in the distance, so i just resorted in using our old boy the beast of revelation/ apocalypse ( i assume there's more than one in hell , and they're kind of mundane) and a good ol hellmouth ( shouldn't it be on earth? how does that work?) , you can't go wrong with the classics.

next i worked on the walking animations of the ringmaster, and let's say the guy isn't exactly

someone who walks ordinarily like a peasant.

basically i was going to have him walk around normally, but meek suggested it would be cool if he just came out of his hat and used it to move around, and i loved the idea so much that's exactly what it's going to be like for him! 

anyways, that's pretty much it for this week, see you tomorrow for more shenanigans babes!




maybe a cerberus could work, with hell and all that


Wouldn't humans be a an odd yet fitting creatures for a circus in hell? Humans trained to behave like animals.