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was too busy to post the update yesterday , so i figured i'd just post everything i've done in these three days today.

welcome to the circus! 

this area will be divided in roughly four zones. This one, the circus grounds, is where most of the other areas connect and it also serves as a way to kind of understand  the morphology of the level. On the right you'll access the staff trailer park, on the left there'll be the food stalls and up the hill we have the main attraction, the big top, that will initially be sealed.

Not sure who'll be here specifically, perhaps just gary and the attendant to the super fun teeth ripping booth. Get your tooth forcibly extracted and you can win a prize! the prize are more FUN tooth extractions! 

the big boss of the zone is the demon we temporarily call the ringmaster (duh)

him  and his boyfriend the daredevil on the right manage most of the stuff that goes on on the circus grounds, even tho they apparently aren't doing a good job. Most of the tents are in poor shape and there's unrest amongst the staff. The daredevil is beloved by the other circus demons and usually tries to placate them when they get too uppity, but the ringmaster seems really unable to understand that anything is wrong with his magnificient circus, and just scolds everyone for being lazy ,incompetent or both.

wobbling around the trailer park there's a huge demon wearing nothing but a barrel, drunk off his ass, singing discordant hell shanties. Everyone seem to have some beef with him and he's usually kicked around and jeered at. When andy will ask him about himself he'll say that he has no idea what he's doing or who he is. Did he fall in the lethe too ?

also started designing some of the circus staff. I started with the strongman , a centaur who worked as an envy demon before joining the circus. He claims to have sent thousand of handsome young men to their doom back on earth , but that was too much of an hassle for him and a waste of his time. Now he wants to focus only on his perfect body for eternity. He's an asshole!

gotta admit designing new areas and characters always feels amazing! i hope you had fun seeing these guys as much as i had drawing them! see you next time with more silly hell circus stuff! 




Man that centaur is pretty hot 😍😍 loving the designs of these characters ❤️


The area is looking good, the daredevil guy is cute, honestly thought he was related to Andy. Btw under the centaur demon there's a big space, it almost looked like you had more to add


I am in utter love with that Centaur!!!


Not gonna lie, I love the dude in the barrel.


I really like the daredevil, and the barrel dude... you have a way of making me fall for short demon dudes.


A bit late of a comment but, dang does this look promising, the characters look fun as always, but I am mostly impressed with the scenario, wasn't expecting it to look like marsh lands, that's pretty neat, also nice detail on the "dragon's mouth" for the tent entrance, will it be of any relevance in the future, as an example, will it animate mildly following the player while he walks around outside the tent?