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alright we're back! sorry for the delay peeps! also apologies for the lack of user actions in this update, Meek has been sick these past days so we had to cut some corners- Everything will be back to normal with the next update!

if you have any questions about how the comic works you can check meek's faq here! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zFVp56skELmTs4euEkc65cZGaMGVg05xyq3McV8jWkc/edit




This issue was great! A lot of stuff has taken all of the side characters out, this really is in Cherry's court to own. He just has to seize on the boost we're giving him and be the hero adventurer he wants to be.


Dragon star: we need to reduce the amount of smoke affecting the city. *summon a mist dragon to suck as much of the gas as it can, maybe turning into a lost in exchange of saving other creatures.*