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this week i've took a break from the big convention center we saw in the previous update to create stuff for an area that is related to the main quest that happens there : the corridor that leads to the casino's arcade.

first step was of course to create the place and animate whatever moving parts it might had. I went for a neon/blacklight bowling alley kind of feel-

in this area you'll meet two characters, a bored demon annoyed by the shark demon forneus that is breaking all the records in the arcade and that is lounging outside because he can't stand the guy, and a particularly zealous priest that has been placed outside the arcade as his punishment: you see, the guy was around during the satanic panic and he's convinced that videogames are the ULTIMATE sin and that it's his holy mission to rebuke with holy words everyone who partakes in the heinous activity.

long story short, i had to also design those two guys

and of course their pixel art version soon followed (ack, forgot the tattoos on the hipster gaming demon >_<)

but yeah, next i animated the priest proselitizing against the demon , wich could not care less about his sermons.


in comes zap, wich will be a relief to the priest, now convinced that what he is doing is actually working since an angel has shown up. the priest will ask if zap can help him get rid of his sinful rictus erectus with his powers in exchange for his holy crucifix, and zap who is dead set of getting some experience after doing it with andy goes to town on the guy.

the cutscene isn't finished of course, it lacks a couple scenes i'll animate later besides being a sketch, but i thought you peeps would enjoy seeing a little wip:


anyways, that's all i could do for today, i'll show the rest next time . Until then, have a good one !



Rodney Talon

So exhibitionist or hanging side effect?


goddamn man that animation is a loin swirler, lucky dude for sure~ 🥴