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well, sort of. I was planning on finishing everything for the cutscene the day next i did the last z&a update, but in the end i was so tired i ended up not doing anything, so everything shifted out to this week. Long story short i wanted to show you more stuff but i mostly worked on the final scenes of the cutscene and some concept art and other things i still want to hold on till they're more finished.

on other news, i snuck in some impact frames on this scene, wich was fun to do tbh. What do you think? does it work?

oh now that i remember, i did manage to finish this background i showed the first time i started working on the casino, so i suppose i did end up working a bit that sunday? XD

this scene goes by too briefly, in the final cutscene it'll be held on mal watching the light a bit longer.

 aaand final scene. The boys enjoy their first afterglow together, and the camera fades to black.

and that's it for this cutscene, now it's rick's turn to put it in the game and i don't exactly envy him ,this thing is huge XD

besides of that i worked on another character that is going to appear in the game, specifically the creature you summon when you cast the spell "shop"

it's mammon, the lord of greed, coming right at you with the best deals on this side of acheron!

these goetia guys are very popular so it's always a bit of a challenge to come up with an original take of them that is also sexy. I gotta say having mammon as a dragon isn't the most unique solution out there (i can think of a couple examples of him being represented as such, altho this one is technically more of a wyvern) but i'm pretty satisfied with the coat-wearing street salesman vibe.Think of him as a mix between that and a flasher who is also a dragon. Sex sells after all and his dick is the most expensive thing you can buy , so you better save up those sins if you wanna go dragon riding XD

anyways, that's pretty much it for this week, off to relax for the remainder of the weekend. Have a good one peeps!




Jesus that area looks amazing, idk how you do it but just wow! 🤩


I do love the light show. I wanna say I inspired you but who am I kidding lol? It looks great. As far as Mammon goes, I don't know when you can use spells, but I hope you can also summon him in combat if you end up being his best customer.