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apologies for always making excuses and underselling my stuff but these days my mood is a bit down in the dumps and i think it reflects on my work since i'm quite a bit artblocked.

Still i managed to work on something to try to shake it off . I took NitemareAran 's request and attempted my hand at a weight gaining animation, my goal was to emulate and combine a bit of trashtoon's style and futobara's amazing lil gifs to show what happened to alexander wright after the events of dusk acres. Since he's the artistic type He wanted to make a series of self portraits showing off the effects of life in underwater city on himself. He expected this to be an haunting commentary on all the suffering apex caused him and the others as the harsh life of a fugitive in the father's trench drained the life out of him, but it instead turned into a documentary on how despite the hostile environment his body kept thriving and quickly gaining fat despite everything. Wright wanted to stop the documentary as soon as the third shot, but Frank and the other members of the science team asked him to continue so they could monitor his progress. Of course he had to remain consistent with the rest of the shots...

but yeah- it's not much. Hope you like it nonetheless peeps. Hopefully things improve in the next days. See you next time!

p.s. as always the original gif file is in the attachments.




Blade G Shepherd

Absolutely gorgeous. The boy growing huge thanks to the Family Hehe. <3


Very nice, well done BC! <3


Oh gosh this is so cool! 💚 Try as he might to hide it, those blushing cheeks shows that he deeply loves his growing body. What a lovely monument to GL and the family's love for him ! 💚


OMG, right?! I am SO happy that BC did my request! 🩵 And I'm amazed that Alexander ended up getting as fat as GL (if not fatter) in such a short time~! 😍 What has the Family been feeding him?? X333