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Hm. Not sure what to make of these events. Pepi it’s now even more paramount that you teach them restraint against voices, especially the vampire, because he’s the single piece that controls all of your friends now. If he does something, they all follow, which can be very disastrous I feel. Sydan... hope you had fun I guess. Release them all from your control immediately. Like I don’t know if there’s anything left of you in there but you’re literally going to kill all of them, or weaken them to the point of being defenceless, if you don’t stop gorging yourself right now. Please let them go free and have their minds back. If any of the vampire’s victims are released and/or regain control of themselves, don’t be angry or try to attack or drive him away, just idk keep your blood away from him before he bleeds you dry.


Sydan: BEAST OF THE NIGHT lead your harem. Your THIRST IS QUENCHED. Lead them to LUST AND FREEDOM... YOU are in CONTROL, but you no longer have the will to release them.


Sydan: Now that you've had your fill, let your thirst for blood be quenched. Keep the others under your command at all cost and prepare for an incoming Chuck and Pepi. Also don't let Pepi touch you at any cost or he will take your new harem away from you.


Shydan: Come back to your senses, but keep control. You crave it


Pepi: The vampire has lost control of himself. I fear he might need an asswhooping to bring him back to his senses. Inform chuck that he must be ready for danger Ghost: You're still there aren't you? Be a doll and possess that vampire. If he can't control himself, you go do it for him


Ah, now these are interesting events! Sorry to those who want everyone's safety- I'm the opposite! Sydan: Of course a little blood between loving brothers of the night isn't wrong! While you're strengthened, take your army- er, brothers- and spread your love to the other inmates. Pepi: My kinder peers may want you to save the others. Don't. They're lost to you and entertaining we who are less pleasant. Interfere and our attentions will turn back to you. You have been warned. Humans following Pepi: Should your Sun God bring you to any vampires, bite off a chunk of your forearm and offer your blood to the monster.


Let the blood make the vampire stronger...bigger..let him rein.


Pepi you guys gotta be careful. Sydan has lost control and is a bloodlust monster. You gotta find a way to stop him and keep him in control somehow. Please be careful.


Humans and Chuck: Grab Pepi and run to a higher floor.


despite being lost to lust allow Roro to be immune to Sydan's control due to his biologic make up.


You not you when you're hungry go find a snickers