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Rudy Blues

I just want them to hug

Rudy Blues

Clean up the cream pie you left in the skeletons’ ass, with your tongue of course


go to the gym


Poor Gastro. Easily controlled by the voices, by Sydan... The packmaster. And what about this facility? How much time did you spend here and how much were you going to? Being a good boy, eating the rations, doing whatever the guards wanted. You're weak. What'll you do to fix that?


EVERYONE start moving on... Guard, LEAD everyone to the next room, while giving everyone the layout if everything forward. RORO, brig Chuck along by carrying him on your dick like he's your DICK SLEEVE. CHUCK, RIDE Roro's shaft non stop. SHAYDAN AND GASTRO, start talking things out. BUTCHER, not another step till you TELL EVERYONE your INTENT in the group.

Star Ringer

Heh, can't blame a man for trying. Apologies, Pepi, we yet test the limits of our influence on your plane. Though a number of us have found some buttons that work and seem content to press them over and over... Sydan, show your map to the guard. Jack, fill in any relevant information that's missing or incorrect. And YOU. Don't think I've forgotten about you. Let's get one thing straight. These are OUR toys, not yours. Now tell us, who are you? What do you want with OUR toys? I've got a hunch, but clarification would be nice.


( Recap note : Gastro, Sydian, Chuck and Roro are inmate #2, #5, #6 & #8, The Zombie is #9. Harvey and Pepi's Numbers are undefined. 7 Out of 10 Undead Accounted For. Boogeyman, Ghost and Tentacle Monster appear to be from different floors. )


Jack : Tell us who Inmate 1#, 3#, 4#, 7# and 10# are. Are there any more deadly undead threats like the zombie we might have to deal with on this floor!? Also your master Gastro requires food to regain his strength, lead us to the kitchen, pronto!! Ivan : You clearly got issues bub. By our powers we command you feel, possibly for the first time, the overwhelming sensation of EMPATHY, GUILT & REGRET for past sins.


Well everyone is safe for now. But now's the best time to find the exit out, especially before that tentacles monster finds you guys.


Man, you have no idea how much I love this series! It's great!

Warren (Stephen) Rose

PROMETHEAN: See if any of the zombies have feet that you can use to replace your peg leg. By the way, there are zombies. CHUCK: We are curious if anyone in this facility is from your mortal life, specifically the ONE you were attracted to. Have some increased Perception. GHOUL: If we grant you the gift of ZERO INTELLIGENCE you will pass out until the effect has worn off. EXPERIENCE THE WORLD through NEGATIVE PERCEPTION and then revert to normal levels so you may report what you have seen.